Moria the Pirate

Chapter 238: Shoot a big Ivan to suppress the shock

"Damn it!"

"How can Moria have such strength?"

The golden lion was surprised.

I'm already on drugs!

You are still so fierce, who is the big pirate?

For a moment, the golden lion was caught in a dilemma, and the reason in his mind began to think quickly about the current situation.

Even if you fight hard, you can capture Moria, but you will also be seriously injured, and Moria is not alone.

Although they were a bit far apart, Golden Lion could still clearly feel that there were many strong men on the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, and they were always keeping an eye on him.


After a moment, the golden lion made a decision in his mind.

However, before leaving, I have to give Moriah a gift.


The golden lion suddenly rose up, instantly crushing the two shadow lions.

"Dark Shadow Ball"

At some point, a shadow ball exuding a fatal threat appeared next to the golden lion's voice.

"I'm sorry, except for the shadow, you have to be careful of my attacks!"

Moria reminded gently, admiring the small mushroom cloud produced by the explosion of the shadow ball with a smile.

The smoke dissipated, and there was no one. Only the strong wind in the sky kept complaining, as if weeping for the passing of this legendary figure.


The floating island in the sky began to lose its buoyancy and began to gradually fall.


Seeing this scene, Moria frowned tightly.

"How can it be?"

Although his blow just now did hit the golden lion, there is absolutely no way that a top-notch strong man could be defeated so easily.

But how can we explain this scene before us?

Could it be that just like this, he achieved the achievement of killing the legendary pirate?


"Damn it!"

In an instant, Moria dismissed this ridiculous idea.

Because these islands are not falling naturally, they are all heading towards the terrifying three-masted sailboat.

If so many islands were smashed down, I'm afraid Moria's entire pirate group would be buried under the sea.

"Jie hahaha~"

Just when Moria discovered his intention, the golden lion covered in blood stopped Moria.

Although he was seriously injured by Moria's sneak attack just now, now, seeing Moria's furious look, the golden lion seemed very happy.

"Golden Lion, you are seeking death!"

"Elbaf's Gun·Hegemony"

For a moment, Moria started to attack crazily, but the golden lion wanted to drag Moria out, so how could he get away so easily.

"Everyone, please go all out!"

Facing the rapidly landing island, Robin spoke first,

"Colorful colors and huge trees"

A pair of extremely huge palms sprouted from Robin's body, and he instantly grabbed the rapidly falling island and threw it into the sea.

"Wow! Sister Robin is so amazing!"

"Yeah, long live!"


Robin's success instantly inspired the crew's confidence.

At the same time, many cadres also looked at Robin in a new light.

After all, Robin has never been seen taking action, so the leaders of the pirate group will inevitably feel some contempt.


"Everyone, please stop watching!"

Maiev Marcus jumped into the air, raised the knight's spear, and attacked the falling island fiercely.

"Elbaf's Spear·Hegemony!"

Suddenly, the cadres began to take action to prevent the island from falling.

"High Wind·One Sword Style"

"Ghost Bomb"


However, although everyone worked together to smash the island or change the crash location, the danger was still not eliminated.

There are many huge pieces of debris, and as long as they are hit, the terrifying three-masted ship is still in danger of sinking.

"All firepower units are all ready!"

When Duer heard the response from the phone bug, he didn't waste any time. He immediately picked up the phone bug and said loudly,

"All members, please evade immediately, the artillery attack is about to begin!"

Hearing the voice coming from the phone bug, everyone on the Terrorist Resistance Landing Island couldn't help but tremble and hurried back to the Terrorist three-masted sailing ship.

"First round of rockets, launch!"

For a time, from the terrifying three-masted sailboat to the surrounding first, second, and third fleets, red flames rose on every ship.

In an instant, thousands of rockets flew towards the island in the sky. The scene was very spectacular.

"Main guns, fire!"

In another instant, the main guns on the ship began to vent their anger.

However, even such a fierce fire strike had no substantial effect on the falling large island.

"Big Ivan, launch!"

Finally, Duer seemed to have made up his mind and said to the phone bug.

"Boom, boom~"

Everyone felt a vibration on the ground and saw a very huge rocket slowly rising into the sky and flying towards the island in the sky.


After a burst of dazzling white light, a huge mushroom cloud was produced in the sky. It spread out in all directions and set off huge waves on the sea. Some ships were directly smashed by the waves.

After a while, people's eyes began to recover and they were able to see the surrounding things clearly.

"Sister Robin, you are so hateful!"

Perona kept rubbing her eyes and accused loudly,

"You knew this was going to happen, but you didn't tell me to wear sunglasses in advance."


"Next time, you will know better!"

In fact, it was not just Robin who wore sunglasses. Several of the most senior officers in the Moria Pirates also wore sunglasses to prevent temporary blindness.

During the last small experiment, we suffered such a loss. All the cadres were almost blind, except for the captain, who wore sunglasses in advance.

As for this Big Ivan, of course it is not an atomic bomb. Otherwise, Moria would not have been an ordinary person before traveling through time, and would have participated in key projects long ago.

However, in the world of pirates, there is a weapon that is not inferior to an atomic bomb, and that is dynamite rock.

Passed by Spandam, passed by the secretly controlled marines, passed by Doflamingo...

In short, Moria spent countless efforts and finally obtained the dynamite rock. Based on this, he added Pluto's related technology and gathered the best talents. Finally, Big Ivan was born.

With the entry of Big Ivan, those large floating islands that were difficult to chew were either blown to pieces, or their orbits were changed by the huge shock wave, and they fell into the sea in the distance.

Although there were still many large and small debris falling from the sky, the terrifying three-masted sailboat was finally able to avoid the danger of sinking.

As for these fragments, isn’t that simple?

"Second round of rockets, launch!"

For a time, bursts of smoke appeared on the major ships, and rockets were launched one after another.

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