Zhong Jianian visited Liang Yin and said a few words, but it didn't help.

After Liang Yin was busy with the divorce, she began to devote herself to the script. In less than two months, she had no time to go to waste.

She stayed at home all the time, studying the script, figuring out the characters, looking up the historical data at the time, and from time to time, she would rehearse the plot by herself.

She didn't give herself time for random thoughts, and she was immersed in it.

In addition, she also watched the movie starring Zhou Jianchen again. This was their first official collaboration. She wanted to understand his way of acting and then give him a greater degree of cooperation.

She has always been a prepared person, habitually preparing everything properly.

Zhong Jianian knew that she was about to join the team and found an assistant for her, and arranged another car. Liang Yin did not refuse. Once in the group she will be very busy, and sometimes she can't be too busy alone. As for the car, it will be much more convenient for the assistant to drive it.

The assistant surnamed Tian was brought out by Zhong Jianian. She was very reliable. She looked like a little girl and was already very thoughtful in her work.

Zhong Jianian originally wanted to arrange an RV for her, but she didn't dare to ask for it, and felt too ostentatious.

Zhou Jianchen had also called her because of her assistant, and soon hung up when she learned that she had been found.

Liang Yin couldn't guess his thoughts, but guessed that he accidentally heard it when the director mentioned it before and wrote it down.

Zhou Jianchen didn't show up too much this time, Liang Yin met him several times on the news, and every time he looked so bright and full of male gods.

But sometimes she could see that he was really in a good mood, and sometimes it was really just an illusion.

He has watched a lot of movies these days, and Liang Yin can also tell which is his true character and which is his performance.

But she had never seen me again, and later they took the makeup photos, and it was also a staggered time.

He also posted two Weibo two more times. One time was a photo of a long dining table with neat tableware. The time was the night they went to the director’s studio to make a styling. It seemed to be the birthday of the old lady in the family. Sent her home; once was a photo of his assistant eating. The photo was obviously taken by him secretly. The assistant looked up at the camera with a big mouthful of rice in his mouth and looked blank. Time... seemed to be He called her and asked if she needed an assistant that day.

On both Weibos, there were only photos and no text. No one knew what he meant or what his mood when he posted on Weibo. He didn’t explain, so he just hung up, let the comments like, repost, and continue to rise, and then he became hot again. Search.

Liang Yin seemed to be aware of it, but he couldn't say clearly for a while.

She also paid attention to Zhou Jianchen, but no one knew except Yuan Ruona.

Time flies quickly, and it will soon be the start date of "Winter".

On January 6, Liang Yin packed up his things and boarded the plane with his assistant. Her entry time is set on the 7th, and she chose to go one day in advance.

The weather was very cold, Liang Yin was wearing a down jacket and a mask, and no one recognized him for a while.

Just as soon as I arrived at the hotel, Zhou Jianchen called again.

"Hello?" Liang Yin didn't know what was wrong with him.

"When are you going to Chengshan?" Zhou Jianchen asked.

Chengshan, Chengshan Film and Television Base, is where they will be filming.

"I've arrived..." Liang Yin didn't know why he asked this, so he could only reply truthfully.

Zhou Jianchen on the other end of the phone obviously had a moment of silence, and quickly replied, "I see."

After speaking, he hung up the phone again.

Liang Yin didn't understand his intention, so he just felt inexplicable.

Zhou Jianchen was in a bad mood. Originally, he thought he could take her with him.

He knew that she didn't have a car, and most of them had to fly. The plane turned around, and she had only one assistant, which was inconvenient.

He drove there, going straight back and forth, and he didn't have to worry about being recognized.

—Have you found your assistant? Do you need my help?

—No, I have found one, thank you.

At that time, she said so.

The crew of "Winter Winter" has already booked the two floors of the hotel. The rooms are almost the same. The basic arrangements are made. The main creative personnel are on the upper floor, and the general staff are on the lower floor. Liang Yin came early, and many rooms on the upper floor have not been checked in, so she just picked it. one.

When I checked in, I was recognized by the front desk staff, with his name written on his ID card, and Liang Yin's mask was also taken off.

The staff was very excited, "Is it really you? I'm so happy, I am your fan!"

They have strict work requirements, and they have seen so many celebrities, but watching their idols they really like stand in front of them, they are still excited and uncontrollable.

It is said that Liang Yin is back, but no one has seen it in person.

Liang Yin, but disappeared for five years.

Liang Yin was a little surprised, and soon smiled again, "Thank you." She was moved and happy.

Seeing her smile and listening to the words, the staff was so happy that they would faint and want to say something more, but after all they were still at work, they could only hand over the completed room card and whispered sincerely. Said: "It's great that you can come back."

She naturally knew what he was here for, and the two layers covered were the crew of Chen Huaen's "Winter".

Liang Yin then expressed his gratitude.

