Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 74 Side Effects

Returning to the security department, Flynn left the security department after taking a shower.

After leaving the security department, he looked overhead for the first time to confirm that there were no birds around, and then walked towards the carriage parked on the street.

No bad luck befalls him until he gets into the carriage.

In the carriage, Ivy has been waiting for a long time.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long, you can go first, I will go back by taxi."

Flynn looked at Ivy and apologized.

"It's okay, there's nothing urgent anyway."

Ivy shook her head.

The carriage moved and carried the two of them back to the Security Bureau. Flynn didn't encounter bad luck until he returned to the Security Bureau.

After the weakening of the eye of six-ring appraisal, the duration of bad luck was reduced to two hours.

Two hours have passed, and he should have successfully passed the time of bad luck.

Compared with the last time I used the Misfortune Drawing Board, the misfortune I encountered this time is indeed "slight degree of misfortune, no risk of injury", just like the introduction of the side effects after weakening.

It's past noon, and the lunch time has passed. Fortunately, the restaurant is always open from morning to afternoon after get off work, so you can go to eat at any time.

After Flynn and Ivy went to have lunch, they returned to lounge 201.

The results of the investigation will not come until tomorrow, so the rest of the time will be at their discretion.

Flynn took out the secret technique of the third ring of the mysterious gun to advance to the fourth ring to read it, and Ivy also took out a book to read it.


On the street, a man walked aimlessly.

The clothes and pants on his body are well made, and it can be seen that his financial conditions are not bad.

About forty years old, with brown slanted hair, high hairline, revealing a large bald forehead.

His eyes were bloodshot, and the bloodshots crawled on his eyes like bugs, as if he hadn't slept for several days and nights.

As he walked aimlessly, he looked around.


He collided with something.

He looked up, and suddenly realized that he had just bumped into a man.

"Why don't you watch the road?"

It was a young man who collided with him. He rubbed the bumped place on his body and said very dissatisfied.


The brown-haired man did not answer, but looked fiercely at the young man with bloodshot eyes.

Stared at by the bloodshot eyes of the brown-haired man, the young man was startled as if being stared at by a wild beast, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Feeling that the brown-haired man seemed to have mental problems, he didn't dare to argue with the brown-haired man, so the young man walked away quickly.

The brown-haired man looked at the young man with killing intent in his eyes.

He put his hand in his pocket, and took out a ceramic doll from his pocket, and this ceramic doll was exactly the ceramic doll that appeared on the painting of Doom.

Holding a ceramic doll in his hand, he stared at the leaving young man, and said in a cold voice.

"Damn you!"


On the side of the street, a piece of tile fell off the roof and fell from the air, just hitting the young man on the head.

The young man's head was bleeding profusely and he fell to the ground.

Pedestrians on the surrounding streets hurriedly stepped forward to check, asking how the young man was doing and whether they should take him to the hospital.

The voices of these inquiries gradually became blurred and inaudible in the young man's ears.

The consciousness of the young man also gradually fell into darkness.

"Ha ha."

Staring at the young man who fell to the ground, the brown man stuffed the ceramic doll back into his pocket, smiled nervously, and continued walking forward.

His eyes were still looking around, and if he looked carefully at him, it was clear that he was looking at one pedestrian after another on the street.

There was killing intent in his eyes, as if he was looking for prey.


The next morning, Flynn and Ivy came to the security department.

"Anyone else died in an accident?"

As soon as they saw Zhumana, the two learned from Zhumana that another person had died in an accident, and both of them couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Since the first murder with the help of the cursed object, the murderer has never stopped. If the murderer is not found as soon as possible, people will continue to be killed.

After a moment of silence, Flynn asked.

"Minister Jumana, how is the investigation into whether the deceased had any feud?"

"The investigation has been clear, and all the records are here."

Jumana handed Feilin a stack of overlapping investigation transcripts.

Flynn reached out to take it, handed half of it to Ivy, and kept the half for himself, sat on the sofa and looked through it.

The first person who died unexpectedly worked in a trading company. Before he was killed, he had just been promoted to the company's logistics supervisor. He had a grudge against him. To be precise, there were three people who harbored hatred against him.

These three people also have the opportunity to be promoted to the company's logistics director, but the company finally chose the former.

The second person who died unexpectedly was an old rent-collecting landlady who owned a two-story rental apartment.

Before being killed, the rent had just been collected.

The old lady made the tenant very dissatisfied because of the frequent rent increase, and the tenant may have hatred for her.

The third person who died unexpectedly was the owner of a store. According to inquiries from relatives, the owner had no enmity with anyone.

The fourth accidental death was a young man about to get married after being hit in the head by a flower pot that fell from a house next to the street.

According to the investigation, the owner of the house did not know the young man, and there was no one in the house when the young man was smashed.

In addition, the young man's fiancée has always had a suitor, and it is very likely that this suitor has hatred for the young man.


There are eight young men who died not long ago. After reading the investigation records of the eight people, both Feilin and Ivy fell into deep thought.

After a while, Ivy said.

"Vendetta is unlikely."

Among the eight people, the first, second, and fourth ones had any enemies, and the other five had no enemies.

Even if there is a possibility that "they have enmity with others but the people around them don't know about it", it is impossible for all five of them to be like this.

Based on this speculation, the vendetta may not be big.

"That is to say, the murderer may have killed people at random. If it was really a random murder, then it may be very difficult to find the murderer."

Flynn frowned.

If the murderer really kills at random, it is very likely that the murderer and the person who was killed did not know each other.

It is very likely that a chance encounter on the road made the murderer focus on the deceased and secretly kill the deceased.

Suddenly, a question arose in his mind, so he asked.

"What are the side effects of this cursed thing? It has been used eight times in a row. It stands to reason that the murderer, as an ordinary person, should have had serious side effects."

"Obviously there have been serious side effects, why do you continue to use it to make the side effects worse?"

Hearing what Flynn said, Ivy changed her face and said.

"The impulse to kill, the side effect is likely to be the impulse to kill!"

"The urge to kill?"

Flynn looked at Ivy.

"A book I've read mentioned that the side effect of a cursed thing is the urge to kill. As long as you use this cursed thing to kill people, you will be infected with the urge to kill that you can't quit."

Ivy explained.

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