Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 96, Camp South of the Swamp - Possible Danger

When, when, when.

Zhao Ji swung the ax as hard as he could, and after a while of busy work, the swamp dwarf tree was still chopped down.

Zhao Ji took out two lengths of rope, and handed one to Wiltz's shepherd, asking him to wrap up the branches of the dwarf tree with rope, tie them up, and take them back. Zhao Ji himself tied the short tree with another rope and dragged it back.

Although the trunk was quite heavy, Zhao Ji managed to drag it back because the ground at the edge of the swamp was very slippery. On the contrary, his speed was faster than that of Wiltz Shepherd.

After pulling back the trunk of the dwarf tree, Zhao Ji split the trunk into large pieces with an axe.

Randomly piled these wooden blocks at the gate of the camp, put down the ax and looked at how the two little assistants in the camp were doing.

Irina found a few big leaves and separated the insect-repellent plants into categories. She was already busy at this time, and she was sitting casually on her own quilt and bowed her head to pray.

And Tutugo also finished his work. The weeds were neatly gathered together, and the soil from the roots of the two poor bushes was cleaned. At the moment, Tutugo is trying to use the thin branches of the shrub to try to plug the hole in the original branch wall of the camp.

Although Zhao Ji felt that the hole in the wall was not patched like that, he didn't bother him, after all, it was a good thing. At least they are trying to solve the problems encountered. Instead of pretending not to see it, or making trouble for Zhao Ji, dragging him down or something.

Picking up three pieces of wood that had just been split, Zhao Ji placed the pieces of wood in a triangular shape in the center of the campfire, and then began to prepare the divided insect repellent plants.

Zhao Ji took the insect-repelling plant leaves in his hands and hung them one by one on the wall of the camp. The two assistants also watched Zhao Ji's movements, and they curiously asked Zhao Ji about the functions of these things. Zhao Ji also responded to the questions of the two of them.

When the leaves are hanging, Zhao Ji will tear the leaves a little, so that the smell of the repellent leaves can be better diffused.

As for the weeds that need to be burned to repel mosquitoes, Zhao Ji put them next to the campfire, and after a while, he just added some to the fire from time to time.

For the insect-repelling flowers, Zhao Ji found a roughly square block of wood from outside the camp, used a dagger to dig out a shallow pit in the middle of the block, and then put the insect-repelling flowers into it little by little. Then find a small, round, short and thick branch, and mash the insect repellent flowers with the thick side. After mashing them all, Zhao Ji instructed the two of them how to use this thing.

But don't directly touch the mashed juice with your hands, it's very troublesome. Just use a stick with a little sap and apply it to your clothes. Before the juice is completely volatilized, it can effectively dispel all kinds of mosquitoes that approach.

Of course, Zhao Ji couldn't use it himself, so he took out his wooden helmet. The leaves that repel mosquitoes are placed inside the wooden helmet.

Then take some cushions inside the shoes and inside the sleeves.

In order to prevent the insect-repelling leaves inside the sleeves from falling off, Zhao Ji used two sections of hemp rope to tie the cuffs a little, and it was enough to tie them tightly.

Coincidentally, the shepherd Wiltz also came back at this time.

Like Zhao Ji, he tied the branches together and dragged them all the way back to the camp.

Zhao Ji selected a few suitable branches from the branches brought back by Wiltz, and piled them obliquely on the wood block in the middle of the fire, and then gathered the weeds into a ball and placed them inside the branches.

When it was finished, Zhao Ji looked at Wiltz's shepherd and motioned for him to light the fire.

Wiltz shepherd was a little puzzled, wondering what Keel wanted him to do?

Seeing that Wiltz didn't understand the meaning, Zhao Ji said, "Wiltz shepherd, can I trouble you to light this fire for everyone, it's the kind commonly used by your priests,

Read a few words, hoo, the kind that flames appear. "Zhao Ji clasped his hands together and gestured to Wiltz.

After figuring out what Keir meant, Wiltz shook his hand and said, "Oh, that's what you mean, sorry, but the magic of lighting the fire is not what our Saturnalia Church needs. There is no such thing as divine magic that can set plants on fire."

Hey, no? It turns out that the magic arts of different religious churches are not the same, I have learned it, I have learned it.

Zhao Ji patted the top of his head and apologized to Wiltz. He took out the flint from his bag, hit it a few times, and ignited the scattered weeds. Then he blows air through his mouth and ignites the branches as well.

After the fire was lit, it was obvious that the camp had become much warmer.

Zhao Ji asked Wiltz to rest first, and he wanted to repair the camp's walls first. The wall with two big holes missing really doesn't give people much sense of security.

Zhao Ji blocked the two holes with two shrubs, and fastened the branches on the fence to the shrubs so that they were firmly stuck. Afterwards, Zhao Ji took out some slender branches from the branches brought back by Wiltz's shepherd, and put many leaves on them.

