Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 95 The strange ship owner

I was quite happy to get two million out of thin air for a golden flower quilt.

Of course, three people earned the golden flower quilt, so the money was naturally shared equally by everyone.

In the end, there were still tens of thousands left, and she didn't know how to divide it. Yin Xinyue simply said, how about using the money as travel funds and having a luxurious time in Nanjing? After all, it is the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. If you take two more turns, you might even encounter other ghostly creatures.

I smiled and nodded in agreement, but Li Mazi felt terribly distressed.

The environment in Nanjing in winter is still very good. Walking along the Qinhuai River and looking at the ancient buildings, I feel that my soul is much cleaner.

Hotels of various sizes have been built near the Qinhuai River. Because it is close to the scenic spot, business is extremely booming. We simply spent a high price to stay one night on a flower boat on the Qinhuai River.

Li Mazi half-jokingly said that he had wine and meat, but lacked women. If he had been born in ancient times, he would have come to the Qinhuai River every day to listen to music. If he could see Liu Rushi's appearance when he was young, he would have died a few years earlier without regrets.

I really doubt that Li Mazi will die on a woman’s belly in this life...

However, on the night we took the boat, a particularly strange thing happened.

The boat owner was a middle-aged man in his forties, drinking with a few friends on the bow. Maybe he drank too much, and the noise kept coming and going, making it impossible to sleep.

This made Li Mazi very angry. He called the other party several times, but the ship owner refused to keep his voice down.

This made Li Mazi anxious, so he rolled up his sleeves and was about to start fighting.

In this unfamiliar place, it was better not to cause trouble, so I immediately dragged Li Mazi into the room and advised him to just be patient and let him go. At worst, we could change to a hotel tomorrow.

Li Mazi agreed on the surface, but not long after, the anger that had been suppressed so easily came out again.

I was worried that he would do something extreme, so I kept trying to persuade him.

Li Mazi smiled and said: "Brother from the Zhang family, don't worry! Don't you think the ship owner is playing cards? I'll go out and play a game with him. If I win, I won't pay a penny and I'll tell him to shut up." .”

I thought this was a good idea.

I was very clear about Li Mazi's poker skills, so I didn't say anything, which was considered acquiescence.

Li Mazi came back not long after he went out, but the boat owner's shouts became louder and louder.

Seeing Li Mazi's serious face, I quickly asked him if he had lost? Li Mazi clenched his fist angrily and cursed: "What a loser. I won three games in a row, but the other party just doesn't keep his word."

I patted his shoulder and advised him not to think too much and just enjoy the night view of the Qinhuai River tonight.

Amid the noisy voice of the boat owner, we fell asleep.

But in the second half of the night, I was awakened by Li Mazi's wild laughter.

I cursed angrily at this late at night, why are you so crazy?

But Li Mazi excitedly pulled me up from the bed: "Come out and take a look, the ship owner is running naked on the bow! Damn it, you didn't keep your word when you were playing cards, and now in the middle of the night, you poured it out and fulfilled your promise. …”

I ran out of the room and took a look, and sure enough, a naked big man was running around the bow of the ship. He was naked, and his eyes were open. He was running smoothly, not like sleepwalking at all.

I quickly asked Li Mazi what was going on?

Li Mazi told me that the rule when he played cards with the boat owner was that if he won, the other party would shut up, otherwise he would have to run naked around the flower boat.

The ship owner agreed on the spot, but after Li Mazi won, he defaulted on the bill, which made Li Mazi furious.

Who would have thought that the ship owner was so 'keeping his word' that after seeing off the guests, he would actually start running around naked in the middle of the night.

Li Mazi said that this was a memorable event, so he immediately took a photo with his mobile phone and sent it to WeChat Moments.

I was speechless for a while, I really couldn't understand, how could such a weird thing happen?

But I had a vague feeling that the ship owner was not trying to 'keep his promise'. He probably had other reasons for running naked.

But I was really sleepy, so I didn’t think much about it and went back to sleep.

Originally we wanted to move out of this flower boat the next day, but when we came back from Zhongshanling, my legs were almost broken. How could I think of looking for other hotels? So I might as well continue living on the flower boat.

When we came back, we found that the boat owner seemed to be quarreling with a woman. After careful inquiry, we found out that the couple was getting divorced.

In the past, the boat owner promised his wife that if they divorced, the tourist boat would be in his wife's name. But now the ship owner regretted it, gritting his teeth and saying that he never said that.

I smiled helplessly in my heart. It seemed that the ship owner’s mouth was just a shithole, and he never spoke responsibly.

The woman finally left in tears. She had no choice but to do so. If the man didn't sign, there was no way the tourist boat would be in the woman's name.

Before leaving, the ship owner scolded the woman, saying that she was shameless and would not hand over the ship even if he was beaten to death.

After scolding the woman away, the boat owner suddenly became strange. He kept sitting on the bow of the boat, staring blankly at the lanterns in the distance.

The cold moonlight shone on him, making his shadow very long. His face was ashen, and his clothes were thin. A gust of wind blew his clothes, and he didn't feel cold, so he just kept sitting. It was very strange.

In the middle of the night, a man was sitting on the bow of a boat with this expression, which made people think of all kinds of horror stories involuntarily.

I smiled helplessly. I guess the ship owner was emotionally hurt and couldn't think about it for a while.

I didn't take it seriously and continued to sleep.

But not long after I fell asleep, I suddenly heard a burst of wailing. I was startled on the spot.

When we walked out of the cabin to take a look, we were immediately speechless.

Unexpectedly, the ship owner, who had vowed during the day that he would not transfer the ship to his wife, would now take the initiative to dock and invite a notary from the court. He also apologized to his wife in person, saying that he was a beast and had failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband, and even went back on his words. Now he is willing to give this boat to his wife unconditionally.

You can imagine how dumbfounded his wife was at that time...

The process went smoothly and the ship was successfully transferred to the wife's name.

It is not difficult to see that this ship should be a drop in the bucket for him. The fact that he can find people from the court late at night proves that he still has some influence in Nanjing.

Secondly, this guy gave such a big tourist boat to his wife. His hands didn't even shake when he signed the contract, and he didn't seem to care about the small amount of money.

Damn it, we don’t really understand the world of rich people.

Although I have made millions, I am still far behind compared to these Nanjing natives who made their fortunes through tourism.

That night, the ship owner simply packed up a few clothes and moved them out, so we didn't need to worry.

I also went back to sleep.

But early the next morning, I was woken up again by the sound of the ship owner wailing.

This grandson drove me crazy. For two days in a row, not a single day passed by. His mental illness is not that serious, right?

Li Mazi had already dressed and sat there, making a pot of tea and watching the fun: "Brother, I think it would be good to buy a house by the Qinhuai River! There are movies to watch every day, and we don't even have to watch TV. .”

I yawned nonstop and walked up to ask what was going on. The ship owner cried again.

Li Mazi smiled and said: "What else could it be because of? I sent this ship out last night. I felt so bad!"

After listening to the boat owner cry for a while, I almost understood the whole story.

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