Lu Mingfei, who studied Dragon Clan before slaying the dragon

Chapter 175 Japanese law enforcers and ghosts (two in one, please subscribe!!!)

"We have been chasing for a week. When can we take a vacation? I heard that the Prime Minister praised Kagoshima's shochu and hot springs. Shouldn't we take a quick look and leave again? Just like the time we did in Hokkaido ." The thin man stood at the end of the train, the scenery in his sight receding, and the puff of smoke he exhaled was instantly thrown away.

"Shut your crow mouth. The goal this time is very important. The young master and Sakura are already finishing the work. Pick up your gun and let the people run away. You will never have a vacation in your life!" The burly man leaned against him. On the railing, he said viciously, with an expression like a ferocious Yaksha.

The train rumbled along the mountain track, and white smoke drifted from north to south.

This old-fashioned green leather car is powered by a steam engine. It sets out from the bustling Tokyo, passes through Kanagawa, Nara, Osaka, Ehime, and Kumamoto along the way, and finally heads to Kagoshima, the southernmost tip of Japan.

Passengers going to the terminal, Kagoshima, have to sit on hard leather seats almost all day and night. In modern times when bullet trains and high-speed trains are popular, this kind of slow train should have been eliminated long ago, but in fact, passengers on this train ride all year round. Quite a few.

Because it was built during World War II, it evolved from a supply line that ran through Japan at that time. It was paved between mountains and forests. Both sides of the railroad tracks along the way were covered by giant trees and rocks. The elderly have old feelings for this route, and young lovers can temporarily leave behind the busyness and impatience of the big city and carve traces of love in the washed blue sky and green mountains.

Miyamoto Noyuki is one of the rare passengers to sit alone. The carriage she is in is half full, and half of the empty seats are concentrated in the aisle and the front and rear of the carriage. Young boys and girls are obviously more interested in sitting by the window. They are sitting next to each other, leaning against each other, as if they are performing the most romantic scene in an old movie.

She listened carefully, and all the emotions of the passengers in the carriage could not escape her ears. This was her innate skill, and she had a stronger sense of hearing than ordinary people. Now this skill has been amplified ten times, and the effect of listening to other people's status is even comparable to that of "Word Spirit Kamamaitachi".

She could clearly hear the strong beating of the heart in everyone's chest.

For example, the boy in a goose-yellow sweater three rows away from her had his heart beat significantly faster because the girl sitting next to him fell asleep, and his head unconsciously slid to his shoulder. He watched the girl tremble slightly in her sleep. eyelashes, heart beating wildly. From this, Miyamoto Noyuki could infer that this was indeed a student couple, probably not long after their relationship was confirmed... and they were not law enforcement officers who came to take back her life.

Miyamoto Noyuki is thirty-eight years old this year, but her face is still as beautiful as that of a girl who was twenty years old.

She was born in a very remote and poor place in Kagoshima. Before tourism started, the village there was not visited by outsiders all year round. The only passers-by were the wind blowing from nowhere and the unknown destination. Wherever the clouds go.

Her impression of the place was probably limited to the fact that when the snow fell, the village was dyed white, with a kind of pure and quiet beauty. The villagers were all simple and lived a poor but contented life. She couldn't remember the rest. Because when she was five years old, her brother had made a name for himself in Tokyo, and she was brought to live in Tokyo.

Unlike ordinary girls, she had never gone to school, but she was very interested in medicine, so her brother arranged for her to join a research institute of an acquaintance. She is very diligent and ambitious. At a young age, she assisted the researchers in the institute to achieve several experimental breakthroughs in the field of pharmaceutical chemicals. The elders in the institute praised her as the Marie Curie of the pharmaceutical world. Everyone Everybody likes her.

The accident happened fifteen years ago. Her brother defected from the family, and she was left behind. Her file was marked in red by her family. The elders who liked her no longer smiled at her, and disgust grew in their hearts. Her bloodline is inherited from the ancient Miyamoto family, and part of the dragon blood flows in her body. Only extremely dangerous hybrids in the family will be given the red label, and those with defects who may go berserk at any time are called - "ghosts" ".

She obviously shouldn't be such a dangerous person, but she is imprisoned in a monastery with those guys who are wandering on the edge between humans and "ghosts". The monastery is built in a deep mountain somewhere in Kanto. Fences made of iron wires are spread all over the monastery. High-voltage currents are flowing on them. The sky is such a small circle, just like a frog trapped at the bottom of a well all its life.

