Due to the plight of the 14 institutes, not only has funding been reduced, but the number of scientific research projects approved has not decreased at all.

There are three projects for airborne radar, as well as the Pili series air-to-air missile radar semi-active guidance project, reverse bear equipment, etc...

In most projects, the internal demonstration is stuck.

There are also some projects that were proposed by the 14th and approved by the higher authorities.

Zhao Guoqing is still out of reach.

Early the next morning, Xiao Liu filled up the car with oil and filled the water tank with water.

"Let's go!"

The road to the mountains was as expected, a solid concrete road with no potholes or bumps. There were towering trees on both sides of the road, completely covering the road.

Not far out of the city, we encountered an interrogation checkpoint. Two sentries, both armed and armed, checked the IDs of the three people and then let them go. They also encountered patrolling military vehicles along the way and stopped them for inspection.

"Just get used to it, that's how it is here, safety first."

The further you go into the mountains, the shallower the traces of artificial carvings become. You can see many wild animals, including monkeys and unfamiliar birds.

"Xiao Liu, look!"

A group of wild boars were pawing the ground leisurely on the hillside.

Xiao Liu quickly braked and then said angrily: "I didn't bring a gun!"

"What a pity! The largest one is probably one or two hundred pounds!"

Another hour passed, and it seemed that there was no road ahead. The car made a sharp turn to the left. Less than 200 meters away, we came to another sentry post. This sentry post was much larger. There was a squad of people patrolling and some people standing guard. Two warriors.

"Director Wang, you're back!"

Director Wang handed over his certificate, and Zhao Guoqing also got out of the car.

The leader, a man who looked to be in his thirties, stepped forward.

"Company Commander Yu, he is Zhao Guoqing. From now on, he will be part of the family!"

"Welcome to National Day!"

"Thank you, Captain Yu!"

The soldier behind him went to the car to check the luggage.

"Company Commander Yu, does my family need this?"

"It's routine, Director Wang, please forgive me!"


After a delay of ten minutes, the car was released. There were almost no houses visible here. It was hard to imagine that units with thousands of people were hidden here.

The car entered a cave and a young man came!

"Director Wang!"

"Xiao Jia, you came just in time. You took Guo Qing to your place of residence and picked up daily necessities by the way!"

"Okay! Don't worry, Director Wang!"

Director Wang turned around and looked at Zhao Guoqing, "National Day, let's do this for now. I am here to serve everyone. If you have any difficulties in life in the future, just come to me directly!"

"Okay! Thank you, Director Wang, for causing you trouble these days!"

"You kid, by the way, look for Lao Liu when you have time. He will definitely be happy to see you here. He is different from me. He is engaged in technology, so you should be able to talk!"


After taking the luggage from the car, Xiao Jia led Zhao Guoqing to his residence.

"This is a cave dwelling!"

Zhao Guoqing saw many such buildings in the northwest. On the high loess slopes, many people dug holes in the slopes and used bricks and stones to close the doors to create houses. Here, the high loess slopes were replaced by hillsides.

“The conditions are a bit more difficult, but there is also an advantage to living in the mountains: it’s warm in winter and cool in summer!”

Zhao Guoqing nodded and followed Xiao Jia to receive daily necessities, including soap, kettles, clothes, hats, washbasins, towels, toothbrushes... everything he could think of.

Along the way, Xiao Jia also introduced where is the living area, where is the factory area, where is the warehouse...

"In front is the family area. There are lesbians inside. Be careful when you go there. Don't wander around when you have nothing to do. Be sure to bring your ID when you go out!"

"Why are there private houses there?"

Xiao Jia said: "It was just built. It used to be kept secret. Everyone had to live in the mountains. Now it is more relaxed. You can build houses to live in. Family members are given priority. The elderly, if they used to live in caves, they would not be able to live in them now." This way, one person has one room.”

This is vacant, one room per person is a benefit.


Xiao Jia looked around and whispered: "The main thing is to solve the personal problems of the big guys. The conditions are too difficult and women are not willing to come to the mountains. You know..."

"I know, what do I know?"

"You'll know soon!"

There are many procedures for joining, filing, and determining salary levels.

In this era, the salary of national technicians is divided into 18 levels. Level 1 is the top YS, which is now only more than 280 a month.

Zhao Guoqing is a college student. With this status, the salary level starts from level 14, which means that the internship salary for college students is 48.5 yuan, and with various subsidies, it is only more than 50 yuan.

"Director Wang has already said hello. Your situation is different on National Day. Starting from level 13 when college students become full-time students, the fee is 55 yuan. Of course, this matter needs to be decided in a meeting. Don't rush it yet."

Zhao Guoqing nodded. This salary is much lower than that in local areas. In 1984, wages in enterprises have been increased several times, but the income of military workers has not increased since the 1960s.

In these years, I can barely support myself, but in a few years, I won’t even be able to maintain a living.

This was something that people complained about in the 1990s. Those who make missiles cannot compete with those who sell tea eggs.

Zhao Guoqing looked for Director Liu again. Director Liu was the deputy director of the Technical Department. The newcomers had meetings to discuss whatever work they did, and the Technical Department arranged everyone's work.

"It's National Day, I finally got you here. How's it going? Are you settled in?"

"It's settled, Zhao Guoqing reports to you!"

"Okay, you look like a soldier! Let's do this. I'll take you to your workplace first. If you have any requests, just ask them!"

"Resolutely obey the arrangements!"


The work place is from one mountain to another.

The inside of the mountain has been completely hollowed out. It looks like there are thousands of square meters of space. The huge stone pillars are three or four meters in diameter, and the ceilings are reinforced with concrete.

The entire space is built with bricks along the pillars to create rooms of various sizes, but they are not built to the top. There is a blower at the door to blow air inside.

The place where they worked was the deepest part of the cave. It had the worst ventilation and no lighting. There were a few dim electric lights, one on and one off, perhaps because of unstable voltage.

The room is more than one hundred square meters, with twelve tables set up. There are candles on the tables, which seems to be to prevent power outages. There are drawings posted on the walls, and in the middle are four big words "Pay attention to fire prevention!"

The conditions are not that bad!

There are already four people working in the room.

"Hello, National Day, I am Lu Fei from H University Automation Control!"

"I am Shen Fangfang from J University!"

"The greatest Zhou Leiming!"

After a brief introduction, Director Liu said: "On National Day, let's get familiar with the technical information here first. We who do technical work must first be down-to-earth!"

"I know, thank you, Director Liu."

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