"Lu Hongqi! Send your people to the back to check and figure out what's going on there!"

Lu Hongqi knew the importance of keeping the retreat open, so he immediately ordered to a younger brother: "Go over there and conduct a careful reconnaissance to see the number and size of the enemy. The most important thing is to confirm whether there is still a possibility of a breakout. !”

After receiving the order, Lu Hongqi's younger brother immediately got on his motorcycle and drove quickly to the rear.

Su Rui concentrated on studying the map, trying to find a solution to the current predicament.

However, as the analysis progressed, his mood became heavier.

Currently they are left with only two options.

The first option is to use the surrounding buildings as cover, find a safe room to hide in, and wait for the situation to develop.

He has enough food on hand to last him a while.

This method may allow him to escape, but the risk is also huge.

There are many eaters and eating beasts in this area. Once discovered, they will be surrounded and completely trapped in a desperate situation.

When that time comes, except for himself who may be saved, everyone else will die.

The second option is to choose the side with relatively weak defense to force a breakout when surrounded on three sides.

He has enough thermal weapons in his hands, Li Qiang can use Molotov cocktails, and Lu Hongqi and others as assistance. Coupled with unlimited poison, unlimited gasoline and magic crystal wire like plug-ins, it is not impossible to break through.

However, this choice also comes with huge risks.

They will directly face the threat of a large number of eaters and eating beasts. If they are not careful, they may die immediately, without any room for maneuver.

However, Suri still prefers the second option.

As the saying goes, high risks bring high returns.

Choosing to take the initiative also means that they can take their destiny into their own hands instead of passively waiting for the judgment of fate.

Of course, there is a better option.

If the road conditions are good, then the wisest choice is undoubtedly to exit the encirclement first.

This is also the result Suri expects most at the moment.

Returning to the hotel meant they could rework their plans in a safe environment before looking for the right moment to find a way across.

Therefore, everything now depends on whether Lu Hongqi's younger brother can bring back good news.

Not long after, the younger brother hurried back on his motorcycle.

His face was pale and his fear was palpable. It was obvious that something terrible had happened to him.

Even before the car stopped, he shouted in a panic: "Chief, Brother Lu, we are in big trouble! Everything is over! There is really no hope this time!"

Lu Hongqi frowned and reprimanded dissatisfiedly: "How do I usually teach you? Just calm down!"

The younger brother tried his best to calm down, but still said with a trembling voice: "Brother Lu... Brother Lu, our retreat is blocked! And we have to move forward quickly, otherwise they will catch up and we will die!"

"Let's talk about the key points! Quantity! Scale!"

The younger brother swallowed and said: "The streets are full of eaters. There are so many that I can't even count them. There may be thousands or even tens of thousands! I also saw intermediate eaters, more than one, almost ten. Left and right, they are driving the eaters this way."

Tens of thousands of eaters?

Ten more intermediate eaters?

When everyone heard this, they immediately took a breath of cold air.

"What's that gunshot about?" Lu Hongqi asked.

"There is a group of people, about 200 people. They all have thermal weapons. They should be rebels. They are fighting and running, but their speed is not as fast as the eaters. It seems that they can no longer hold on and are about to be killed. Surrounded."

Although he had investigated clearly enough, there was one strange thing that he failed to notice, that is, there was an intermediate eater among them, and the ones he held tightly in his arms were actually Principal Deng and his granddaughter, who were only half-body.

After listening to Lu Hongqi's description, everyone was filled with panic and despair.

Faced with such a huge scale of eaters, not to mention ordinary people like them, even the military may not be able to resist it, right?

Wu Meng and Liu Feifei were trembling with fear. They had personally experienced the terrifying power of intermediate eaters and knew that they could not compete with them.

After listening to his younger brother's report, Lu Hongqi also realized the seriousness of the situation.

He patted his younger brother on the shoulder to express comfort, and then called all his men to mobilize before the war.

"I know that we are now facing a life and death test, and I also understand the fear in your hearts. But I promised the leader that I would escort him to his destination safely, so I must stick to my oath. This is related to my status as a soldier. Faith! As for you, if you don’t want to stick to this promise, I won’t force you. After all, you are not soldiers, just ordinary people. Now, if any of you want to leave, I will never stop you.”

However, none of Lu Hongqi's younger brothers left, but all expressed their willingness to follow him to the death.

Lu Hongqi looked at them, filled with gratitude and relief.

Professor Liu on the side also cast an admiring look at Li Hongqi again.

At the same time, Suri's female companions all seemed a little panicked after learning the news that they were surrounded from three sides. Some of them, such as Yun Duo, Li Qiang's sister, Xiao Wu, and others, even sobbed softly.

Professor Liu carefully observed everyone's reactions, and then said to Su Rui in a relaxed tone: "Suri, everyone is waiting for you to give orders. Do you have any plans?"

Suri thought for a moment and made a difficult decision.

He pointed to the map and said: "According to my observations, the road on the left was a dense residential area with a large population before the end of the world. Although we have seen thousands of eaters so far, there are probably more that have not been found behind. , so this road seems easy to walk, but there are too many unknown risks. On the other side, although we have to pass the blockade of eating beasts, the number is relatively small, and we should be able to deal with it, and there is a big park behind it, so we probably won’t. There are too many dangers, so I decided to take the right path!"

After speaking, he placed his finger firmly on the road on the right.

And the reason why he is so confident is because he has his own plan.

He and Wu Meng have the ability to pause time, and coupled with Li Qiang's Molotov cocktail, if they work together properly, it will be easier to break through when facing a small number of eating beasts.

After hearing this, Professor Liu agreed.

However, Lu Hongqi raised doubts: "Chief, although the number of eating beasts over there is not large, but the individual strength is strong, especially the intermediate eating beasts, I am afraid that we cannot easily deal with them. Even the regular army, encountering them You will also suffer a loss..."

Su Rui shook his head firmly: "Don't worry, the strength of a single target is not scary, the scary thing is the number. I'm not afraid of not being able to defeat, I'm just afraid that I won't be able to kill them all. Therefore, I will not change my decision. Everyone prepares immediately , we set off immediately!”

Following Su Rui's decision, everyone began to prepare nervously and orderly to break out. Su Rui also gave some of his thermal weapons to Li Hongqi and the others.

The vehicle restarts, and a heavy sense of pessimism hangs in the air.

Everyone knows in their hearts that no matter which path they choose, they will face extremely high risks, which can almost be said to be a narrow escape.

At this moment, everyone can only hope that Suri's choice is correct.

However, Professor Liu seemed unusually calm. He closed his eyes and rested, as if he was not affected by the tense atmosphere around him.

Because he still remembers the mysterious man who appeared on the other side of his soul after his death. If Suri is dead now, where did that mysterious man come from?

At the same time, behind Su Rui and the others, the group of rebels who had resisted tenaciously had begun to collapse. They fled in a hurry towards the T-junction where Su Rui was just now.

In the chaos, these people were panicked and divided into two groups. One part chose the left path, while the other part fled to the right path.

The eaters who were chasing them dispersed as a result, and some of the eaters were led in the direction of Suri, forming a looming attack from both front and back.

And coincidentally, Principal Deng, who has turned himself into an eater, is also among them!

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