Meet the principal

Act 529. Farewell

On the 8th of the Dragon Sleeping Moon, Crescent College.

Outside the square and in front of the trail, heavy snow fell all over the sky.

Snow is piling up on campus, but no one has the time to play in the snow outside. The students sit in the cafeteria and in front of the stove.

No one cares about the hot broth. These teenage girls are wearing heavy robes and most of them are carrying one or two small boxes, as if they are ready to go home.

"Asilua, you have to take care of yourself. Remember to brush your teeth morning and night. Don't sit in front of the magic computer all the time. Eat more fruits..."

Hathaway took a deep look at Asilua and kept mumbling, like a mother about to send her daughter out.

"I know, Hathaway, we just go home for a while and we can meet again next year."

Asilua said, still wearing that heartless smile.

Crescent College, like other schools, ended the semester early in accordance with relevant regulations after the news of Sauron's alien invasion came, allowing students to go home in time to reunite with their families.

Today is the day to leave school. The students packed their luggage and waited for the carriage to leave. For some reason, they did not stay in their own dormitories, but chose to gather in the cafeteria.

Although they are young and have not been exposed to various aspects of society, these little girls also vaguely feel the seriousness of the matter. Precisely because they have learned magic, they can better understand what kind of monster the Sauron mutant is.

No one knows whether leaving this time will mean goodbye forever.

"This is an early winter vacation. I think it's good. I haven't finished memorizing the history of ancient magic yet, and I'm not sure about the theory of potion preparation. If I take the exam directly, I might fail."

Ahilua said again. Although her eyes were red and she looked like she hadn't slept all night, she was still in high spirits.

"Even if I give you two more weeks to review, you won't be able to pass. You're lucky this time. You'll know your mistake next time."

Hearing Asilua's words, Hathaway said subconsciously. After finishing speaking, he was stunned. Thinking of the current situation, his eyes dimmed again.

"...I didn't want to leave school at all."

"I don't want to either. There is the Internet here, there are not as many rules as at home, and there are delicious meals.

My favorite is the braised pig's trotters in the canteen, as well as spicy tofu, steamed crab, salt and pepper shrimp, mushroom patties, sweet tofu..."

Asilua talked about the various conveniences of Crescent College, and as she talked, all the delicious dishes were served. The students around her subconsciously recalled the taste of these foods and couldn't help but swallow.

"Stop talking, I'm already hungry." "I haven't eaten anything since morning..." "Sweet tofu is a heresy, salty tofu is the right way!"

A student nearby shouted, which immediately made the originally solemn atmosphere in the cafeteria much lighter.

"Is there anything to eat in the cafeteria now?"

Suddenly, someone asked, causing the students to look at the queue window.

Asilua walked over and looked into the kitchen.

There was not a single alchemy creature in the quiet kitchen. The originally busy scene disappeared and was replaced by silence.

"The alchemical creatures should have rested. After all, we are all leaving today."

Some students guessed.

"Then we'll do it ourselves."

Asilua said, opened the kitchen door and walked in quietly.

"Wait, wait, what do you do..."

Hathaway originally wanted to stop Asilua, but suddenly thought of something, and immediately followed her footsteps.

The students walked into the kitchen one after another. Everyone said nothing and tacitly began to fiddle with the kitchen utensils.

Fortunately, although the alchemy creatures in the kitchen are missing, there are still no shortage of ingredients, and the various seasoning bottles are also labeled with their names, so that these little girls who may have never been exposed to cooking in the past will not be confused. Sugar and salt are wrong.

But after all, they are children who have never had actual contact with the kitchen, and various problems will inevitably arise.

"Ah, this fish, this fish jumped out!"

"It, it, this crab got caught in my sleeve!"

"What is the difference between soy sauce and vinegar? They can be substituted..."

"This dough is too small. The bread I usually eat is so big. I think it should be bigger."


After a period of busy work, the clock rang twelve noon, and another ten minutes passed before the students finally prepared a lunch and served it to the table.

However, when looking at this somewhat weird food, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched slightly.

The roasted chicken in the middle of the table was burnt black, as if it had been overcooked, and the cauliflower that adorned the plate was also stained a dull gray.

The fish soup was not pure white as usual, but a strange juice with a green sheen. The fish bones and meat inside were separated, as if the fish head had been corroded by some kind of acid, looking up at the sky and rolling its eyes.

The steamed crab looked relatively normal, but the fabric held on the tongs made people a little intimidated.

The bread on the side was too huge, looking like a cannonball. It was hard when knocked, but had the texture of a stone.

There seems to be too much chili pepper in the spicy tofu. The pure white tofu has been stained with a strong red color. The whole plate is like a carnival of chili peppers. Just looking at it makes people feel hot all over.

Apart from these, the rest of the dishes looked like monsters dancing wildly, as if the Sauron alien species had invaded the table in advance.

"Are these things really edible?"

Ahilua's face looked a little ugly. Although it was her suggestion to cook the food herself, she could never imagine that these students could make normal ingredients look like this.

"It should be... ok, at least the materials are normal."

Cold sweat broke out on Hathaway's face.

Everyone swallowed, but finally picked up the knife and fork.

Ahilua ate a piece of chicken, her face suddenly turned livid, and her whole body shivered, but she still swallowed it with great difficulty.

"Wow, it tastes so bad. Is this really what I cooked?"

"Why is this so sour? I obviously made it according to the recipe on the forum..."

"The alchemy creatures have worked so hard. I will never waste food again!"

Amidst the screams one after another, no one stopped what they were doing. They ate the food they made with their own hands noisily and painfully, just like usual.

Finally, while eating, Hathaway shed tears. The hard bread was mixed with salty tears, but it was more delicious than anything else.

Emotions spread instantly, like a flood that broke a bank. Suddenly, the entire cafeteria was filled with constant sobbing. The students were crying while eating strange-tasting food, forming a strange scene.

"Asilua, we will meet again, right?"

Hathaway asked, looking at the girl beside her with tears in her eyes.

"Will do."

Ahilua still had that heartless smile, like sunshine that could not be dispelled by any gloom.

"We will definitely meet again."

Seeing Asilua's smile, Hathaway also felt a glimmer of hope.

There was a bell ringing outside, indicating that the carriage taking the students to the train station had arrived.

"Hathaway, I will definitely go to see you."

Asilua said firmly, as if this was not a promise, but the truth in the book.

Hathaway was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly but firmly.

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