This is already the 17th joint negotiation. Compared with the previous 16 times, the representatives of the Chinese negotiating team seem to have less urgency and are more discussing the terms of the project itself.

Senior representatives from General Electric, Hughes and Westin House are anxiously awaiting the results of China's evaluation of this radar project. This was made clear by the Chinese people at the last meeting.

"I hope there will be no accidents. I hope the news in the morning is fake, or it is a trick played by these Chinese people."

But halfway through the negotiations, the Chinese people did not announce who won the bid among the three radar companies.

Sarson's brows gradually tightened. He walked out of the conference room with the help of urine escape and said to his assistant: "It seems that there will be no results today. They have been struggling with the specific parameters and those cold data. I don't know. What's interesting? You should contact the board of directors now. We are willing to give up 5% on the price and tell those gentlemen that as long as China uses our radar, it will definitely continue to use it in the future. We can raise the price then. Come up, it’s that simple!”

Assistant Pierre agreed: "This is great. The radar is not an electric fan in the supermarket. If it is installed in an airplane, they can't replace it with another company's. The cost of modification is enough to buy a hundred brand-new radars! "

Sarson nodded. His assistant could understand such a simple truth.

Back in the conference room, the progress of the matter confirmed Sarson's idea.

Team leader Hu Xuan put forward three conditions.

First, make the computer source code public.

Second, cancel the mid- and long-range restrictions on radar.

Third, the transfer of the attached production line.

Fabnekan kept shaking his head. As soon as these three conditions came out, the progress of the negotiations instantly returned to half a year ago.

"The superiors will not agree. Mr. Hu, you still don't understand the United States. Even if we sign a contract, we can't do anything without approval!"

Team leader Hu Xuan said: "I hope you can consider the current situation. We need help, just like we are helping you!"

"Help us?"

"Yes, strategically speaking, isn't it?"

The strategic considerations of both sides are obvious, but in many cases, no one will reveal it.

Tu Jinda was very satisfied with Team Leader Hu Xuan’s answer.

That's how it should be! If buying your weapons, making money for you, accomplishing your strategic goals, and in the end, is regarded as charity by you, this logic makes no sense!

The negotiations in the United States will not produce results for a while, but at the air command base, an air force training ground more than 200 kilometers northwest of Beijing, a nearly thirty-meter-high steel tower has been erected with angle steel.

From a distance, it looks like a mini Baffir Tower. Several thick cables are dragged in the middle of the tower, and the phased array radar is placed on the top of the tower and connected to the cables.

About three hundred meters below the steel tower, a rostrum was set up. Director Liu Qing of the General Staff, Director Meng Fanxing of the Science and Technology Commission, the leaders of the Sky Command, and members of the Hawkeye Project team were all here. Telephones were also set up here to connect the tower and Training ground telecommunications room.

Now entering the final test preparations, everyone at the scene looked solemn. The technicians on the tower checked the radar system for the last time according to the prepared procedures.

The weather was very hot, and the airflow over the desert seemed to be roasting people. The highest temperature on the tower even reached fifty degrees. At 13:22 pm, the voice of Tong Yihong, the leader of the test team, appeared on the phone. .

"Report to the test headquarters. The last check of the tower radar equipment was normal. Apply to enter the test procedure. Please give instructions!"

"Waiting for test orders!"


"Put the air traffic call on!"


"How is the air traffic situation now?"

"Preparations are complete and ready for testing at any time!"

Following the order from Director Liu Qing, the test program was started.

After receiving the final test instructions, Tong Yihong skillfully turned on the power switch, and the radar system started smoothly, scanning the target airspace immediately.

When the ground power supply provides sufficient power, the potential of the phased array radar is fully enhanced. The power management system distributes sufficient power to each electromagnetic wave transmitting module to complete dozens of complete air scans in one second.

At an air force airport almost 90 kilometers away from the steel tower, Mu Hu boarded a J-72 fighter jet with a full set of pilot equipment.

Following the command from the airport command post, Mr. Mu skillfully flew the J-72 aircraft. As soon as the plane took off, Mr. Mu received a call from the command post.

"Cave 326, Cave 326, front finger notification, you have been discovered, you have been discovered, the direction is 16.2 degrees south to the right, the altitude is 1680 meters, the speed is 264 meters per second!"

The command station quickly received a response from fighter aircraft number 0326.

"Keep testing!"


Muhu on the plane couldn't help but be happy. It was detected as soon as it took off, which showed that Zhao Guoqing's radar was indeed very useful.

0326 continued to fly north, and continued to receive tracking feedback from the tower until it was interrupted at 140 kilometers.

"One hundred and forty kilometers, the detection and tracking distance actually reaches one hundred and forty kilometers, this is incredible, what a big surprise!"

After all, the designed detection range is only one hundred kilometers. From the bottom of Mu Hu's heart, even if the data is a little off and the detection range can reach seventy or eighty kilometers, he still wants to take credit for Zhao Guoqing and the Eagle Eye project personnel.

Unexpectedly, the detection straight-line distance can reach 140 kilometers, which is a double surprise.

Just as Muhu was thinking about turning the plane around and heading back, he received another message from the command console.

"Cave three-two-six, cave three-two-six, keep going north, keep going north, raise the flight altitude, please reply, please reply!"


Although Muhu couldn't figure out why, he still obeyed the command from the command platform immediately, raised the plane, and continued flying north...

On the radar test steel tower more than 100 kilometers away, Zhao Guoqing had already climbed onto the steel tower.

Although the tower is thirty meters high, the earth is round and can only be seen if the plane continues to rise.

"General Master Zhao, why are you here?"

Zhao Guoqing nodded and said, "Turn on the staring state!"

"Yes!" Tong Yihong opened the cover of a red button on the radar and pressed the red button down.

In the staring state, the power supply is enhanced by 30%. Compared with the 40% redundant reliability design, the 30% enhancement is a balance point between reliability and performance, but the probability of errors also increases significantly.

But at this time, the radar's performance had already improved by leaps and bounds.

Zhao Guoqing, Tong Yihong, and everyone on the tower stared closely at the echo display. After a slight snowflake, the display became clean again, and a very obvious echo appeared on the radar screen. The figures below left everyone present speechless in surprise.

"Height 13,586 meters, direction 16.3 degrees north to right, straight-line distance...183 kilometers..."

The number 183, the unit behind it is kilometers!

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