Military Industry of Great Powers: Build the Strongest Flanker

Chapter 9 The Honeymoon Period and Tragic Consequences

After two days of suffering, Zhao Guoqing finally arrived at Mianzhou Railway Station. It was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

He saluted with large and small bags. As soon as he arrived at the exit of the station, he saw a young soldier in military uniform holding a piece of cardboard in his hand with the name "Zhao Guoqing" written on it.

"Hello! You are 14..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the little warrior.

"Hello, comrade, I need to see your letter of introduction and ID!"


After verifying his identity, the little soldier saluted and stepped forward to help Zhao Guoqing pick up his luggage. A military jeep parked generously in the station square and put the luggage on the back seat. Zhao Guoqing saw that there was another person in the co-pilot. He looked again. It turned out to be Director Wang.

"Director Wang, why are you here!"

"Comrade National Day, welcome to you! With the participation of young blood like you, the country's national defense will surely reach a higher level!"

Zhao Guoqing smiled, he couldn't accept this rhetoric.

Director Wang got out of the car and shook hands with Zhao Guoqing. The three of them got in the car. Director Wang said to the soldier: "Xiao Liu, drive to the guest house."


Turning around, Director Wang said to Zhao Guoqing: "It's National Day, we have to stay in Mianzhou for three days. You are a young man of the new era and you are active in thinking. Can you help me with some ideas?"

"Director Wang, you are joking, I have no experience and I need to learn more from you!"

"Where, you are a top student from Xidian, you are like this..."

Only then did Zhao Guoqing realize that the 14th Institute was going to follow the old path taken by the 504th Factory.

At high-level meetings, some people also proposed many plans, such as building bicycles, washing machines, and electric fans, but no one knew whether they would succeed.

Once this thing goes the wrong way, not only will you not make any money, you may also lose your capital.

The director still has a cautious attitude, and the most secure way is to follow the path that others have taken.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to pick up Zhao Guoqing, Director Wang went to the city for inspection.

Zhao Guoqing laughed dumbly, what a fuss about this...

In my memory, the plight of the 14 institutions was caused by this era and will last for decades.

There are many reasons, and in fact they are closely related to the current background.

In 1983, the United States proposed the Star Wars plan, and the reason for proposing this plan was the increasingly powerful nuclear power of the Bear.

In the decades of confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, the old United States had a thorough understanding of the Soviet Union. That is, in any area of ​​competition proposed by the United States, the Soviet Union must keep up.

The Anglo-Saxon-Jewish Alliance therefore dug a deep hole for Dasu.

Use the Western world's rapidly advancing semiconductor technology and strong economic strength to drag the bear to death on this track.

In fact, it was at this moment that Mao Xiong was fooled...

The Anglo-Saxon Jewish group never expected that Mao Xiong would counterattack their plan in a way they could not imagine.

Mao Xiong displayed 40,000 tanks, hundreds of thousands of various artillery pieces, and tens of thousands of aircraft on the Soviet-European border...

The Western world was completely shocked.

At this time, they urgently need allies to deal with this risk.

At this time, Hua Guo naturally assumed this role.

In Zhao Guoqing's memory, starting from 1985, Huamei officially entered the honeymoon period, and the time was only five years.

In the past five years, the Batumi Agreement has been almost a dead letter. The Western world has almost no defense against China. As long as China can think of it, the United States will sell almost everything.

Even the F16 fighter jets that have just been equipped with the US military are also on the sale list.

However, at that time, one F16 fighter jet cost 30 million U.S. dollars, and at least 24 F16 fighter jets were needed to achieve combat effectiveness. They also needed to be equipped with corresponding radars, logistical maintenance, equipped command centers, and air-to-air and air-to-ground ammunition suitable for use by F16 fighters.

Experts at the time calculated that at least 1.6 billion US dollars would be needed to achieve combat effectiveness, and the foreign exchange at that time was only so much.

Can't afford it!

But even so, infantry radar, Black Hawk helicopters, China's cooperation with the American Grumman Company, and the British Rolls-Royce Company even brought Chinese experts to their laboratories to demonstrate their latest fighter jet tail jets Tube telex technology...

This five-year window period will have a profound impact on China.

In my memory, a lot of information was published on the Internet in my previous life.

For the first time, China's military workers saw the power of Western science and technology, and they started to catch up. This glimpse affected China for the next thirty years and made the United States regret it.

At the same time, the impact on China's military industry at this time was fatal.

Starting next year, the trend of "it is better to buy than to build, and it is better to rent than to buy" in China will become increasingly stronger.

Because foreign advanced technology can be easily purchased, many people believe that taking risks and investing large amounts of money in research and development is not worth the gain.

Many large-scale projects within China were canceled at this time.

The semiconductor industry is particularly serious.

The leader in domestic mask production, Wucheng Electronic Tube Factory was reduced to a non-staple food factory, 5831 Wafer Factory became a glass production workshop, a large aircraft project, a key project of Tsinghua University's one-micron lithography technology, aerospace engine development...

Thinking of this, Zhao Guoqing also sighed. In fact, China's chip manufacturing began in the 1960s. In the 1970s, it had designed and manufactured its own photolithography machines. In the early 1980s, the country's chip manufacturing process was in line with There is not much difference abroad, but by the 1990s, the gap has become like a chasm...

What a pity!

The short-sightedness of some people has brought heavy disasters to the development of the country. Zhao Guoqing shook his head. This may also be the price of growth!

He was well aware of the ugly face of the Anglo-Saxon-Jewish Alliance.

In the 1990s, Mao Xiong disintegrated, and the strategic threat from Mao Xiong suddenly disappeared. The West immediately closed the door to China, but it was only then that the country felt the pain.

When the Chinese people suddenly looked back, they realized what they had lost. When they wanted to catch up again, the price they paid was already unimaginable.

The 973 Plan and the HGJ Plan have invested hundreds of billions. Although they have achieved many results, the technical barriers established by the West already exist...

Zhao Guoqing took a long breath.

"We can't let this tragedy happen!"

"How can we save Wucheng Electronic Tube, Xicheng 2581 chip factory, and a lot of mask and etching factories!"

"What is needed is money, a lot of money!"

"We need to give these factories enough orders to support their own orders!"

"We also need to earn foreign exchange. During the five-year window period, many projects were aborted and many equipment did not have time to be introduced. The key reason is not that the West does not sell it, but because there is no money!"

Zhao Guoqing's thoughts were very chaotic. He tried hard to calm down his emotions and examine the current situation from a rational and objective perspective.

"National Day, National Day, what's wrong with you?"


Zhao Guoqing was awakened by Director Wang's voice.

"Good guy, for half an hour, you seemed to be sleepwalking. Are you too tired? After dinner, you can have a good rest. Xiao Liu and I will have a room, and you will have a room by yourself!"

"Thank you, Director Wang, I'm fine."

"Don't hold on, your body comes first!"


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