Men dressed in black would visit the monastery every evening. They wore elegant black trench coats, with colorful gods or ferocious evil ghosts painted on the lining of the trench coats. They are the law enforcers of this country, and all hybrids can only live under their supervision.

These law enforcement officers in black will prepare perverted questions to ask the people imprisoned here every day, just like doctors ask those mentally ill patients who are terminally ill and blind, and then check the boxes on the score sheet, and those who are in good condition will be marked. Green, yellow if you pass the test, red if you fail, you will be wiped out on the spot, or you will be locked up here for the rest of your life.

But the man in black would ignore Miyamoto Noyuki every night. She was never asked a question because her color mark was always an extremely eye-catching red.

She will live alone here for the rest of her life, or die alone.

Ye Xue once watched the clouds drifting from nowhere on the lawn when he witnessed a nun's dog in the monastery jumping onto the steel grid. In an instant, it turned into charred black, and the black smoke came from Vomited from the burned breathing tube.

The nun came over and saw that her beloved dog had changed beyond recognition and was filled with grief. She pointed at the noses of everyone including Miyamoto Noyuki and angrily scolded that dangerous people like them should not be born in this world at all. Their existence will only bring harm to society. If they bring trouble, they will not be able to get free if these garbage people are locked up here for the rest of their lives. Why not go to meet Satan as soon as possible and let everyone be freed.

In the end, the nun was taken away by Kong's powerful guards, and Ye Xue never saw her again after that.

But her ears would often hear the last words that the nun said when she was being dragged away, looking at them with extreme pity: "You 'ghosts' have no relatives or friends in this world, and you will go to hell after death." Satan doesn't want to see you, so what's the point of your coming to this world? Poor... really pitiful..."

"Life without freedom will be meaningless." A week ago, she heard such a sigh from behind while taking a shower.

She turned around, and it was a man wearing a plain white feather fabric. The embroidery on the cuffs was falling cherry blossoms, his chest was open, and his crystal skin was like clear glass. The moment Ye Xue looked at the man's face, all the lights went out, the moon was shrouded in clouds, and her vision was pitch black.

But she could hear that rapid and strong heartbeat, as if it was very close at hand, but also as if it was far away. She hesitantly stretched out her hand to touch, and in the darkness, she seemed to touch a warm face. Her hands gradually moved, and she touched the slender eyes, high nose, and delicate mouth. They had the plain outlines of the boy next door, with a touch of feminine beauty.

"If a person is not born free, then she may be willing to be enslaved for a lifetime. If a person has experienced the taste of freedom, then prison will be as painful for her as cutting off her hands and feet... People can be restrained since childhood. The domestic dogs that are raised cannot restrain the lions from the wilderness. The lions that can be caged have the lion heart in them dead long ago..."

"We all know that you are the one who controls 'ghosts', why not release the ghost in your heart? As long as you give up the softness in your heart, freedom and everything you want will return to your hands." The man said softly Her voice was like a dream, and it seemed like she was giving an order to the whole world. It was so majestic that Ye Xue could not resist.

Then the man left, as if confident that Ye Xue would do as he suggested, and everything seemed like a dream. Miyamoto Noyuki looked at the cold water sliding over her fair skin and thought for a long time. The guard knocked on the iron door of the bathroom and asked her to come out quickly.

That man made the right bet, or maybe he wasn't betting. He firmly believed that Ye Xue would do this. That night, the bodies of the law enforcement officers from the family were penetrated, and the high-voltage iron mesh was torn apart. Ye Xue released the ghost in his heart, and then embarked on the journey to Kagoshima in hesitation. train.

None of the passengers in this carriage seemed unusual. The only thing that made her a little wary was a man and woman across the aisle. The girl was wearing a high school uniform, a Sailor Moon hairpin, and a slightly childish pink backpack. She was as young as seventeen or eighteen years old. She was pointing at the scenery and chattering along the way. The man was much more mature. He was wrapped in a windbreaker and looked to be at least in his twenties. He was silent along the way.

The two look like a romantic plot involving an ignorant high school girl who falls in love with a young man and then drops out of school to elope.

