Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 471: Learning about life experience

"Are you okay?" Dabao picked up the tea and took a sip.

Wu Xiu felt a little cold in his heart and hugged his fists: "I'm disturbing the eldest son from watching the show. Please leave." He stood up, took a few steps, and looked back.

Seeing Mr. Lu staring at the audience with interest, he shouted "Hello" from time to time, clapped his hands and threw silver rewards to the audience.

Wu Xiu turned around and left the teahouse.

Walking on the street in a daze, the cool breeze blew and people woke up.

Even if he is Zhigao, what can he do now? What can be done for him?

Let him die without knowing his own abilities? Sister and husband, do you really want to see such a scene?

Wu Xiu shook his head and laughed, striding away.

After Wu Xiu left, Dabao collapsed.

He put his head on the table and didn't get up for a while.

The storyteller on the first floor had finished his play, took the curtain call, and returned to the stage for another curtain call. Only then did Dabao raise his head from the table.

With red eyes, he hurried out of the theater.

Walk quickly towards home. After returning to the house, I went straight to Su Qingyu's yard.

"Why are you back so early?" The two sons finally escaped from Qingyang, saying they wanted to have a good day on the street. How long did it take for them to come back?

Su Qingyu had just finished speaking when she saw Dabao hurried over to her without saying a word, threw herself into her arms, and hugged her tightly.

Su Qingyu froze. After Dabao grew up, he rarely threw himself into her arms and showed affection to her like this.

When she came to her senses, she hugged her son back. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Dabao sobbing. Su Qingyu was shocked.

Seeing Dabao hugging her tightly, she didn't say anything, just hugged him and patted him.

What happened? Dabao rarely expresses his emotions, unlike Xiaobao, who shows his emotions in front of his parents. She can tell at a glance whether Xiaobao is happy or unhappy.

But as Dabao grew up, he became more and more accepting of himself.


"Well, mom is here. It's okay. Nothing is wrong. Mom is here, dad is here, your brother is here, and Xiao Qi is here. Our whole family is here and we are all with you. It's okay."

Dabao was comforted and finally calmed down. After helping Su Qingyu sit down, he knelt down in front of his mother and laid his head on Su Qingyu's lap.

Su Qingyu didn't ask what was wrong, she just stroked his hair, removed his crown, untied his bun, and used her hands as a comb to comb his scalp, one after another.

Dabao felt very comfortable being caressed by his mother. He sat crookedly on the ground and found a more comfortable position to lie on his mother's knees.

After a long while, he finally said: "Mom, I met a person today, and he said that I look very similar to his sister and brother-in-law..."

Su Qingyu's men paused.

Dabao added: "He said that they all died miserably, and that their family was also miserable. He said that there is my home in the north, and asked me why I didn't go and take it back..."

Su Qingyu realized that Dabao must have remembered the past. The child's heart was in turmoil.

Su Qingyu remembered that the child was only five years old when she picked him up, and asked her very calmly, are all the followers dead? She nodded towards him, Dabao's eyes filled with fire and hatred.

Later, she told him that from now on he would be called Lu Weizhao. He asked her, "Aren't you going to take revenge?"

She still remembers what Dabao looked like at that time.

Like a little beast, abandoned by his family in the world, alone. Loneliness is painful.

She has been feeling sorry for this child since he was five years old, and hopes that he can forget the past and live happily with their family.

Unexpectedly, someone else stirred up the memory buried deep in his heart.

Su Qingyu's men continued their movements, asking him as they moved: "Where is Dabao? Mom wants to know what Dabao is thinking."

"Wu Quanzhong is dead. Dad said that the Liang Dynasty will also die."

"Yes. Nowadays, various powers are divided. It is not just the Jin State that wants to compete for power in the Central Plains. There should also be some supporters in the old dynasty..."

Dabao hugged Su Qingyu's knees tightly.

"Mom, I don't want to be someone else's puppet. I just want to be with my parents and my brothers and sisters. Our family can be happy. I don't want to think about the past. I didn't live well at all before. I'm happy. My son met his mother, got a family, and lived happily. I don't want to go back to Chang'an at all..."

"Then don't go back."

"But if I act like this, am I being unfaithful and unfilial? Can I really do nothing?" Dabao shed tears on Su Qingyu's lap.

Su Qingnao felt heartbroken.

"You follow your heart and weigh the pros and cons. Mom will support you no matter what you do. But Mom wants to tell you, you are only fourteen years old now. Are you sure you can bear this?"

Dabao shook his head: "Mom, I don't want to think about that."

"Then don't think about it, and don't do anything. You don't have the ability to turn your hands into clouds or rain yet."

"I know. I don't want others to ruin our family's current life."

"Then don't let others ruin it."

Su Qingyu caressed him and said: "Dabao, you have to remember that from the moment your mother picked you up, you have been your mother's biological son, and your father also treats you as her biological son. So do your younger brothers and sisters. Everyone regards you as their eldest brother. You are a child of the Lu family. Your grandfather also recorded your name in the ancestral tree three years ago. Remember? Don’t think about that now. Just be happy as your Mr. Lu. Just fine.”


In the room, mother and son were talking.

Outside the house, Lu Bocheng's heart was already in turmoil. Is his eldest son a descendant of the previous dynasty?

Why has my wife never told him about it?

Why didn't the lady tell him?

Are you afraid that he will make a fuss about Dabao's life experience? Doesn’t the lady trust him?

Lu Bocheng's heart was wandering up and down, without stopping. I felt confused and a little disappointed. The five flavors are mixed, and I can’t tell what I feel inside.

Dabao was comforted by his mother, felt much better, and returned to his yard.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw my father sitting in his room.


Lu Bocheng looked at this son intently. He treated him as his own son, nurturing and loving him just like Xiaobao. Only today did he know that this child still had this identity.

Lu Bocheng wanted to pretend not to know, but he couldn't help it.

The lady is soft-hearted and has a motherly heart, but now that he knows, he can't treat it like nothing is wrong.

He wanted to block the commotion outside for her, so that she could live peacefully and comfortably in the back house.

"Dad heard the conversation between you and your mother in the house."


Dabao's heart was beating wildly.

Seeing Lu Bocheng's serious expression, he knelt down towards his father and said, "Dad, Mom and I didn't hide it from you on purpose. Mom, she didn't want you to worry about it, so she didn't tell Dad. Dad, don't blame Mom."

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