Su Zhan and others returned to the plane and met up with Coulson and Mei, who had just returned from the mission. They already knew what happened.

After Fitz woke up, he seemed a little annoyed, but strangely, he was not angry at Donnie. Perhaps it was because of similar personalities. He could understand Donnie's mood, and he was more angry than him. Si, the guy who induced Downey!

"This device is dangerous, we must find them as soon as possible." Coulson said seriously.

Su Zhan thought for a while and said, "I'll go."

"Do you know where they are?"

"I didn't know before, but now... I know!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Chapter 0102 Blizzard Downey

While the people from SHIELD were looking around, Seth and Downey were hiding in the parking lot north of SHIELD Academy. It was semi-abandoned and no one would come here at ordinary times.

There is a device that can create ice on the back of a pickup truck. No... to be precise, after modification, this large device can not only create ice, but can also affect the weather.

Donnie sat next to the machine, looking a little nervous.

Seth is on the phone with his investor. It is worth mentioning that his investor is Ian Quinn, the guy who once captured Dr. Hall's research on gravitational magnetic fields. Because the matter was exposed, Seth called and hoped that Quinn could send a helicopter to pick them up. After all, people from SHIELD were looking for them, but Quinn's request was very simple. As long as the device proved to be useful, he would send one right away. Someone go pick them up!

Of course, this was a lie to them. After hanging up the phone, Quinn, who was supposed to pick them up, directly informed the captain, turned the plane around and left.

Seth encouraged Downey to turn on the machine. Downey was hesitant. After all, it had not been tested and he was not sure what harm it would cause. However, under Seth's encouragement and threats, Downey could only agree and turn on the machine.

Not long after the machine was turned on.

The weather suddenly turned gloomy, dark clouds rolled in, the sky was dark, the wind was blowing all around, the air was freezing, and ice roared down hard.

Seth and Donnie hid in the car in a panic, and a huge piece of ice roared directly into the car window and cracked it. There was an endless stream of crackling sounds, and it looked like an apocalyptic scene outside.

"No, we have to turn off the device!" Donnie said solemnly.

"You are crazy, don't forget what Mr. Quinn said, he will only give us money and take us away when he sees the effect!" Seth shouted.

"If we die here, no matter how much money we have, it will be useless." Danny said.

Seth was silent, looking at the terrifying scene outside, hurricanes, ice roars... In the end, he nodded in agreement.

Although money is important, if you don’t have the money to spend it, what’s the point of having money?

The two people hurriedly ran out and planned to turn off the device, but it was not that easy in this environment. Just when they were about to succeed, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck from the sky and hit the device.


Seth was directly hit by lightning, flew out of the car and fell to the ground. Downey's hand was on the device at the time and was injured, but he was lucky and just hit the side.

Looking at the device that had been hacked, Donnie shouted to Seth to get out of here as soon as possible, but he jumped out of the car and came to Seth's side, only to find that he didn't respond at all.

At this moment, he seemed to hear something.

Subconsciously turning his head, he saw a scene that shocked him.

A man fell slowly from the sky, surrounded by countless strong winds. These strong winds seemed to be avoiding him, and they seemed to be controlled by him and did not hurt him at all.

"It's you!" Downey recognized it. Was it the agent from SHIELD?

"Help him, he's injured." Downey shouted hurriedly.

The person coming was none other than Su Zhan.

Seeing this scene, especially Downey's hand, Su Zhan smiled knowingly.


Lifting his hands and moving, two balls of energy directly enveloped Donnie and Seth. Su Zhan took them flying up, through the dark clouds in the sky, and returned to SHIELD's plane.

As soon as they entered the plane, everyone saw Seth who was injured and unconscious and hurriedly started to save people. didn't work out.

He is dead!

Donnie didn't expect that Seth would die, and he was extremely sad and angry.

Looking at the sad Downey, Su Zhan was already thinking about how to get him.

After something like this happened, SHIELD Academy would definitely not let him stay, and SHIELD couldn't just let him go. After all... Fitz was injured, and Downey's IQ, ability, plus that device The level of danger caused, so Downey will definitely be under guard.

However, I'm afraid none of them could have imagined that Downey's real threat is not these, but his special abilities, which is also the reason why Su Zhan deliberately maintained the plot.

Because lightning struck the device, and Downey's hand happened to be on the device, his body structure changed, and he had the ability to change the structure of air material and transform it into ice material... somewhat similar to X Iceman in Men of Steel, but his ability is not as strong as Iceman because he cannot create ice out of thin air.

But even so, this ability is extremely powerful.

After all, without his own help, he would have become a more famous villain in the future, Blizzard!

Although Blizzard Downey was captured by Su Zhan, and although Fitz and everyone knew that he was taken advantage of because of his personality, he must bear responsibility since it happened. SHIELD cannot let it go, nor can SHIELD Maybe leave it to yourself! Although it is impossible to ask people directly.

"It seems that we can only snatch people halfway! However, I am not very suitable to come forward. Professor Lizard, you are really suitable for coming. I will leave this matter to him!"

Thinking of this, Su Zhan turned around and went to his room, took out his phone and called Shuang Shuang.


"How about Professor Lizard?"

"It's quite honest for now."

"That's good, I have something I need him to do!" Su Zhan whispered and told his plan.

The plan is very simple, let Flicker and Professor Lizard act together, Professor Lizard will be responsible for robbing people, and Flicker will be responsible for teleportation. Send Downey to the spaceship for a while first, and then you won't have to worry so much after S.H.I.E.L.D. is disintegrated.

After all, Su Zhan was planning to poach Coulson and his team, so he had to put on a show of dignity.

Coulson had contacted other SHIELD teams and discussed the handover location. After landing, Downey was taken away directly. When he left, he was in a very low mood. After all, in his opinion, Seth was his only friend, but he killed him!

Watching the car escorting Downey leave, Colson and others turned around and went back. When he passed by Su Zhan, he stopped and hesitated: "There is something I want to tell you first!"

"Go to your office!" Su Zhan noticed that Coulson glanced at Skye quietly. Su Zhan realized that what he was about to say might be related to Skye.

I'm should be about Skye's life experience!

Chapter 0103 Captain America asks for help

"You know that Skye has been investigating her parents, right?"

When he came to the office, Colson asked Su Zhan.

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