But what was wrong was that Miyamoto Noyuki heard their heartbeats. The girl was ups and downs, but the man was always as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

The scenery outside the window is pleasant. The girl's long legs are covered with black stockings. When she is jumping up and down to look at the scenery, her slender legs will rub against the boy's wrist or thigh from time to time. She will also pull the man's thigh from time to time. The sleeves shared what color flowers and what shape clouds she had just seen. But Miyamoto Noyuki never heard any heartbeat that symbolized love from beginning to end. The man was as cold as a machine without emotions.

The train passed through Kochi and passed through the mountains and forests. The endless coastline appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The raging waves crashed against the cliffs about 80 meters high, presenting a thrilling scenery. Passengers on the train gathered near the windows on the coastline side of the train.

"Hey, is that the Ashizuri Cape at the southernmost tip of Shikoku? It's so beautiful, so beautiful, it feels like the end of the world!" The girl couldn't help but cross the aisle and wanted to enter the window of the seat where Miyamoto Noyuki was sitting. side.

Miyamoto Noyuki calmly moved her legs to make way. The girl couldn't wait to run past her, her cute little face almost pressed against the window, her dark eyes filled with beautiful scenery and curiosity about the world. Ye Xue heard the girl's rapid heartbeat due to excitement.

She turned to look at the man, who was still sitting in his seat. Whether it was the beautiful scenery or the girl running away from him, he seemed indifferent, which made Miyamoto Noyuki even more confused.

After the coastline was left behind, the train made a ninety-degree turn along the track and drove into the mountains and forests again. The girl sat down on the seat next to Ye Xue.

"It's so beautiful. I've never seen such beautiful scenery. You really chose the right train!" The girl high-fived.

Miyamoto Noyuki turned her head and glanced at the startled girl.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry. I was just enjoying the scenery and forgot to say thank you." The girl bowed to Noxue, "My name is Ogaoka, you can call me Xiaoyuan. Thank you sister for giving me a seat so that I can see the Kingdom of Heaven. Such beautiful scenery!”

"No thanks." Miyamoto Noyuki shook her head slightly. She hesitated for a moment, and then said: "My name is Noxue, but I am not actually a sister. I will be forty the next year, and I am already considered an aunt."

Miyamoto Noyuki listened carefully to the girl's heartbeat, and there was indeed a moment when it jumped in surprise and panic.

"Ah?" Madoka exclaimed, "But she looks so young, so excessive!"

"What's too much?" Miyamoto Noyuki was unconsciously drawn into the girl's topic.

"It's time." Madoka stuck out her tongue, "The God of Time is so unfair. He is very cruel to some people and makes them grow old very quickly, while he treats other people very favorably, as if they will never age. . Maybe it’s because Sister Yexue is too beautiful, and the God of Time wants to see you for a while longer, so he can’t bear to drop a knife on your face.”

"There's no one who doesn't age." Miyamoto Noyuki smiled, "But Madoka, your language is so beautiful. Have you joined the school's literary club or something like that?"

"Hai." Madoka nodded, "He is a cadre of the literary club, and he also participated in the track and field team."

"It's such a rich campus life." A trace of longing flowed through Miyamoto Noyuki's eyes, and then she suppressed this emotion in her heart and looked at the man across the aisle, "Is Madoka going on a break from school trip? With you? With my boyfriend?”

"Not my boyfriend!" Madoka giggled, "He is my brother, his name is Ogata Gen."

"Brother?" Miyamoto Noyuki was taken aback, but now she could finally understand why the couple's heartbeats were barely beating too fast from beginning to end. Because they are not lovers, but brothers and sisters.

I don't know whether it was because the doubts had a reasonable explanation or because she was affected by the girl's cheerful personality. Her tense nerves finally relaxed.

"Well, well, my brother has autism. He doesn't like to make noises in crowded places. I peeked at his notebook some time ago and knew that he wanted to go back to Kagoshima. After I took the exam, I I came with him." Oufangyuan said.

"Your hometown is Kagoshima?"

"My brother was born there, but I have never been there," Madoka said. "My brother was brought to Tokyo by his father when he was very young. Then his father married another woman, my mother, so Kagoshima It’s my brother’s hometown, and I haven’t traveled far since I was a child.”

"I see."

"What about you, sister? Are you going to Kagoshima too?"

"Yes." Miyamoto Noyuki held up a white porcelain bone jar. The label on the jar read the name "Miyamoto Kenjiro", her voice was soft.

"My brother and I were both born there, and now we want to take him back to our hometown to bury him."

Important figures in Japan have begun to appear, and this chapter is very important.

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