Meet the principal

Scene 156. Anweina’s crime

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Anweina was wearing a maid uniform and was walking slowly in the corridor. This was the path leading to the castle's large library, and there was usually no one there.

She took cautious steps and finally came to the door of the large library. She pushed the door open and walked in. There were several towering bookshelves in the huge space, but there was no one there.

The Albiore family has a rich collection of books, including many historical classics and magical documents that have long been lost to the outside world, but most of them are locked in bookcases. Most of the books that can be read on the bookshelves are some basic historical and literary books. .

Edward has not liked studying since he was a child and has not been to the big library a few times. You must know that as long as a blood mage can successfully awaken his bloodline, he will be at least the second level. Compared with ordinary people, it is like cheating. Edward is currently in the second level. Basically, it was achieved through blood, and I didn’t put in much effort.

In the past, the most frequent person here was probably Alymiya, and the one who accompanied her at that time was Anweina, the personal maid.

She was told a week ago that she no longer had to serve Alymiya. At the same time, Alymiya was sent to the high tower where her mother had stayed, saying it was for preparation for marriage, but Anweina knew that it was just It's just a way to torture Emilia's mind.

Just because of her mother, Emilia has been ostracized and jealous by the Albiore family since she was a child. This time, they may have to completely make Emilia surrender.

Anweina skillfully arrived at the Albiore family's genealogy storage room, where anyone could view it without any protection. She took out a thick leather-bound book from the bookshelf and opened it.

Looking through the catalog, Anweina quickly found the part that Reiner needed.

She was somewhat thankful that Emilia had taught her how to read and write while reading those difficult and obscure books. You know, most of her peers in Berger City only knew how to write their own name.

Words will bring knowledge, knowledge will bring thoughts, and thoughts mean rebellion. I don’t know where, Anweina once saw such a sentence. At that time, she was still young and could not understand it, but now, she understands it. It has some connotations.

She used the recording stone that Reiner taught her to use to quickly record the contents of the genealogy. Since this was a brief genealogy, each member of the Albiore family only had a simple life story accompanied by a color portrait.

The light of the recording stone swept across the last page, and Anweina couldn't help but feel a little sad when she saw the introduction of Amelia's mother.

She closed the family tree,

Put it back in its original place, then went to another bookshelf and found the record about the unlucky Mr. Ron.

After recording it also, Anweina put away the recording stone. Just in case, she also took two books and held them in her arms before hurriedly leaving the big library.

But she had just passed the expert when a hand grabbed her wrist.


Letting out a small exclamation, Anweina looked at the other party with some fear.

It's Edward.

"It's so urgent, where are you going?"

Edward licked his lips and looked at Anweina up and down. His eyes seemed to have stripped the maid naked, which was disgusting.

"I-I just wanted to help Miss Alymiya find some books to read."

Anweina was very lucky that she took two books. She saw Edward shift his gaze from her face to his chest, reached out and took out one of the books, and wiped some oil on Anweina's breasts. .

"You are really loyal to that bastard. Don't you know that I will be the head of this family from now on?"

Edward raised his voice and enjoyed seeing the shy and embarrassed expression on Anweina's face.

"Although you can't touch Emilia, I don't think you will refuse my offer. This is the blood of the Albiore family..."

With that said, Edward put his hands on Anweina's shoulders and pulled away half of her clothes, revealing her fair skin.

"I haven't tried to work in the big library yet. Both Isis and Margaret are too conservative, and their skills are not even as good as those women outside who get paid to do things. Gee, Cologne recently told me about a few new things. How to play, I can try it out today..."

"Master, please don't..."

Anweina's heartbeat was racing. She had heard some rumors in the past, but she didn't expect Edward to be so horny.

"Don't be nervous, you will be immersed in joy later..."

He wanted to go deeper, but a voice suddenly froze Edward's movements.

"Edward, be careful about who you are."

It was a deep male voice, coming from behind Edward. In panic, Anweina looked over Edward's shoulder and found a meticulous man with light blond curly hair.

The man is very similar to Mr. William, but he looks younger. He is wearing a mage robe embroidered with the Albiore family crest, and the five gold edges on the cuffs are particularly conspicuous.

Anwenna had only met this man a few times. He was George von Albiore, the younger brother of the current head of the family, William.


Edward glanced at his uncle, then withdrew his hand, and finally couldn't help but touch Anweina's smooth skin.

"The Albiore family has many traditions, but desire for indulgence is definitely not one of them."

George said coldly, making Edward stunned again.

"Tch, it's boring."

Edward said something coldly, then turned around and left, not wanting to talk nonsense with his uncle anymore.

"When will this child grow up..."

George looked at Edward's retreating back and sighed softly. He glanced at Anweina again.

"Take care of yourself, you don't have to tell anyone about this."

Anweina nodded hurriedly. If George hadn't appeared in time, she might have been bullied by Edward. She was very grateful to this adult from the bottom of her heart.

After hurriedly arranging her collar, Anweina picked up the fallen books on the ground and was about to leave, but George stopped her again.

"Wait, what's your name?"

"Sir, my name is Anweina. I used to be Miss Alymiya's personal maid."

Stopping, Anweina turned around, lowered her head and replied.

"Looked up."

After hearing George's order, Anweina raised her head slightly doubtfully, but saw a somewhat complicated look in the eyes of the meticulous George.

"grown ups?"

Since George didn't speak after that, Anweina couldn't help but ask, which made George come out of his trance and waved.

"It's okay, let's go. Be careful in the future and don't come to places like this alone. I won't be right next to you every time."

"As you command, my lord."

Saluting again, Anweina hurriedly left this section of the corridor.

Seeing her leaving, George smiled bitterly and whispered as if he was talking to himself.

"She does look more like her mother."

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