Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 18 The giant python swallows people

Something happened to Lao Wang's house, so the door was temporarily guarded by two young villagers.

I walked in and took a look and found dead chickens and ducks everywhere. These chickens and ducks were lying slumped on the ground, their claws were stiff.

I picked up a chicken and inspected it from head to toe.

Apart from two small holes in the chicken's body, there were no other wounds.

Could it be that these two small holes were bitten out by something? I hesitated for a moment and asked the village chief to find some milk, preferably breast milk.

The village chief was stunned and asked me what I wanted that thing for?

I said that as long as there is breast milk, I will know what is behind it.

The village chief immediately sent someone to look for her, and within a short time, she brought a whole bottle of breast milk. I immediately opened the lid and poured breast milk onto the wound of the dead chicken.

Suddenly, the two small holes began to smoke, and the already dead hen also started to struggle.

This scene frightened the village chief and others. They stepped back and looked at me with pale faces.

But the chicken only crowed twice and then stopped moving.

I was even more frightened. These poultry were obviously infected with corpse poison. If not treated properly, there might be a plague in the village.

At that moment, I asked the village chief to quickly prepare gasoline and burn all the dead poultry in the house. It must be burned thoroughly, leaving only the bones. The bones must also be soaked in vinegar, put into jars, and buried underground. They must not be touched by humans or animals within a year, otherwise the village will suffer great disaster.

The village chief was so frightened that every word I said was like a bolt from the blue to him.

After that, I went to look at the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Wang and found that it was a mess and there were obvious signs of a fight.

So I called my neighbors nearby and asked: Didn't you hear anything last night?

The neighbor said he heard some noise, at first it was the sound of a rooster crowing and a dog barking, and then Lao Wang shouted something, and then nothing happened again.

He was too scared, so he didn't come out to see.

I nodded and asked the village chief if he had searched all around. Could it be that Lao Wang and his wife were not discovered?

The village chief said that he had searched everywhere he could.

I shook my head. I'm afraid these two couples were in danger...

Next we went to the execution ground of the King of Hell. I felt that since the source of the whole incident was the execution ground of the King of Hell, maybe we could find some clues there.

Unexpectedly, as soon as we arrived at the execution ground of the King of Hell, all the villagers were afraid and did not dare to follow me.

In desperation, I had no choice but to tie a rope around my waist and pull Mazi Li in with me. And I told the village chief in advance that if I encountered danger, he would drag me outside with all his strength, and he would not stop until he dragged us out.

The village chief nodded repeatedly.

To be honest, I am also afraid of entering a place like this. Li Mazi was even worse than me. He was always close to me. I could even hear his rapid heartbeat.

The execution ground of the King of Hell is still so eerie and terrifying. The iron hooks, oil pans, and large guillotines are all more terrifying than ten times more terrifying in such an atmosphere.

Thinking about the fact that the contractor's body was still hanging on the hook two days ago, I didn't dare to look up.

And since I came in, I have had a feeling of being watched. That feeling has been with me forever and never dissipated. It's as if the sword spirit is hiding in this basement, watching my every move with playful eyes...

We walked around the execution ground of the King of Hell and found no clues. This made me a little disappointed. I was about to take Li Mazi out, but my eyes accidentally fell on the entrance.

At the entrance, something seemed to reflect a glimmer of light.

I ran over in a hurry, but I didn't expect that it was a puddle of water, and the ray of light was refracted from the puddle of water.

I immediately concluded that the water was abnormal and turned on the flashlight to observe it carefully.

What I didn't expect was that I actually found two scales in this pool of water. The two scales have been damaged, but they can be vaguely identified as coming from snakes.

Could it be that the sword spirit is a snake?

But where does this water come from?

Thinking of this, I immediately stood up and told Li Mazi that I knew where Lao Wang and his wife were.

After saying that, I hurriedly climbed out of the pit and asked the village chief if there was a river nearby.

The village chief nodded immediately and said that there was a small river and time was urgent. I immediately asked the village chief to lead the way and went straight to the small river.

Brother Jiang volunteered and said, "The river is a bit far, why don't you take my car there?"

I nodded, and the village chief, Li Mazi, took the lead in the car. At the same time, the remaining villagers were ordered to find transportation and rush to the creek as quickly as possible.

This river is not big, but it is very deep. Judging from the high concrete blocks on both sides, it should be an artificial river. The village chief explained to us: In order to solve the village's water shortage problem, this river was specially diverted from the Yangtze River.

I asked: "Since it is an artificial river, there must be a dam, right? If something falls into the river, it should be stopped by the dam."

While the village chief was still thinking, brother Zhang suddenly said: "Yes, there is really a dam downstream. Do you mean that the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Wang were washed to that place?"

I immediately asked my brother to take us to the dam to have a look.

When we came to the dam, we found that the dam was closed. The river was very wide, but the surface of the river was filled with domestic garbage and various aquatic plants. Even if there is a body, I'm afraid it won't be found for a while.

I told the village chief: The bodies of Lao Wang and his wife were probably under the water plants.

The village chief had a headache and said he would call professionals to fish it out now, but I stopped him. Since the body is here, the sword spirit must also be here. If this thing hurts someone in the water, it will be troublesome.

So I thought of a way and asked the village chief if he could open the dam? There is no need to open all the gates, just let out a little water. Since the body was hidden under the water plants, it would definitely be carried out by the current.

The village chief immediately called someone.

After a while, the dam opened and the river roared out.

I stared at the water without blinking, waiting for the body to appear.

Sure enough, five minutes later, I heard Li Mazi yell "Come out."

I immediately looked around and saw two white corpses rolling back and forth on the water, like rubber balls.

But when the bodies were recovered, it was impossible to tell whether the two people were Lao Wang and his wife.

Because the faces of the two corpses were rotten, their hands and feet were like soaked winter melons, and their whole bodies were covered in mucus. They looked very disgusting, and many villagers vomited.

The village chief asked in confusion: How could Lao Wang and his wife become so rotten overnight? This is unreasonable.

I was also puzzled, so I put on my gloves, walked over and touched the mucus on the surface of the corpse.

After a long time, he said: "It's gastric juice..."

The village chief looked at me strangely, not knowing what I meant.

I said: "Something swallowed Lao Wang and his wife completely. The gastric juice digested half of them and then vomited them out. That's why the two corpses became like this."

There was a burst of sighs at the scene.

Li Mazi quickly asked what kind of thing could swallow them whole? You can even spit it out.

I thought about it and said, "Do you still remember the scales I picked up at the entrance of the King of Hell's execution ground? If I guessed correctly, it should be a giant python."

"Boa constrictor?" Li Mazi was a little confused: "Are we being tricked by a python?"

I smiled bitterly and said, "Anyway, this python is not simple."

I turned around and looked at the village chief: "Village Chief, has a python appeared in this village before?"

The village chief immediately shook his head: "It never appeared."

I said, "It seems we have something to do tonight! Village chief, you should immediately find some young villagers to catch snakes. The more the better. It's also best to prepare a group of rats."

The village chief asked what to do with snakes and mice. I can't explain it to you even in a few words, but you will know it by night.

The village chief took a group of young people to catch snakes everywhere.

I went home with my brother first. After I got home, I quickly took a rest and then asked my brother to buy some realgar. The more the better.

Li Mazi was restless next to me, which made me unable to sleep, but in order to preserve my strength, I still closed my eyes.

I don’t know how long it took, but Li Mazi woke me up and told me that it was getting dark and the village chief was waiting outside the villa with the villagers.

I said okay, let’s go to the river to catch monsters now!

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