Seeing that Keir was busy, Wiltz patted his two little assistants and asked them to help the Kiel warrior.

With the help of two people, Zhao Ji's work was significantly accelerated.

Tutuge looked at the hole that was about to be filled, and asked how Zhao Ji made such two big holes.

Zhao Ji smiled and told them that he was attacked by wild wolves when he was resting two nights ago.

Hearing Zhao Ji casually say that it was caused by wild wolves, Tutuge and Irina didn't react at all. They only heard and saw descriptions and ferocity of wild wolves in their parents' bedtime stories and church books. appearance. They didn't think too much about the specific danger or safety.

The shepherd of Weltz stood up and nervously asked Zhao Ji about the wild wolf.

Zhao Ji smiled, knowing why he was nervous. Wiltz was afraid of a pack of wild wolves attacking. If a pack of wild wolves really attacked, the four of them might all be wiped out.

"Don't worry, it's not a pack of wild wolves. It's just an old wolf that was driven away from the pack. I killed that wolf with just one sword strike. If you don't believe me, there are still wolves outside the camp. There is a shallow hole, which was dug out by the wild wolf when it was dying. There should be some blood left." Zhao Ji comforted the nervous Weltz shepherd, trying to convince him that it was no big deal.

"Hey, you are too careless, Warrior Kiel. You may think that there will be no wolves here so close to the town?" Weltz asked the shepherd worriedly.

"Ah, that's what it means. It's so close to the city, how could there be wolves infesting it? I've been in Kendall City for more than half a year, and I haven't heard any news that farmers working outside the city were attacked by wolves. .” Zhao Ji said.

Came outside the camp to observe the pit, and the shepherd Weltz said to Zhao Ji, "It's different, it's different. The fields available for work are always protected by the great and benevolent God of Saturn. And, and." After a pause, Wiltz shepherd said to Zhao Ji: "Come out, I'll talk to you alone."

Zhao Ji put down the branches and rope in his hands and came outside the camp.

Zhao Ji approached Weltz shepherd and heard him whispering: "And there is a temple of the god of water on the wooden bridge outside the city. This temple is dedicated to the lord of rivers and lakes. There are two quite Inhabited by noble priests favored by the water god."

Seeing that Zhao Ji didn't respond, Wiltz patted his forehead with his hands, and explained to Zhao Ji in a low voice: "The two noble priests of the water god are too powerful, and no beasts or monsters have ever dared to approach them." The two are near. The two of them can even order the river to flow backwards and fly."

Zhao Ji raised his eyebrows. He vaguely remembered that when he came to Kendall City, he seemed to have met those two people, but he couldn't remember clearly. He only vaguely remembered that it was a man and a woman.

"There's nothing wrong with backflowing the river and flying, right? Didn't your church set up a big one two days ago? Compared with that, it's nothing." He was deeply impressed by the blessing activities of the Sunnong God Church.

"Hey, you don't understand, I can't explain it to you. You haven't seen those two noble shepherds make a move, so you can't figure it out. Anyway, wolves will not invade the vicinity of Kendall City. But the problem is , Is the place where we are staying now near Kendall City?"

Zhao Ji was immediately stopped by the question: "Ah, it doesn't seem to be here."

"Hmph, it's obviously not good. So, if there is a wild wolf, there may be a group of wild wolves infesting. It's not safe here." After speaking, Wiltz patted Zhao Ji's arm and returned to the camp.

Zhao Ji shrugged, feeling that even so, it couldn't explain anything. After all, he has been staying near the swamp for countless nights. Although this camp in the south of the swamp is the farthest camp from Kendall City, it has already reached this point, so he can only make ends meet. Impossible to say move to another, safer location because of possible wolf pack danger.

How can it be. This camp was the most suitable place Zhao Ji had chosen. It was not far from the swamp in the north and the woods in the south, so it was convenient for logging and laying tree trails and hunting slime monsters. The terrain is also open, and the wind does not blow from here, it will not feel too cold at night, and the stench of the swamp will not float here.

With so many benefits, it is impossible for Zhao Ji to move away from here.

Besides, you, Wiltz, only raised the problem, not the solution. Is this waiting for me to figure out a way?

Zhao Ji acted as if he hadn't heard what Wiltz shepherd said to him just now. After tidying up the camp wall, he tidied up his equipment. Asking Wiltz to protect himself and his two little assistants, Zhao Ji went to the swamp alone, first to see how the tree path prepared before in the swamp was.

By the way, he also took out the cloak of branches that he had hidden before. If the shepherd of Weltz wants to participate in Zhao Ji's hunting at night, then Zhao Ji will not use the branch cloak, and he will be more cautious in hunting at night. If the shepherd Wiltz didn't go to make trouble for Zhao Ji at night, then everything would be business as usual, and he would make a big killing tonight and make a small fortune.

After all, there are not too many coins.

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