Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 90, Swamp Camp - Successful capture!

Zhao Ji carefully waved the wooden stick, relying on the wounded slime monsters strung on it to lure large groups of slime monsters. It’s enough to laugh just now, Zhao Ji still thinks that hunting is a very serious thing, the scene just now is really too funny, inexplicably hit a point of his laughter.

The continuous retreat will eventually come to an end, and Zhao Ji knew that he had retreated to the second island as soon as he stepped on the soft ground. With the limited illumination from the torch of the previous island, Zhao Ji saw that a large group of slime monsters had already chased them, but there was no movement from the trap in the distance.

No movement is a good thing.

It seems that the plan was successful so far, and Zhao Ji breathed a sigh of relief. After all, a live slime monster can be exchanged for a silver coin from Master Lian Xiude's family.

Zhao Jike absolutely didn't want to mess things up. After all, he is the provider of the plan. If the whole plan is messed up in his hands, his reputation will definitely be greatly affected. Not to mention that Master Lian Xiude's family has invested so much manpower and materials here, and even asked the local lord for permission for the plan.

It's easy to say that things worked out. If it fails, if it has nothing to do with Zhao Ji, maybe you can do it again tomorrow, but if it is because of Zhao Ji's own reasons that the matter fails. Maybe the whole plan can't go on.

After all, he is the most important role in the whole plan. If he fails, it will be difficult to get others to do these things again.

In order to shake off the ominous thoughts of failure in his mind, Zhao Ji shook his head vigorously. As a result the helmet came loose and went elsewhere.

Quickly tidied up the helmet with his left hand. Zhao Ji thrust the wooden stick in his right hand into the ground. When he came to the torch for lighting, Zhao Ji took out the prepared flint from his clothes.

He pulled out the dagger from his waist and handed it to his left hand, while the right hand held a small piece of flint against the dagger in his left hand. Zhao Ji's nervous hands couldn't touch each other, so he took a deep breath without exhaling. The flint in the right hand slammed into the edge of the dagger in the left hand again.


The collision produced a large number of sparks, which ignited the oil-soaked torch all at once.

"Huh." Zhao Ji exhaled a long breath, although it was still too hard, he still lit the lighting torch.

Put away the dagger and flint. Zhao Ji pulled up the wooden stick next to him again. With this lighting torch, Zhao Ji lit the other two lighting torches with a small piece of wood.

In the middle of the island, Zhao Ji stuck the stick with the dying slime monster in the center of the trap.

Backing away from the trap, Zhao Ji rinsed the shield in the muddy water to remove the slime monster slime on the shield.

After finishing, Zhao Ji waited for these mindless swarms of slime monsters to step into the human trap.


It was late at night, and there were still a few people in the camp who were not asleep, and the captain Proka and the craftsman Punica were among them. Captain Proka wanted to take care of the safety of the camp in the wild. Anyway, it was only one night, so he decided not to sleep tonight. Anyway, he is such a tough guy, it doesn't matter if he sleeps one night less.

Craftsman Punica tried his best. After all, it was so late. If it was normal, he would have gone to bed after a busy day. The reason why he can persist until now is because he has been slowly retiring his rest time these two days, just to avoid losing face in today's capture plan. After all, he is also a steward of the Fick family in this operation. Secondly, he was trying to outwit his cousin Proka Fick, who had returned from a long journey.

Since he was a child, Punica has been competing with this brother who is not much different from his age.

From reading characters to reciting family history, from height to choosing a future career, from competing in improving one's professional skills to chasing the daughter of the same businessman. The two have always won and lost each other,

Until he won the heart of his current wife and the approval of his family, Punica greatly surpassed his cousin Proca.

Unfortunately, since then. His cousin Proka Fick traveled far away with his accumulated savings and equipment donated by the family. At first he thought he would come back in just a year or so, and the two continued to compete.

But in a year or two, he got married. In three or five years, he had a child. In seven or eight years, he began to take over a leather shop. Eleven or twelve years, his brother has not come back. Only the occasional traveling caravan sent letters from Proka.

