In the Magic City at this time, you can see many buildings in the style of the Republic of China. Skyscrapers are not visible. Large-scale construction was only completed after the 1990s. Traces of the colonial concession can be seen everywhere on Nanjing Road.

Through the window of the Sheikhot tram, you can see the flow of people coming and going. They are wearing black and gray clothes, like a black and white picture, and everyone seems to be in a hurry.

On the wide road, there is a torrent of bicycles, clanging and clattering, which is quite spectacular. It can be regarded as the implementation of low carbon to the end.

Zhao Guoqing had just come out of the post office and spent more than an hour queuing in order to make a long-distance call.

The call was made to Xidian Automation Laboratory, calling Yang Qing. The news he received made him unable to cheer up.

Yang Qing went abroad, to the United States, as an assistant to Professor Tian from the Department of Automation. He didn't say what he did exactly, but of course it might be a confidentiality requirement.

Forty years of memories are flooding back.

Yang Qing went to the United States, but why didn't she go to him? Then her forty years of persistence...

Or, something must have gone wrong.

Zhao Guoqing shook his head and sent a letter.

I remitted another 800 yuan back home. This time I made a meritorious service and was rewarded with 1,000 yuan in the name of Institute 152. The reputation of the gallium nitride crystal fell on them. Please check it out if you have any.

Of course, after returning, Chengfei still has 14 more interesting ones. Director Gao quietly expressed his attitude to Zhao Guoqing. The amount would be at least one thousand yuan, which would not be less than that of the Academy of Sciences. But he would still have to hold a meeting to study it. Of course, it was also Go through the motions.

Zhao Guoqing's salary also needs to be adjusted. It is proposed that technical level nine, which is the engineer level, will directly double the salary, from fifty-five yuan to one hundred and eight yuan.

This adjustment needs to be reported to Chengdu Aircraft Headquarters for approval. According to Director Gao, if Chengdu Aircraft does not approve it, he will lift the roof of Chengdu Aircraft.

"I really don't understand, National Day, sometimes I look at you like an old monk, seeing through the world of mortals. If Chengfei also rewards you with a thousand yuan, you can get three thousand yuan, and your salary will be doubled. Why do you look like that?" Doesn't it matter?"

"Three thousand yuan is enough for a bicycle, a TV, and a sewing machine. If you get married during the National Day, you can also buy some bricks to build a tile-roofed house and plaster the inside and outside with lime..."

Zhao Guoqing didn't know what to say. It was similar to what Director Gao said. Three thousand yuan didn't really satisfy him.

Not even as exciting as making gallium nitride crystals.

After thinking about it, I understood that in my previous life, I had never worried about money. Although the income of American scientists is not at the top in various industries, they can still earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. In addition to speaking, publishing books and patents, the income is It was several million US dollars a year, which was equivalent to tens of millions of RMB at that time.

Although he is still a few steps behind the rich, he has achieved financial freedom. This three thousand yuan... is not worth it.

Of course, it is certainly unrealistic to say that Zhao Guoqing has no ambition for wealth. What he lacks most now is money, but the unit is not thousands, but measured in hundreds of millions.

"On National Day, we have to wait a day before going to Wuxi. Chief Zhao has already said hello to 8531. They will receive us the day after tomorrow!"

Zhao Guoqing said happily: "That's great. With a big name like Chengfei, things will be much easier to handle!"

There is a big difference in treatment between someone saying hello and someone not saying hello. They don’t care about reception. For example, in some places, if you have a letter of introduction, they won’t let you in...

"Also, General Master Zhao is coming to the Magic City at eight o'clock tonight. He wants to see you!"

"Didn't General Master Zhao just return to Chengdu? Why are you back again?"

"When you go abroad, you go to the United States. This is not a secret."

"What are you going to America for?"

"This is confidential!"

Since Nixon's visit to China, exchanges between China and the United States, whether official or private, have become much more frequent. Exchanges in the academic world are not surprising. Chief Engineer Zhao is still a professor at the National University of Defense Technology!

Now there are people from Xidian and Chengdu Aircraft going abroad, and these units are all national defense units after all, which makes Zhao Guoqing very suspicious.

"Who else is in our 14th institute!"

"I really can't hide it from you!" Director Gao looked at Zhao Guoqing like a monster and said, "Bi Shiliang and Liang Xingbang, the two chief engineers!"

"All the imperial gems from the 14th Institute are out, what about the research mission?"

Director Gao smiled and said: "We have submitted a letter. This matter is the most important. All other matters can be put aside!"

When Director Gao said this, Zhao Guoqing fully understood and his eyes became a little warm.

"Director Gao, the time is almost up, let's go pick up Chief Zhao now!"

"Why are you anxious?" Director Gao shook his head and said, "General Zhao came to the Magic City by plane. It was a military plane and it landed at a military airport. We don't have a pass and can't get in. Also, how are we going to get there?"

I don’t have a car, trouble. At this time, private individuals can’t buy a car. They have to buy it in the name of the employer. Of course, 14 institutions don’t have the spare money.

"General Master Zhao will come directly to the Jiaotong University Guest House later. We can just wait here. Hey, by the way, it's National Day. Why are you so excited? Do you know what they are going to do?"

Zhao Guoqing said with a smile: "Any fool can guess that China and the United States are cooperating!"


Watching Zhao Guoqing walk out the door, Gao Changming took a long breath.

What a terrible future!

Not to mention Zhao Guoqing's ability, not everyone has this kind of demeanor.

Neither arrogant nor impetuous, neither humble nor arrogant, I have no less respect for him than I should have, but I speak in a relaxed and humorous manner and never put any burden on myself.

He was also able to speak freely in front of Director Liu Qing and experts from the Academy of Sciences, not to mention Zhao Zhongshu and himself.

"You said he is only 22 years old, do you believe it?"

Zhao Guoqing's files are in No. 14. Gao Changming also looked through Zhao Guoqing's files. A peasant family in Jiangsu Province, or a family of high-ranking cadres, can only develop such a demeanor...



Zhao Guoqing was very happy to see General Master Zhao again, thinking about what to say and how to say it.

Entering the state-owned hotel, Zhao Zhongshu said with a smile: "Such a good hotel, and there are hairy crabs, why, Director Gao, if life is getting better, there is no need to talk about hard work!"

Zhao Guoqing smiled and said: "General Master Zhao, this matter has nothing to do with Director Gao. I insisted on treating you!"

Zhao Zhongshu smiled and said: "You are also a rich man now, okay, then I will kill you. By the way, it's National Day, you don't mind if I bring someone else with me!"

Zhao Guoqing shook his head and said, "Where are your friends? They are our friends in Institute 14. How can we turn away friends?"

"Hahaha!" Zhao Zhongshu pointed at Gao Changming and said with a smile: "National Day can speak better than you!"

Gao Changming was about to serve wine. In this era, although the price of Moutai was not high, not many people could afford it at 70 yuan a bottle. Zhao Guoqing asked about the price and decisively served Yanghe Daqu.

"Did you tell him?"

Gao Changming shook his head and said, "No, don't you know my discipline?"

"What about him?"

"This kid seems to have guessed it, but I don't know if he is right!"

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