


The weasel was indeed the only one in their village who came ashore. He was so clever that he swooped under the ground without waiting for Jiang Ningning to say anything.

After a while, an old man in a long gown came out.

The old ghost was holding a piece of dirt in his hand and was eating it until his mouth was full of dirt. When the weasel grabbed it out, he looked at Jiang Ningning with a horrified look on his face, "Is it illegal to eat dirt?"

Jiang Ningning:......

"No, you are a ghost, how can you be guilty of eating dirt?"

The old ghost in a long gown licked the dirt on his lips, "I'm so hungry, what can I eat if I don't eat dirt? Do you want to eat delicacies from the mountains and seas? Why not eat minced meat!"

Jiang Ningning:......

He looked carefully at the old ghost in a long gown. He was not a starving ghost. Isn't this just an ordinary ghost who died of illness?

Did she see it wrong?

"What's your name?" Jiang Ningning asked, "How did you die?"

The old ghost in the long gown was an honest ghost, and he would answer whatever was asked. "Those who are killed by bandits will die in the chaos of war."

Jiang Ningning raised her eyebrows slightly.

"How old were you when you died?"

The old ghost in the long gown said, "I wasn't confused just now."

Just now I am no longer confused, that is, I am only in my forties.

This is really a bit of a problem.

Jiang Ningning calculated here that this old ghost died of illness and lived a long life.

When she first met this old ghost, Jiang Ningning felt emotional for a moment. This ghost was very good at taking care of himself during his lifetime. He had a face that was over 70 years old and had a life span of over 40 years old.

Turns out he is really in his forties.

"You are lucky today. Stop eating dirt and give you something good to eat."

Jiang Ningning took out the ingots from her bag, found a secluded place, and ordered them in piles for the old ghost and the weasel.

After taking a breath of the fragrance, half of the weasel's body suddenly became numb.


"What a delicacy this is!"

"No wonder Brother Snake choked on the incense and hit someone at Master Ma's house last time!"

Speaking of this, the weasel couldn't help crying.

"I still eat it like a baby!"

"Can I keep half of this fragrance? There are many weasels in our village who will never eat such a delicious fragrance until they die. Can I take it back to them to taste?"

Jiang Ningning looked at him and said, "Eat yours. I'll bring you some when you go back to your village."

The weasel cried with a cry, and kowtowed to Jiang Ningning, "From now on, I will serve you like a cow and a horse!"

Jiang Ningning rolled her eyes, "Don't think that I don't know that you want to go home with me to eat and drink."

After his little idea was exposed, the weasel stopped crying and turned to eat.

Jiang Ningning looked at the old ghost in a long gown, "Do you still remember how you became a starving ghost?"

The old ghost in a long gown had been eating dirt for a long time. This was the first time he tasted such delicious food. He wolfed it down without even looking up.

"It just happened suddenly."

"Although I was killed by bandits before, I had a meal of dumplings before the killing and I was very full."

"After I became a ghost, I thought, what's the point of being a human being? It's okay to be reincarnated into a good family. If you were reincarnated into an ordinary family, you would have to go to school, work, give birth to a child, raise a grandson, and have to do everything. No one rolled."

"You can't afford a house while you're alive, and you can't afford a tomb when you're dead."

"It would be great if I could just die like this."

"My descendants are all filial. They bring me things during holidays and festivals. I have no shortage of food or drink."

Speaking of this, the old ghost in a long gown suddenly sat down on the ground, wailing loudly, his heart broken, and he did not forget to enjoy the food.

"I was living a good life, but suddenly one day, I stopped receiving the food from my descendants. I was extremely hungry every day. I was so hungry that I wanted to eat everything I saw, especially people."

"But I can't eat it. If I eat people, it will be a sin. What if it affects my descendants."

"But I can't go hungry, I can only eat dirt."

He was heartbroken. After saying this, he knelt down and kowtowed to Jiang Ningning.

"Girl, since you can see me, it shows that you have some skills. My little old man, can you help me check it out? What's going on with me? Why am I suddenly starving to death? What about my descendants? Why don't you burn it for me?"

Jiang Ningning thought to herself: Not only have you become a starving ghost, you are not yourself now.

But Jiang Ningning didn't say much, and just asked: "When you died, was there a tomb?"

The old ghost in a long gown nodded immediately, "Yes, yes."

After saying that, he looked at Jiang Ningning expectantly, "Girl, do you want to sit down?"

Jiang Ningning:......

Damn it, I want to sit down.

Yunling Mountain on the outskirts of Ningcheng.

The weasel jumped up and down, "This mountain has good feng shui, it has dragon veins!"

The old ghost in a long gown said: "Ang, I am that dragon vein."

Weasel braked and almost fell over. He looked at the old man in a long gown in surprise, "What?"

The old ghost in the long gown said, "I was a prince when I was alive. Even though I haven't ascended the throne, I can still be considered a dragon, right?"

The weasels were shocked!


The old ghost in the long gown nodded, "Ang, fifth prince, my father gave me the title of King Yongning. Ningcheng is my fiefdom, and this mountain used to be mine."

The weasel clicked his tongue.

"No wonder you don't want to be reincarnated. This thing, you may not be able to be a prince if you are reincarnated. What a huge psychological gap, isn't it? Don't you royal family have an imperial mausoleum? Why aren't you buried in the imperial mausoleum?"

The old ghost in the long gown said, "At that time, the war was already in chaos. It would be nice to return the imperial mausoleum and bury him."

As he spoke, the grave of the old ghost in a long gown arrived.

Now this mountain has become a scenic tourist area. The trees on the mountain are dense and the steps are winding and smooth. It is impossible to tell that there is a tomb underneath.

"It's right here." The old ghost in a long gown pointed to a tree, "It's underneath this."

After speaking, he pointed to a tree next to him, "I originally lived here by myself, but a neighbor moved here not long ago."

"Not long ago?" Weasel asked Jiang Ningning: "This mountain is now a scenic spot, can't we bury him?"

Jiang Ningning nodded and asked the old ghost in a long gown, "Did you become a starving ghost because you had a neighbor?"

The old man in a long gown was stunned for a moment, then slapped his forehead, "That's it!"

After saying that, he floated to the neighbor's cemetery and roared at the top of his lungs: "Ox Sledgehammer! Come out!"

"What are you calling? What are you calling? It's so noisy!"

A high-pitched female voice came from underground.

The weasel was dumbfounded, "A woman is called Niu Dachui?" After saying that, he was even more dumbfounded, "No, I heard some noise inside, it's...a fox? Why is a fox called Niu Dachui if she's not called Hu Dachui?"

Simply unscientific!

Jiang Ningning raised her chin in the direction of the cemetery and told the weasel, "Get it out."

The weasel howled loudly, "No, we weasels can't beat the fox!"

"Bring it out and light some incense for you."

"But I just won't admit defeat!" The weasel rushed over and plunged into the soil.

In a blink of an eye.

"Oh my god, help me!"

He was beaten until he was pissed, had a runny nose, a bruised face and a swollen face.

Behind it, followed a furry-tailed fox, with a ferocious look on his face as he pounced on the weasel and bit it.

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