Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 58 - Chicken Dragon

Compared with the previous few days, Lianzi has indeed become more courageous.

At least there will be no fear when facing strangers, and dare to look directly.

After chatting with Mu Tieying for a while with a smile, Mu Tieying took the lotus seeds and left.

Ah Chou, who has been lying in Gao Peng's palm and "playing dead" with peace of mind as a hat, is finally resurrected. Standing up cautiously, the various birds and beasts flying in the surrounding sky made him feel uneasy.

Gao Peng only felt a not-so-weak struggle coming from the palm of his hand, and Ah Zhu floated cautiously in the air, making a puffing sound.

Then it snapped and covered Gao Peng's head.

A colorful hat.

The hat is not big, but it fits well,

Just enough to cover Gao Peng's head.

Looking at the sky speechlessly, he unscrewed the iced green tea in his hand and took a sip.

Sure enough, it's still delicious iced.

The monster for today's actual combat training has been delivered, and it is a big purple-gold scorpion in a cage.

It is very large, its torso is two meters long without the scorpion tail, which is as long as its body, and a pair of half-meter-long tongs exudes a cold light.

This giant scorpion was bluish-purple in color and looked rather strong. It was currently curled up in the cage, and it kept hitting each other with its pair of pincers to make muffled bang bang bang noises.

[Monster Name]: Purple Gold Scorpion

[Monster Level]: Level 14

[Monster Quality]: Elite

[Monster Attributes]: Gold/Earth

[Monster Status]: Health (pleasure)

[Monster Weakness]: Dark/Lightning

[Monster Preferences]: Clamp hard things with large pliers

"Is anyone ready to challenge today's monsters? There are many scorpion monsters near Chang'an. You will definitely meet them in the future. Now you can be familiar with the fighting habits of scorpion monsters." Instructor Chen said with a smile.

Purple gold scorpion, the characteristics of this monster appeared in Gao Peng's mind. This is a kind of scorpion that lives in the desert. Before the catastrophe, it lived in the desert area near Chang'an.

After the catastrophe, scorpions mutated and evolved into purple gold scorpions.

This kind of scorpion is a relatively rare non-poisonous scorpion, but it has a constitution that is immune to toxins, and it is immune to general toxins.

The pair of pincers of this big scorpion is not small, it can pinch off the body and head of any prey. However, the size of this scorpion is still much smaller than that of a normal purple gold scorpion, and it should still be in the growth stage.

It is said that an adult Zijin scorpion is three meters long in body alone, and the length of the scorpion tail is a full six meters.

This purple gold scorpion also inherited the temperament of most scorpion monsters - vicious and cruel.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of knocking pincers became more and more intense, and it seemed to be intimidating the enemy.

The Zijin scorpion tapped the pair of pincers excitedly, the more it tapped, the happier it seemed.

Something seems wrong,

The purple gold scorpion flicked its tail and shook its head excitedly,

Amusing myself in a cage,

It's high.

If you add a BGM at this time,

It is more appropriate.

You can be happy like this with a pair of pliers, oh, stupid scorpion.

There was a trace of contempt in Da Zi's eyes.

After a period of training, these imperial envoys are basically much more courageous than at the beginning, and they no longer have the fear of challenging these monsters.

"Instructor, I want to challenge." Everyone raised their hands enthusiastically.

Apart from Gao Peng, many people raised their hands one after another.

Gao Peng just watched quietly. Others could not see the quality and level of this monster, but he could see it clearly.

To be honest, this purple gold scorpion is still too difficult for these children.

Most of these children's beast masters can reach level ten, and some even only have level seven or eight.

What's more, this purple gold scorpion is still of elite quality,

It's just to deliver food.

Da Zi is currently only an elite quality, the level is exactly the same as this purple metal scorpion, and the purple metal scorpion is also immune to toxins, so it should be only 50-50 in a head-to-head battle.

Therefore, Gao Peng needed some children to explore the way and see if the Purple Gold Scorpion had any other means of attack, so that it would be safe.

With his arms around his chest, Gao Peng was standing beside Da Zi with a stern expression on his face.

With his tough facial features, he looks like a master.

Of course, it would be more similar without the colorful hat on the head.

"Gao Peng, aren't you ready to challenge?" Zhang Renbai looked at Gao Peng. In fact, he specially prepared this purple gold scorpion for Gao Peng today, because only Gao Peng's purple-backed thunder centipede was qualified to challenge in this five-person team. This purple gold scorpion.

"Let's leave the opportunity to the rest of the team. I can't be the first to go every time. It's unfair to them." Gao Peng shook his head lightly.

Others in the team originally had other emotions towards Gao Peng, such as a little jealousy.

But after hearing Gao Peng's words, many people's impression of Gao Peng changed immediately.

At the same time, a pang of guilt rose from the bottom of my heart.

It was us who wrongly blamed him before, but we didn't expect that he would not forget us about this kind of thing.

The corner of Zhang Renbai's mouth twitched, believing your evil.

As an instructor, he naturally knows the strength of these beasts.

Are you people rushing to die?

But he is just an instructor, only in charge of training, and can't intervene too much in other things. At most, he can select which monsters to use as challenges.

"Then you go to challenge first." Shaking his head, Zhang Ren ordered a beast that was the strongest except Da Zi.

This is a cockpolong. It is said to be a cockpolong, but it is actually mutated from a quail chicken before the catastrophe.

It has a lot of flesh on its body, and there is a bright red crown on the top of its head, so red that it seems to bleed.

It seems that he has completely given up the ability to fly, the muscles on his body are knotted, and the explosive muscles must look delicious.

What am I thinking! Gao Peng quickly shook his head.

This Chicken Polong is a full 1.8 meters tall, its eyes are yellow, with a little bloodshot inside, and its jet-black beak is as long as a palm.

Gao Peng had seen this cockpod dragon peck through a one-centimeter-thick steel plate during training.

The thick chicken legs are full of vigor every step of the way.

This is also the only elite level beast present besides Da Zi, which has a full level of 11.

It's just a pity that the quality is just mediocre.

Chicken Polong walked in slowly, and did not take the initiative to attack after entering the cage, but circled around the purple gold scorpion cautiously.

Zijin Scorpion sensed that something was coming in and stopped its movements.

It seemed that he was very unhappy about being interrupted for self-entertainment, and Zijin Xie showed a ferocious look in his eyes, and turned to look at Ji Polong.

Seeing such a big scorpion for the first time, Ji Polong seemed a little confused.

Be careful not to attack actively, keep going around in circles,

Zijin Scorpion also turned around.

It's just that it's inconvenient for Zijin Scorpion to turn around because of its body structure, and its movements are stiff.


The pair of pliers slammed hard on the concrete floor, making two muffled sounds almost simultaneously.

Zijin scorpion rushed towards Ji Polong violently.

Turn around in circles, I won't turn anymore!

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