Punica felt that maybe he would never meet his brother again in his life. He once secretly cried bitterly while drunk in a tavern, and he also thought that he had won the match many years ago, making his brother feel ashamed to face him before traveling far.

But I didn't expect it, just a few days ago. The brother he thought would never come back suddenly returns, and Proka-Fik is back again.

The once frail young man has turned into a tall and strong man, the blessed long sword bestowed on him by his family has also turned into two powerful axes, and the familiar Kendal dialect has become the unfamiliar standard common language of the empire. The cold face that always compares with him has also turned into a warm hug and blessing after returning, and the single figure in the long journey has also become that he returned with his family, wife and children when he was in the empire.

Hey, these days, Punika thinks that it would be better if his cousin Proka Fick didn't come back.

Punika himself was once a handsome boy, but now he has become a middle-aged fat man with a big beard. The responsibility of the family makes him worry every day, and he has long since lost the desire to win when he was young.

But in the past two days, he felt that he had returned to himself. Sure enough, there was always a fight between him and Proka, and everything was fine.


Just as the Punika craftsman was struggling hard with his eyelids, Zhao Ji appeared at the gate of the camp with an excited face.

Captain Proka came over and gave Zhao Ji a strong hug, and praised: "Good boy, what a great guy. You have worked hard, take a rest. You can tell from your face that you have brought everyone a good time." News. Come! Tell us what happened just now."

The Punica craftsman also patted his face to refresh himself, walked over and gave Zhao Ji a big hug, and led Zhao Ji to the campfire to warm up.

After Zhao Ji sat down, he took off his helmet, put away his shield, and talked about the result first.

The capture plan was finally a success.

He counted fifty-two slime monsters tonight, all strong slime monsters. The lid is also properly covered, and the lid is covered with soil to ensure that the slime monsters cannot escape.

After briefly talking about the result and process, Zhao Jixian reassured everyone. Then he returned to his bedding, took out his remaining steak and beer, and put the empty beer container on the ground by the way.

Seeing the steak and beer that Zhao Ji hid, everyone laughed. The big guys joked that Kiel was really brave. He went to the swamp to do such a dangerous job, and he could finish it with a steak and a drink. He really was a warrior.

Back before the campfire again, Zhao Ji sipped fresh beer while heating the steak, and told everyone about his previous situation in detail.


After a while, the campfire came to the camp.

It turned out that the people who fell asleep also woke up, and everyone listened carefully to Keir's story about the real adventure that just happened.

It is indeed very scary and complicated, which is what most people think.

The most adventurous thing they usually do is to lay tree trails in the swamp during the day, carry wooden barrels and clay pots, and dig deep pits.

Many people have never had the experience of running to such a dangerous place to work.

Listening to Keel's story about dodging back and forth between the slime monster's dangerous acid and using his shield to block the flying acid spit at every possible chance, the helpers of the Fick family broke out in a cold sweat.

Listening to Keel's story about how he walked all over the island of slime monsters that he didn't find him, carefully put the lids on the barrels and clay pots. Captain Proka marveled at Kiel's audacity and dexterity.

Listen to Keel describe how he quickly kicked down three dirt pillars, covered the lid with dirt, and ran away. The Punika craftsman laughed loudly, proudly proclaiming that this was a brilliant idea that he and Kiel came up with together.

Hearing that Keel was on the last island, he boldly ran around to cover the lid and kick down the dirt pillars, ignoring the slime monster's spit attack, and directly completed the capture operation. Everyone felt that Keir was too bold.

But looking at Zhao Ji's clothes all over his body, there were only some mud splashes, and nothing else was damaged. Everyone can only think that it is a bold person with a high degree of art.

After a busy day and night, Zhao Ji felt really tired after talking about his little adventure just now. So he got into his quilt and went to sleep early.

Instead, the others became energetic, discussing Keir's risky behavior just now, and discussing how to dig out the large wooden barrel filled with the slime monster tomorrow, and then transport it back to Kendall City.

They talked till very late, and did not rest until all three moons had risen in the sky.

