Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 82 The collision between Gundam and Gundam

The [Trinity] team, which had not received instructions from Ragnar Harvey for a long time, could only choose targets according to their personal preferences. In addition to major bases, they also listed the top military factories as targets for attack.

Unlike Michael and Nina, who enjoy destruction and killing, John's heart has hit rock bottom at this time, because Ragnar Harvey has not been able to reply to him, and he has tried many ways to contact him, but there has been no news.

"Yah! It's so refreshing! Have you seen it? How those people were running away in panic?" Mihail asked John and Nina in the communication, with a sickly madness on his face.

"It's like a mouse, so funny! You can't help but want to crush it to death!" Nina had the cutest smile on her face, but she said the cruelest words.

"Brother, where is our next target? I can't wait!"

After several setbacks, instead of reflecting on themselves, Mihail and Nina put all their faults on others and spread all their grievances on the mission target. The original mission was completed just by destroying the target. , but they ruthlessly killed everyone in sight, whether they were soldiers or civilians, even those who surrendered or lost their fighting consciousness.

"Go back to the hiding place No. 19 first, and then I'll try to contact Ragnar." John said.

"Eh? Why is this like this? There are still enough GN particles. Let's destroy another target?"

"That's right, Brother John, and haven't we been going well without Ragnar recently? Just leave him alone."

"That's right, brother, maybe the old man is dead."

"It would be better if he died. I've already seen him feeling uncomfortable. The middle-aged man is so disgusting."

"Okay, stop talking, listen to me, go to the stronghold for supplies first, and if we still can't contact Ragna after an hour, we will take action again."

"Tch, I understand..."

"I understand, it's so boring..."

The brother and sister agreed unhappily. Although the restlessness in their hearts was almost unbearable, who made John the older brother? Apart from anything else, the relationship between the three brothers and sister was still very deep.

Seeing his brother and sister's uneasy expressions, John felt a headache, and the thought of whether he should be stricter on them suddenly flashed through his mind.

But this idea will be thrown away as soon as it appears. They don’t know their origins and origins. The three brothers and sisters have relied on each other since they were young. They have lost too many things they should enjoy since they were young. Now they finally have freedom. John will not No matter what you ask of them, as long as they are happy.

However, a bad premonition has been lingering in John's heart, and as they get closer to the hiding place No. 19, this premonition becomes stronger.

Soon after, this bad premonition was realized, because a thin plume of smoke rose in the direction of No. 19's hiding place.

"That's the direction of the stronghold!"

"Were you attacked? How could it be..." Naturally, Mihail and Nina saw the same scene, and their expressions turned ugly.

Stronghold No. 19 is located on an isolated island in the sea. It is deserted and no one usually comes. The rising smoke can only come from the stronghold.

"Mihail, Nina, be vigilant!"

"Understood!" X2

At this moment, a pink beam of light cut through the blue sky and hit Angel No. 1.

John subconsciously pulled the joystick and narrowly avoided the beam's sniper attack.

"This kind of particle beam! It's [Celestial Being]!"

As they guessed the attacker, several more sniper attacks came, immediately tearing apart the formation of the [Trinity] team.

"It's the sniper attack from the Angel of Power!"

"Damn it! Are they crazy?"

"Why attack us? We are..."

Nina wanted to defend herself, but the words came to her lips but she couldn't say them out because Yang Hui had already announced that they were not a member of the [Celestial Being] army, let alone a part of the [Celestial Being] plan.

At the same time, the Powerful Angels and Cherubian Angels launched an attack on the [Trinity] team from completely different directions. Under the sniper attack of the Powerful Angels, they had no time to stop them.

The GN sword unfolded, and with the sword of Enangangang, the Angel's No. 2 machine was directly thrown away. The equally hard giant sword was instantly split open.


"Brother Mihai!"

"Do you still have the heart to worry about others?"

At the moment when John and Nina were separated, Cherubim came behind Unit 3 and kicked her in the abdomen. The huge impact caused Nina to scream, and Unit 3 fell directly to the island. Cherubim landed and stepped directly on the No. 3 aircraft, and the GN gun was pressed against the cockpit of the No. 3 aircraft.

"Don't move, little girl."


With a roar, the GN cannon was fired up, pointing at the Cherubim who had its back turned to him, but John did not dare to pull the trigger because the No. 3 unit was on the ray, and he could not guarantee that he could shoot before the Cherubian. Destroy it.

John didn't dare to shoot, but Neil didn't. Seizing the opportunity, the Force Angel's sniper came again, directly cutting off the GN cannon of Unit 1.


"Ku~ Why? Why are you attacking us!? We are also a member of [Celestial Beings]! In order to eradicate war..." John roared directly on the public channel.

"No, you are not our companions, you guys... are not Gundam Messengers!" Setsuna replied after cutting Unit 2's giant sword in two.

"Damn bastard! How dare you hurt my angel...FANG!"

After losing the giant sword, the eight GN fangs shot out and went straight to the vital point of the capable angel. However, the capable angel did not panic. He retracted the GN sword and quickly pulled out the six GN beam short knives at his waist. Throwing the sword, each GN beam dagger accurately hit a GN fang.

"There's more!" Seeing that Angel Energ missed two GN fangs, Mihair had a cruel smile on his face and controlled the GN fangs to attack directly towards Angel Energ's cockpit, "Go to hell!"

Although the alarm sounded loudly, the Angel Energy remained unmoved. Two beams of light grazed both sides of the Angel Energy's cheeks and shot down the last two GN fangs.

"Hey, hey, don't ignore my existence." Neil sneered.

"You bastards, you actually took away my FANG... I will never forgive you!" Mihail pulled out the only remaining beam sword and rushed towards the Angel.

Naturally, the capable angel will not back down, and the GN sword pops out again. It wants to tell Unit 2 that in terms of close combat, you are just a younger brother!

Unit No. 3 was controlled by Cherubeus, Unit No. 2 was entangled by Angel Angel, and he was restricted by Angel Angel's sniper attack. He was unable to rescue anyone. John was sweating profusely, thinking about a way to escape.

Finally, he thought of a piece of information that would be their only chance to safely evacuate.

"Brothers Stolatos, you don't hesitate to become the target of revenge for the Gundam Messengers, and one of them is by your side!"

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