Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 75: Losing Face

On the day when Su Qingyang went to private school, everyone got up early. The little reading thing carried a book bag, his eyes were bright and his spirits were high.

Finally, Su's father and Xiao Qingxing, who insisted on sending him, sent him to the private school together.

Su's father was dressed in new clothes, stood tall and walked with the wind. Seeing that his little son was about to go to the private school to study and learn to read, thinking that his son would be better than him in the future and would not have to dig for food in the fields, his heart was very excited.

At the gate of the private school, Xiao Qingxing pulled her brother reluctantly, why didn't the private school accept female students? I'm not stupider than my brother.

She pouted and looked at the students entering the private school one by one, with anger on her lips.

Father Su glanced at her and said to Qing Yang: "You must study hard, you know, it's not easy for you to get this opportunity. You must study hard, come back to teach your sister and elder sister, so that they can learn to read and write like you."

Little Qing Yang nodded heavily: "I will definitely study hard, Dad, don't worry."

The little thing clenched his fists, his eyes bursting with light, and his chest was burning with fighting spirit.

Finally, Father Su and Xiao Qing Xing watched him go in and disappeared before turning back.

Little Qing Yang started his private school career from then on.

Xiao Qing Xing pouted when she arrived at Yangwei Martial Arts Hall. She was not used to being separated from her twin brother for a day.

"Why is Xiao Qing Xing unhappy today?" Ma Shi Niang asked her while holding Ya Ya, who was excitedly flapping her two thin legs.

"Brother went to private school today." Xiao Qing Xing said sullenly.

"Are you unhappy that your brother is in a private school? Won't he come back after school?"

"Master's wife, why don't private schools accept female students? I also want to learn to read and write."

Master's wife Ma laughed. She handed Yaya to Cui Yuying who was standing next to her, pulled Qingxing into her arms, and said, "It's their loss that they don't accept female students. Because they are afraid that girls are smarter than boys, and they men will lose face."

"Ah, is that so?" Little Qingxing opened her mouth and looked at Master's wife Ma in disbelief.

Cui Yuying looked at Master's wife Ma helplessly. The young lady was talking nonsense again and taught the child bad things.

Ma Shi Niang nodded seriously: "Yes, they are men, they are afraid that women are smarter than them. If they are smarter than them, they will lose face; if they are not smarter than them, they will be unhappy, saying that rotten wood cannot be carved, and they also say that they don't want to associate with women. Xiao Qingxing, don't you think it's very annoying." Xiao Qingxing nodded heavily, clenched her fists and waved them: "Yes, it's very annoying! Why do men have to be like that! Can't women be smarter than them?" Ma Shi Niang smiled: "That's right. They are so thin-skinned, they are afraid of losing face." "Humph, small-minded! So bad!" "That's right, so bad. Then Qingxing, do you want to learn to read with Shi Niang? After you learn to read, we can Quietly smarter than them!"

"Yes! I also want to learn to read! I want to understand the books in Brother Qiyou's room. I want to listen to stories, but he is practicing calligraphy, and I am afraid to disturb him. If I can read by myself, I can read by myself."

"Yes, we can read by ourselves, why do we need them to read to us? When we can read by ourselves, we can buy the books we like in the future."

"Yes. That's it. After I learn to read, I will buy the books I want to read by myself. I won't buy any of those books that make people want to sleep!"

Ma Shi Niang covered her mouth with a handkerchief and laughed happily: "Yes, I won't buy any."

After that, she pulled Xiao Qingxing into the room to teach her to read and recognize characters.

Cui Yuying hugged Yaya, coaxed her with "oh oh", shook her head, but the corners of her mouth were raised. It's good that the young lady is like this, she saw the lively young lady again.

Cui Yuying thought of the glorious and free and easy young lady in the past, and her eyes were red.

When she came to her senses, she saw Yaya patting her face with her little hands, and she quickly blinked away her tears: "Auntie didn't cry, Auntie will take Yaya to see the flowers, okay? Let's go see the beautiful flowers."

She said and walked away with Yaya in her arms.

As for Su Qing'an, the flow of customers in the store decreased, but the vegetables she collected did not decrease. The turnover of the store decreased, and more was taken out than in. Everyone was anxious.

Su Qing'an was very calm.

Although she made less money every day now, she could still cover the rent and labor costs. There was also a surplus of one or two taels every day, so she was not in a hurry to make big moves.

There were four vegetable shops, and not only she was waiting and watching, but other interested people in the town were also waiting and watching. If the business was good, there might be a few more vegetable shops in Fengting Town. Neighboring towns and counties might also follow suit.

Su Qing'an had always been pessimistic about price wars. Once the price dropped, in order to maintain profits, the dishes and services would definitely shrink significantly.

Originally, vegetables were not sold on the stalls in the vegetable market. They were sold in the shops. There were rent and labor costs. If the source of the goods could not spread the cost, it would be impossible to sell them at a low price.

Selling vegetables is just to attract customers, and they also rely on services and selling peripherals to make profits.

If you don't understand this model, the supply and demand will be out of balance in the end, and the shop will not be able to continue to operate.

She has never targeted the bottom market. Su Qing'an's original intention of opening a shop was to do the middle and high-end market. She also didn't want to compete with the vegetable farmers who worked hard to rush to the early market, so the price of vegetables was higher than that of the vegetable market.

She washed the vegetables, picked them, packaged them, and delivered them to special customers. She didn't target the general public.

So she didn't take away the way for other villagers to make money in the vegetable market.

The markets we target are different, each has its own stratification, and there will be no major contradictions. Those who want affordable prices will naturally go to the wet market. Affordable vegetable markets are more extensive, while mid- and high-level markets are more refined and service-oriented.

But now that the other four shops have opened, they collect vegetables from surrounding villages at high prices, put them in the shops and sell them at low prices, causing customers who buy cheap vegetables to flock to those four shops. The vegetable market was suddenly deserted.

The villagers who didn't know why they came all the way to pick vegetables to sell, only to find that no one came to buy vegetables at the vegetable market, were a little caught off guard.

I couldn't sell the vegetables after sitting on the vegetable racks all morning. After getting some advice, I picked the four stores to sell them. However, due to all kinds of picking and choosing, a basket of vegetables can only be sold for a small portion. Naturally, the prices of the vegetables delivered to the door are reduced in various ways, and they can't make more money than they used to sell at the vegetable market.

And the leftover vegetables cannot be sold, so they can only pick them up and take them home.

The vegetable market gradually lost its former prosperity.

Su Qingyu was a little worried.

When she saw villagers coming all the way to pick up vegetables that they couldn't sell and then had to pick them back, she would keep them. The word spread to ten, and the farmers in the countryside couldn't sell the vegetables. Seeing that she offered good prices, they all came to pick her up.

Gradually, the number of vegetables in her shop increased, but the running water did not increase.

Let’s look at some people who used to rely on the vegetable market for a living. For example, those who used to go to the vegetable market to collect protection fees stopped doing so.

The vegetable farmers are all gone, who can I ask for protection money from?

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