Captain Proka looked at the dark swamp in the distance, reached out and caressed his two giant axes, and missed the time when he was young and adventurous.

At that time, he was so similar to Keir today, he was both so skilled and bold, and he felt that he could create all kinds of possibilities with his own abilities.

It wasn't until later that the entire team was defeated by the terrifying monsters that he gave up his desire to take risks everywhere, married a wife, and started a family. He no longer used two giant axes to sell force for a living, but learned how to make meals from all over the world. culinary advancement.

Now, he returns to his hometown where he was born and raised.

Although he couldn't escape the task entrusted by the family and led the capture operation this time, his more thoughts were no longer on the adventure. Now he just wants to record all the cooking skills he knows, the delicacies from all over the empire he has tasted, and the special foods he has heard about.

After all, his sense of adventure had already been extinguished. Even if I saw a young man like Keel today, I couldn't afford to have the slightest sense of adventure.


In the morning, Zhao Ji woke up after the sun had crossed the horizon.

Most of the people in the camp had already set off to dig a large wooden barrel in the swamp led by Captain Proka. The craftsmen of Punica also went with them, leaving only three young people sitting on the donkey cart with logging axes to guard the surroundings.

Zhao Ji wiped his face with a dog-skin quilt, and went outside the camp to put water on the tree. Then go back to camp and have some leftover breakfast just for him.

There is also a warm breakfast that tastes very good. No need to look, Captain Proka must have done it himself. Considering that he kept vigil in person last night and cooked breakfast for everyone in the morning, and now he led a team to the swamp to collect the large wooden barrels and clay pots filled with slime monsters.

Zhao Ji thinks that the spirit of Captain Proka is really good. I don't know if there is any exclusive secret.

The continuous fatigue yesterday made Zhao Ji feel a little bit unmotivated after getting up this morning. Anyway, all his tasks have been completed, so let's rest now. After all, the living slime monster is what the Fick family wants to get, and it's not Zhao Ji's own business, so don't worry about it.

Captain Proka's work seems to be going very smoothly. Before noon, the large wooden barrels and clay pots containing the slime monsters had been transported back to the camp.

The top lids of these large wooden barrels and clay pots are covered with a large and thick linen cloth to block possible sunlight. On the outside of the thick linen, there are many coils of rope tightly wound, which wrap the thick linen very firmly.

All the people carefully lifted these things to the donkey cart, and then packed up and loaded all kinds of things in the camp on the wheelbarrow, and set foot on the way back.

Zhao Ji also packed his things carefully, and he specially used two ropes to hang the two jugs containing beer behind his back.

Zhao Ji thought happily of his generous reward. There are fifty-two silver coins in total, which is as many as five gold coins. Although it is only a little money in the eyes of the nobles, churches, chambers of commerce, and big businessmen in the city, to Zhao Ji, it is already more than all his property.

Of course, that doesn't include the insignificant sixth-class security badge of the God of Saturn.

In the past two days, Zhao Ji took the time to carefully ask the old president of Huwei, how much is this sixth-class security badge of the god of agriculture worth?

The old president of Foxtail immediately criticized Zhao Ji for blowing his beard and staring. Of course, he finally settled the accounts for Zhao Ji. The materials for the badge alone cost nearly a hundred gold coins, mainly because of the value of the gemstones inside. This has not taken into account that the making of the badge is processed by priests and shepherds with divine power. The most important thing is to load the healing miracle performed by the God of Saturn on it. Can this be a matter of money?

With the extensive belief in Saturn in the empire and surrounding countries, only the reward badges that the Saturn Church itself is willing to issue, there are no badges that are forced to be produced and traded.

Hearing these explanations at that time, Zhao Ji realized that he had taken a lot of advantage. If it weren't for the leading pastor of the local Saturnalia Church to quickly settle the matter of the rain during the harvest, and his own selfishness. Zhao Jicai will not have the chance to be rewarded by the Saturnalia Church.

Having said that, the cash of hardware and silver is also very important to Zhao Ji. He hasn't decided what to do with the money yet.

After thinking about it, the team walked to the gate of Kendall City.

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