My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 680 Nirvana

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The aerospace carrier slowly landed outside Huaxia City, side by side with the huge dragon corpse.

At this moment, not only the supernatural beings in Huaxia City, but also the supernatural beings all over the world reacted in the same way. Their power was extracted by the giant dragon god, and they were extremely weak.

"Brother Jiang, are you okay!"

Li Yuxin jumped out of the air carrier and ran towards Jiang Liushi. Among the girls, Li Yuxin was the least injured. After all, she was only a medical staff, she had no fighting power, and did not directly face the chairman's attack. She just lost strength while treating Jiang Liushi. .

Seeing Jiang Liushi's body covered in blood and pale face, Li Yuxin was heartbroken, but also happy.

She is the best medical ability user in the world, she can tell that Jiang Liushi is fine.

Although he was seriously injured and his vitality was overdrawn, as long as she was there, Jiang Liushi would recover without leaving any sequelae.

At this time, she would be very thankful that she has the ability of healing, which allows her to use her own power to heal Jiang Liushi, instead of handing over everything to the heavens and powerlessly listening to the death sentence.

"Yu Xin."

Jiang Liushi showed a knowing smile. In the three years since the end of the world, he has never smiled so easily. In the past, no matter what enemies Jiang Liushi defeated, he always had a sense of crisis. Facing the unknown end of the world, he To keep getting stronger.

But now, the apocalypse is no longer scary, he knows the reason of the apocalypse, and killed the instigator of the apocalypse. The remaining zombies and mutated beasts were no longer a concern. With the aircraft carrier in the sky, these were no longer a threat.

Even as long as Jiang Liushi is willing, he can spend time to clean up large areas of zombies and mutant beasts. With the help of other people, human beings will gradually overcome this apocalypse and conquer the world again sooner or later.

But Jiang Liushi didn't intend to interfere too much. It wasn't that he was ruthless, but that he gradually realized that this end times might be the nirvana of mankind...

Life and death, prosperity and decline, and cruel and ruthless apocalypse, but for the human group, it may not be a bad thing, and it may even promote the evolution of human beings in a certain sense.

Human evolution has been stagnant for too long.

Human ancestors, because of climate change, came out of the forest,

We had to adapt to the life of collecting in the wilderness. Those who couldn't adapt were eliminated, and those who survived slowly evolved.

In the history of human evolution spanning millions of years, the ancestors of human beings were divided into countless bloodlines, each of them developed independently, overcame all kinds of difficulties, and evolved in the midst of death.

The Neanderthals who could not adapt became extinct, the Peking Man disappeared, and the cavemen did not pass on their blood...

The last surviving Homo sapiens spread out and occupied the whole world. This is the present human being.

There are many cats and many canines, but there is only one human being, Hominidae, Homo, and Hominin!

Human beings are lonely, not because there is anything special about human genetic evolution, but because modern humans have eliminated all kinds of other human branches in the process of evolution.

Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest.

However, after the birth of civilization and the development of science and technology, human beings have become the masters of the world, and human beings no longer have natural enemies. It is not human beings who adapt to the environment, but the environment is transformed by human beings to adapt to human beings.

For the survival of human beings, forests and grasslands have been turned into high-rise buildings, dams have been built on rivers and lakes, and bridges have appeared between straits...

Human beings themselves are often intoxicated by their own power and feel the splendor of human civilization, but only when natural disasters break out, human beings will suddenly wake up and realize their own insignificance in front of nature.

Major earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, flash floods...

All of this is unstoppable.

But these are just minor disasters and disasters in the history of biological evolution, not even minor disasters and minor disasters...

The real catastrophe--

Asteroid impacts, the Great Ice Age, close-range supernova explosions, and gamma-ray bursts from neutron star impacts! Even hundreds of millions of years later, the temperature of the sun will rise, and the ocean will evaporate...

Humans have never experienced these, and human ancestors have only experienced a few small glaciers. In the history of life, there have been several mass extinctions, including the extinction of dinosaurs...

Even with the current technology of human beings, they are helpless against asteroids, let alone disasters from the universe.

But those sound a little far away. The life of human beings before the end of the world is comfortable and safe, but correspondingly, human evolution has stopped for tens of thousands of years. If there is no change, it may continue to stagnate in the future.

But for the human race, for the history of biological evolution with a time unit of hundreds of millions of years, a catastrophe is inevitable.

Under such circumstances, it may not be a bad thing to experience Nirvana in the last days and restart human evolution.

These thoughts flashed through Jiang Liushi's mind. He had already decided that everything depends on fate and everyone has their own destiny. He would not interfere. He had been fighting for three years and he had to rest well.

His wish is nothing more than to have a small world of his own, to live happily with the most important girls in his life.

And now, it has been realized...

That's why Jiang Liushi smiled so happily.

He just smiled like this, and fell asleep in Li Yuxin's arms, the girl's fragrance echoed between his nostrils, everything was so warm and beautiful...


Jiang Liushi didn't know how long he slept. When he woke up, he found himself lying in the master bedroom of the Aerospace Aircraft Carrier. Li Yuxin put Jiang Liushi's head on his lap and gently massaged Jiang Liushi. His hands were infused with star-seed energy, and during the massage process, Jiang Liushi's depleted blood was subtly restored.

Jiang Liushi only felt that this force was warm and warm, making his whole body very comfortable.

This time, he slept so soundly, as if he had wiped away the exhaustion of the past three years.

Jiang Liushi turned his head and looked, Xiang Xuehai and Ran Xiyu were sleeping next to him, one left and one right, Xiang Xuehai was wearing silk pajamas, half concealing her plump figure, Ran Xiyu was wearing a nightdress, skirt There are two beautiful white and round legs exposed under the swing, which is full of spring.

As for Jiang Zhuying, she was sleeping on another bed. Her injuries had already healed, and she was sleeping like a little lazy cat.

"Brother Jiang, you're awake." Li Yuxin smiled happily, lowered her head, and gently kissed Jiang Liushi's forehead.

There is a faint fragrance from the nostrils, not only Li Yuxin's body fragrance, but also rice fragrance.

Jiang Liushi turned his head and saw that at the dining table not far away, Ying had already prepared a table of delicious food.

All the scenes in front of him made Jiang Liushi feel that life can be like this, and he is satisfied.

"Brother Jiang, you are awake. Zhang Hai and Sun Kun are waiting to see you, and the residents of Huaxia City have been waiting for you outside the city for ten hours."

( = remember in a second )

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