Meet the principal

Act 523. Winter Solstice

The first snow at Crescent College came as expected.

Overnight, the forest was covered with snow, and the entire campus became a castle of ice and snow.

The soft snow has not yet frozen. If you step on it, you will sink deeply into it, leaving a clearly visible footprint. Many students from southern cities who have not seen heavy snow ran out of the room one after another, regardless of the baptism of goose-feather falling snow, and walked in the square. Play freely.

Students in the north have long been accustomed to this. They just sit by the bed, looking at the vast land and the birds swaying in the wind and snow, making a cup of hot coffee to warm their palms.

The end of the semester is approaching, and even though today is a day off, the library is still full of students reviewing. Some of them spread out heavy books and take notes, some are worrying about the test papers, and some are using magic tablets. Think carefully against the teacher's handouts.

The aroma of coffee filled the warm library and also filled the lounge.

Claire, wrapped in a blanket, held a cup of beautiful-colored coffee and sat in front of the fireplace. The joyful flames danced on the fire, releasing the heat from these old woods. The fire illuminated the bright hall, making people feel Peace of mind and peace.

She pressed both hands tightly against the cup, and her eyes were focused on the magic tablet in front of her. After about three minutes, she took one hand out from the warm cup with difficulty, and stretched out her hand to instruct the magic tablet to turn the page. , and then quickly retracted.

"You get up so early."

Reiner came back from outside, with several books and magic tablets floating around him. He took off his thick black cloak and hung it on a hanger nearby. Then he walked to the fireplace, stretched out his hand to warm up the fire, and glanced at the There was an empty vase above the fireplace before sitting down on the sofa next to Claire.

"I don't sleep until noon every day, huh."

Claire said rather dissatisfied, then stretched out her hand and pushed the dinner plate placed on the small table in the direction of Reiner.

"There are cookies here, they may be a little sweet, but I think they are delicious."

Reiner looked at the plate. Although he could see that it looked like biscuits, it was obvious that Claire might have originally thought of making it into something else, and only after failure did he transform it into biscuits.

Shaking his head, Reiner reached for a piece and put it into his mouth. The texture was quite crunchy, but as Claire said, it was a bit sweet.

After eating a piece, Reiner couldn't help but make a cup of unsweetened black tea. After neutralizing it for a while,

Only then did he recover.

"It's really too sweet."

Reiner glanced at the clock on the wall. It was five minutes past twelve, and it was lunch time.

Just in time, the dining car driven by the alchemical creatures came from the corridor, and soon a simple lunch was plated in the lounge.

The roasted pork ribs are filled with the aroma of smoke and garnished with fresh herbs, which has a profound flavor. The seafood soup is crystal clear, which neutralizes the strong aroma of the barbecue. The soft bread is toasted just right, and paired with a small piece of butter, it is delicious. move.

When Claire saw these dishes, she immediately put down the coffee in her hand, quickly put on a napkin, and held a knife and fork in hand to enjoy.

"Is everyone else outside?"

She asked, today was a day off, but she never saw anyone else.

"It's the end of the year now. Who can stay in the lounge and read novels like you?"

Reiner got two glasses of juice. It was noon and it was not appropriate to drink.

"This novel is so good!"

Claire said, then picked up the magic tablet on the side and showed Reiner the novel inside.

"This novel called "The Enchanted Witch" is really beautiful. Although it looks like an ordinary large-scale novel, it actually contains the author's deep attachment. It can be seen that the author is carefully portraying it. Every character of!”

Claire was a little excited and didn't care at all that the page shown to Reiner was almost entirely filled with descriptions that made people blush and heartbeat.

"Whether it's the funny scene where the male and female protagonists bicker, the two people supporting each other in crisis, or the meticulous description of the sex scene, it's all irresistible, but!"

Claire changed the subject and glared at Reiner.

"But this book has been discontinued!!! It! Interrupted! Updated!!!!"

Claire puffed up her cheeks very angrily and said angrily.

"This book has been discontinued since the fall, and the author has disappeared. This behavior needs to be severely condemned!"

"Don't you always update?"

Reiner glanced at Claire's screen and asked.

"Then, that's not a broken update, it's going out to collect materials. Can it be called a broken update if you go out to collect materials?"

Claire hesitated and couldn't explain why, so she simply gave up thinking and spoke directly.

"In short, I have seriously asked for leave every time. I mustered up the courage to ask for leave and stop updating. It is a very responsible way to stop updating. Compared with this kind of interruption without saying a word, the author does not know how much better it is to stop updating until the second year. where it goes!"

At the same time, she puffed up her chest. Even though she was wearing a heavy coat, she could still see Claire's beautiful figure. It would be better to say that because of Reiner, Claire seemed to have grown a lot in various senses.

"Okay, okay, Claire worked really hard."

Reiner touched Claire's head and asked her to return to her seat.

The two quickly finished their lunch, and Claire continued to retreat to the sofa, casually clicking on a live broadcast to watch.

Reiner returned to the laboratory and tried to complete his work.

After the quantum theory was proposed, a large amount of data verification and calculations were still needed. Reiner continued for several months until the end of the year before completing the preliminary model building work.

Although it can be done slowly, Reiner doesn't know how long Phyllis in the quantum state can maintain her consciousness, nor does she know what dangers Phyllis in the quantum world will encounter. In short, the longer time passes, the more likely Felice will be. The chance of Silk being able to return to normal state is also smaller.

In the process of quantum theory being promoted by the high-level council, a large number of quantum phenomena in the microscopic world were observed. The mages conducted extensive and in-depth experiments, basically verifying a series of hypotheses in quantum theory.

Some mid-level mages gradually began to accept quantum theory. Although this subverted many perceptions, high-level mages adopted some tactful and gentle methods, which prevented large-scale academic disasters.

But at the same time, there are also certain problems that are difficult to explain using classical magic theory and challenge people's cognition.

For example, the collapse problem caused by two entangled quantum spins that Reiner is currently working on is one of them. Reiner believes that this issue may be the key to dealing with the possible Sauron alien attack.

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