Song Yuzhi also has a gift for herself?

Song Yu was a little surprised, but he didn't take it to heart.

In Song Yu's opinion, Song Yuzhi was probably planning to give him some similar items, at most weapons and the like.

Song Yu didn't lack these things.

Of course, after all, it was his sister who gave him a gift, so Song Yu was still in a good mood.

Song Yuzhi was very satisfied with Song Yu's surprised attitude and smiled lightly:"Keep it a secret for now, you will know when we return home.""

"good."Song Yu didn't care. It's normal for girls to like to create a sense of mystery.

Song Yuzhi put on the plum blossom glazed hairpin carefully, as if to protect a treasure, and then said:"Where should we go for a stroll next?"

"Either way, there’s enough time anyway."Song Yu patted her head.

Song Yuzhi narrowed her crystal eyes like a kitten, as if she was enjoying it.

Then, she seemed to see some scenery outside the street and showed a child-like smile. :"Brother Yu, I want to eat candied haws!"

On the street, there was a hawker selling candied haws on a stick.

Song Yu and Song Yuzhi walked up to the hawker. Song Yu bought two bunches of candied haws, one for each, and went shopping while eating candied haws.

Song Yu didn't like candied haws very much. It was just to get a taste, so he ate very slowly, but Song Yuzhi rolled his eyes, quickly finished the candied haws in his hand, and then stuck out his tongue:"Brother Yu, my candied haws are gone, I still want to eat."

"Then just buy another bunch."Song Yu said with a smile

"No, it's a waste. Besides, I can't eat that much. I'll just eat half of it on your hand."

Song Yuzhi Ru Congyu pointed at the half of the candied haws in Song Yu's hand.

Song Yu was slightly startled and was about to speak, but Song Yuzhi got the candied haws in his hand first and started to eat it directly.

Song Yuzhi ate quickly. And elegant, her cheeks were puffed up, and her originally sweet and fair face was like a steamed dumpling. It was very cute.

Seeing Song Yuzhi eating so deliciously, Song Yu shook his head slightly and soon Song Yuzhi finished the half. Stringed candied haws.

Song Yuzhi finished eating the candied haws with satisfaction. She took Song Yu's arm, looked at Song Yu again with her bright clear eyes, and suggested:"Brother Yu, how about we go to Lan Gui Lou for dinner?"

Lan Gui Lou is the most expensive and high-end restaurant in the Song family mountain city.

Didn't you just say that you can't eat too much?

So you just wanted to deceive me of the candied haws?

Ha, woman.

Since we have already gone out, let Song Yuzhi have fun

Song Yu said:"Let's go to Lan Gui Tower."

"I knew Brother Yu was the best!"

Song Yuzhi cheered, and the two of them went straight to Langui Tower.

Soon, they arrived at Langui Tower.

Song Yu ordered a large table of dishes without any politeness, a variety of exquisite pastries and dishes, all in color, aroma and taste. , I have to say that Lan Guilou's craftsmanship is indeed outstanding.

As a warrior, he actually eats more than normal people. After all, his energy and blood are strong, and his daily consumption is greater.

Unless he reaches the level of a great master, his energy is restrained and he returns to his original nature. The daily dietary requirements were very low, and

Song Yu would not treat him badly.

After eating, drinking and having fun, the two of them returned to the Song Mansion.


Song Mansion.

In the courtyard.

Song Yuzhi said mysteriously:"Brother Yu, go to the martial arts arena first. I will bring you a gift later.""

"good."Although Song Yu was confused as to why he went to the martial arts arena to give gifts, he still nodded and agreed.

Song Yu was waiting at the martial arts arena, but after waiting for a long time, Song Yuzhi still hadn't come. He simply closed his eyes to rest and practice at the same time.

He wanted to become the best A warrior must not indulge himself at all times.

Song Yu was practicing with his eyes closed. After a while, he suddenly noticed a wave of zhenqi. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the sky.

The wave of zhenqi came from the sky..

Immediately afterwards, a loud and high-pitched cry of an eagle appeared in the sky.

Song Yu squinted and saw an astonishing scene.

This giant eagle had a wingspan of two feet long and was majestic. It was majestic and powerful.

This giant eagle was so majestic and handsome. It was definitely not an ordinary falcon, but looked like a strange species. What surprised Song Yu the most was that the feathers of this giant eagle were so beautiful that they were light blue. It was the first time that Song Yu had seen this giant eagle with feathers of this color.

The sharp eagle eyes were piercing, and when it flapped its wings, it turned into a whirlwind.

What a magical giant eagle!

Hunter was delighted, and then he saw a graceful figure standing on the back of the giant eagle. It was Song Yuzhi. A stunning beauty stood on the back of the giant eagle, and she smiled beautifully.

Yu Du's eyes lit up and he was astonished because he really didn't expect to see such a scene just now.

He just heard Song Yuzhi's silvery laughter coming from mid-air.

"Brother Yu, what's up, are you satisfied with this gift?"

Song Yuzhi chuckled. She patted the giant eagle's head and saw the giant eagle let out a sharp cry. Then it slowly fell from the sky, its wings fluttered slightly, and a burst of dust was raised.

The giant eagle landed, Song Yuzhi Walking up to Song Yu with a smile,

Song Yu looked at Song Yuzhi in surprise and understood the meaning of her words.

Is this giant eagle a gift from Song Yuzhi?

"When did we have such a handsome beast in our house?"Song Yu said in surprise.

Song Yuzhi spat out his red lips and said softly:"This giant eagle was accidentally discovered by the villagers outside the mountain when you went out a few days ago. At that time, the giant eagle's wings were injured and it was trapped. In the mountains. All members of our family were dispatched, and with good luck, we captured it."

"Later, I asked Uncle Zhi to tame it and built a special house in the west of the city to feed it. I wanted to give you a surprise and wait a few days to take you to see it. Who knew you were going to travel in the world, so I gave it to you as a mount, Brother Yu."

"This giant eagle is said to be a different species, named the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle."

Song Yuzhi introduced this giant eagle.

This giant eagle is extremely rare and precious. Looking at the entire world, such strange beasts are rarely heard of.

Golden-winged Thunder Eagle?

Song Yu looked at this giant eagle. The feathers on its wings were clearly blue. The name is actually called Golden Winged Thunder Eagle?

Seemingly seeing Song Yu's confusion, Song Yuzhi explained:"I was also confused about the name at first. Later, I asked many people and searched ancient books to find out that ordinary Golden Winged The wings of the Thunder Eagle are indeed blue. They can only turn into gold under special conditions or when they grow into Eagle Kings."

"Of course, thunder eagles with golden wings are extremely rare. These golden-winged thunder eagles are already rare, and those with golden wings are even rarer."

That's it.

Song Yuzhi smiled slightly:"Brother Yu, do you like this gift?"

Of course I like it!

When Song Yu looked at the golden-winged thunder eagle, he felt that Song Yuzhi was really a timely help.

This giant eagle is so big that it can be used as a mount.

Thinking about this scene, the giant eagle flapped its wings and flew into the sky. Song Yu

It's so exciting to float down and kill everyone!

In addition, this flying mount is also very good at traveling. It's definitely a piece of cake for such a giant eagle to travel thousands of miles in a day.

This gift is really delivered to Song Yu's heart!

Song Yuzhi was so considerate.

Song Yu looked at the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle. At this time, the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle seemed to be quite curious about the human beings in front of it. It tilted its head, and its eagle eyes looked suspicious, which was a bit silly. Feel.......................................................................

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