Meet the principal

Act 139. Discovery!

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The liquid air showed an intoxicating light blue color. After compression, cooling and then expansion, the originally invisible air turned into a flowing liquid and appeared in the center of the constant temperature array.

Then, Pluto continued to increase the temperature of the constant-temperature array. At the same time, President Demetri was also collecting the boiling and overflowing gas. This process required extremely high control and patience, even for a high-level mage. The two of them also spent a considerable amount of time performing this operation.

Finally, during the process of repeated fractionation, a special gas different from Netron gas and Oakles gas was captured by President Demetri's array.

"Let me measure it."

Part of the gas controlled by the mage's hand flashed in the measuring array, and soon, President Dmitri obtained the relative elemental mass of this gas, 39.97073.

"Is this the new element mentioned before?"

Lord Eagles Field frowned. Judging from the relative element mass, this should be an inert gas element that has already been discovered, not the new element mentioned by Reiner.

"No, there is a one percent error, which cannot be ignored."

Reiner said that the physical properties of the noble gases are similar and are easily confused during fractionation. The elements obtained at this time should already be a mixture of several noble gases.

"That's right, we conduct more detailed fractionation of this part of the gas."

Pluto glanced at Reiner and agreed with his rigorous experimental spirit. He waved his hand again, and several precious spell-casting materials flew out of the storage bag. On the basis of the original freezing magic circle, a more advanced one was formed. Delicate magic circle.

"The accuracy of this seven-ring magic is a hundred times higher than before. If it still cannot be accurately separated, then I'm afraid we can only ask the legendary mages."

Pluto explained, carefully placing the extremely small amount of liquid into the magic circle.

As the temperature dropped again, it seemed as if the entire conference room had gone from midsummer to cold winter. In order to avoid the influence of other entities, the curtains in the conference room were drawn and the room fell into darkness. Only the magic circles emitted a faint light. .

As the temperature gradually increased, everyone stared intently at the surface of the liquid air that had been magnified thousands of times by the amplification circle. Then, in the next moment, a trace of smoke emerged from the surface of the liquid.


President Dmitry did not miss the opportunity;

He properly collected the tiny wisp of smoke and quickly measured it.

However, the results displayed in the measurement circle were beyond everyone's expectations.

What they were supposed to be looking for was an inert gas element located between "Florin" and "Soldien" with a relative element mass of about 20 to 2, but the measured value that appeared in the array at this time turned out to be 3.79652!

According to the relative element mass arrangement, this element should be located between the "Bromean" element with a relative element mass of 79.92364 and the "Lubidi" element with a relative element mass of 5.3692. Currently, this position is vacant on the periodic table of elements. of!

Judging from Reiner's periodic table of elements, this element should also be an inert gas. This discovery shocked all the high-level mages who witnessed all this.

President Dmitri suppressed the excitement in his heart and continuously measured various properties of this brand-new gas. He found that its properties were similar to the inert gases originally discovered. The alchemical properties were similar, but other properties were different. Completely different, this is indeed a brand new element, which also appeared in Reiner's prediction of the periodic table of elements.

This may be the first time that mages have discovered a new element not by chance or luck, but with actual theoretical guidance.

The discovery of this new element proves the value of the periodic table beyond any doubt!


A clearly audible magic shock wave surged in the air. President Dmitry had been stationed in the Nine Rings for many years, but he did not expect that now there were signs of loosening due to the discovery of new elements. Although it was not a breakthrough, Mai Entering the realm of legendary mage, but also gaining a lot.

The magic reverberated among all the high-level mages participating in the meeting. They all received more or less feedback from the world based on their understanding of the periodic table of elements, and were stabilizing the exciting magic at this time.

As the person who proposed the periodic table of elements, Reiner naturally could not have learned nothing. Rather, since he had the lowest rank among the people present, he was also the strongest affected.

In the heart lake, a surging wave rolled up, dark clouds blocked the sun, and the originally burning flame was like a candle in the wind, shaking and extinguished.

In the thunderous sky, suddenly, a bolt of lightning fell!

The lightning was not bright and dazzling yellow, but blue-purple!


The lightning submerged into the lake water, causing electric current to spread across the entire lake surface. The turbulent lake water surged like a boil, as if it would overflow at any time.


The next moment, a blue-green lightning followed, making the entire lake shine with a glow. The gorgeous and bright electric light made the inner lake obscured by dark clouds dazzling.

Before Reiner could digest all the feedback from the world, another excited exclamation came from Pluto.

"Found it, another new element!"

President Demetri hurriedly measured the fractionated gas delivered by Pluto. After flashes of light, he reported the relative elemental mass of this new gas.

20.794! ! !

Its alchemical properties are extremely inactive, and many of its properties are similar to the two previously discovered rare gas elements. It emits red light when electrified.

This is exactly what Reiner predicted in his paper, a new element existing between the two elements of "Florin" and "Soldien"!


In Reiner's heart lake, the third lightning fell, it was red lightning.

Three lightning bolts connected one after another, connecting the sky and the lake. The roaring wind and torrential rain were eclipsed by this dazzling thunder and lightning storm.

The lightning storm quickly merged into one, turning into a dazzling mass of intertwined light.

Immediately afterwards, the light exploded and turned into countless particles that floated away and penetrated into every corner of the heart lake.

At the same time, various elemental elements are woven from light particles and appear on the heart lake. They move in unpredictable trajectories. Amidst the chaos, an order is gradually formed.

As if the laws of the world were stipulated one by one, those elements were combined and arranged, turning into a long snake, holding its own tail in the sky.

It can be seen that each element gradually blurs, turning into a cloud whose essence cannot be seen clearly, hanging high in the sky. Then, a ray of sunlight breaks through the haze, illuminating the world that was previously shrouded in darkness.

The clouds are gone and the rain is clear, and the color is bright.

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