It was the next night when Zhou Jianchen arrived, and both A Xian and A Zhao followed.

There is a lot of luggage, so everyone can’t have any hands.

He was wearing a black wool coat, a black turtleneck sweater, and sunglasses. He was standing there with an aura that no strangers should come near.

A Xian had already gone to check in. After checking the time, it was already half past five.

There is still an hour.

It was about to be turned on tomorrow, and Chen Huaen specially called some of them to have dinner at a nearby hotel, and just called him to ask him if it was too late.

The check-in was quickly processed, Zhou Jianchen took the room card from A Xian, 2208, which is still a good number.

In the past, he would arrange a separate hotel for filming, so as to prevent harassment, this time, forget it.

Riding the elevator up, I quickly found the room number, the middle position.

Zhou Jianchen swiped his card and was about to open the door to enter. At this moment, the sound of the door opening came from behind him. He turned his head subconsciously, but was stunned.

Liang Yin was walking out of the opposite door.

When he looked up, Liang Yin was also stunned.

I looked at the two assistants behind him, and then at the luggage they were holding, and I understood.

"Do you live here?" she asked.

"Yes." Ashian replied on his behalf.

Liang Yin smiled, "It's a coincidence."

"Are you going to eat too?" Zhou Jianchen asked while looking at her.

She has dressed up and put on some makeup on her face.

"Yeah." Liang Yin answered, and then asked again, "Are you going?"

"I'll go later." Zhou Jianchen replied.

"Well, I'll take a step first, Oda is still waiting for me downstairs." Liang Yin said again.

"Okay." Zhou Jianchen nodded.

Liang Yin took care of A Zhao and A Xian again, and then walked out. Zhou Jianchen turned around and opened the door, with a smile on his lips somehow.

Originally I thought it was a bit broken, but now I think it's okay.

Behind him, Ah Zhao was still a little worried. Before, Brother Chen almost gave him to Liang Yinghou.

—Do you want to be an assistant to Liang Yin?

That day, he asked.

During dinner, Zhou Jianchen was the one who arrived late. He had changed his clothes, but he was still completely black. He had taken off his sunglasses, revealing his entire face, but he looked even more silent.

There was a big round table in the box, and there were a dozen people who were the main creators of the movie. They greeted him when they saw him come in.

For Zhou Jianchen, these are also old acquaintances.

Zhou Jianchen's temper is bad, and his popularity has always been good, but he can't explain things that are unclear.

"Our movie emperor Zhou is in the play again?" Du Yafu, an old acquaintance, was also there, habitually joking.

Zhou Jianchen didn't deny it, but just sat down in the seat reserved for him.

It's a coincidence, right next to Liang Yin.

He subconsciously pulled the chair to the side and didn't approach it.

He has been very busy for the past two months, and in order to save the schedule, he did a lot of things at once.

After I was busy, I hurriedly read the script, and then got into the play little by little.

With this entry, it is somewhat impossible to get out.

Director Chen had already asked the waiter to serve the food, and the camera director held a mobile phone and opened his mouth again: "See Chen, what does the table you posted mean? Just a photo of this table can have 400,000 comments. It's just...no wonder everyone says you are the biggest traffic in the entertainment industry! I'm still guessing at the bottom, so why on earth did you post this photo?"

The Weibo on his mobile phone happened to be the Weibo that Zhou Jianchen sent back.

Zhou Jianchen didn't expect that he would ask this, and he was a little startled for a while.

Why post this photo?

I was urged to marry again by the old lady during the meal, and then somehow, I thought that one day she would be able to sit on that table and have a meal together.

That day, the old lady’s birthday was a family dinner.

That day, he saw her walking out of the car alone...

Looking at the side of his eyes, he calmed his emotions, took a sip of the newly poured tea on the table, Zhou Jianchen replied lightly: "What is the meaning, I just played it casually." But he gave an explanation.

Everyone laughed when they heard it, no one thought that the truth would be like this.

Zhou Jianchen was indifferent, it was not like falsehood at all.

However, Liang Yin looked at it, but felt that he didn't seem to be telling the truth.

In the movie, when he interprets the point of "concealing", he will use this casual way.

Chen Huaen glanced at him, but also withdrew his gaze again.

When everyone's laughter settled, they said again: "Tomorrow I am going to shoot the 43rd scene. How about the scene after Zhou Zhaozong and Xu Mengbai reunited?" He said, turning his eyes on Liang Yin and Zhou Jianchen. .

He spoke plainly, like a routine notice.

Liang Yin's eyes were a little surprised, but Zhou Jianchen's head, which was originally lowered, lifted up.

None of them expected that Chen Huaen would make such an arrangement when he came up.

These days, they have fully understood the script, and you can know what the 43rd scene is about without having to read it.

It was a kissing scene, and the two people reunited after a long absence, and Zhou Zhaozong's suppressed emotions broke out for a moment.

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