Myriad Paths

Chapter 40 On the Road

The mountains are high, the water is long, and the green trees are lush.

Li Qi was carrying a large backpack and weighing his money bag distressedly.

Nine hundred and ninety-two dollars, now only two hundred and thirty-one dollars are left.

What he got in exchange was this big backpack on his body.

There's a lot in it.

This large backpack itself is not cheap.

Kraft paper to protect from rain, shelf-stable rice cakes, and some bacon jerky.

A large canvas can be folded together into a large bag to carry things in the field. Rolled up, it can be used as a handy short rope. It can also be used as a quilt cover. It is also wear-resistant and fireproof.

Two hatchets and a small whetstone are at least somewhat sharp tools in the event of an accident in the wild. They can also be used to cut down vines blocking the road, and also to chop wood for fire.

Some fire sticks and two pieces of flint and steel, needless to say, for making fire. Usually, flint and steel are used, but in an emergency, you can use the fire stick that ignites with a flick.

There are also sore medicines, insecticides, some essential medicines, and supplies necessary for survival in the wild.

A piece of linen, some knives, spatulas, iron heads for farm tools, etc. I brought these with me as a trader. When I went to some villages, I could sell them to get some blood.

I'm poor, so I can earn a little.

In addition, there are many small bits and pieces, so I won’t mention them one by one.

All in all, Li Qi was well prepared for his future journey.

Moreover, he spent a huge sum of money, spending a total of sixty yuan, to change Shen Shuibi's clothes.

The white dress with a gauze scarf and hollows that she wore before was consistent with Mr. Zhu's style when walking together, but when walking with her, she looked like someone who was about to be robbed.

So she changed into a woman's linen clothes, and now she looks like just a pretty village girl.

Although she is a bit too pretty, how could a normal villager raise such a beauty?

After all, for ordinary villagers or gang members like Li Qi, female members of the family, even if they are naturally beautiful and beautiful, most of them still need to work and manage the family.

No matter how good-looking you are by nature, if you have been doing laundry and cooking, pounding rice and chopping firewood every day since childhood, any naturally beautiful person who grows up like this will turn into a peasant woman, with big shoulders and round waist, rough skin, and is very unsightly.

But to be honest, people of Li Qi's class just need this kind of wife.

Because they are familiar with all kinds of affairs, work quickly, are strong, and are not prone to illness. They can also go to the fields to do farm work or help their husbands do heavy physical labor. They are good at maintaining the family's livelihood. You need such a wife to live your life.

If you really have a beautiful girl with tender skin, petite figure, and cute habits at home, even if she doesn't cause any trouble for you, the mere fact that she can't do work will make the family overwhelmed.

I can’t afford it.

If she is willing to share the burden for her husband, then after working for two years at most, she will become like other peasant women and become fat and round and no longer beautiful.

Therefore, even if Shen Shuibi is wearing linen clothes, it can still be seen at a glance that she is definitely not an ordinary person.

But it doesn't matter. After all, Li Qi feels that he can't be considered an ordinary person now, and he should be able to cover it up, as long as he doesn't stand out so much.

Walking on the road, Li Qi looked at Shen Shuibi next to him who was dressed lightly and without any luggage. He was carefree and leading the way as if he were on an outing.

This reminded him of the conversation when they set out.

At that time, Li Qi asked: "Miss Shen, how did you determine the direction? Where is Empress Luofu?"

"It feels like~, I have been by your side since I was a child. I know where your empress is as soon as I open my eyes. As long as I follow my feeling, I will definitely be able to find her!" Shen Shuibi confidently held her fist and said with confidence.

To be honest, Li Qi just felt that it was very unreliable.

But there is no way, this is a world full of monsters and monsters, maybe it will actually be useful.

Then...a journey with no destination and no itinerary could begin.

The two of them were walking together. Li Qi was carrying a large backpack with all their luggage in it, while Shen Shuibi was carrying nothing. She was wearing new clothes and just walked forward with empty hands.

Li Qi was very skeptical of her approach at first.

But after walking for two days, Li Qicai discovered that the other party really didn't need luggage.

Shen Shuibi was actually able to keep her body clean. Even when walking in the wild, she was not dirty at all. She neither sweated nor smelled. Even if she fell down and was covered in dust, when she got up from the ground with a grimace, she was covered in dust. It will also slide off her body naturally and will not stick to the skin at all.

On top of that, she doesn’t have to eat!

Yes, according to her own words, she is a natural heterogeneity, not an ordinary monster that becomes a spirit, so she does not need to eat ordinary food, she only needs to eat wind, drink dew, and inhale different qi.

Because of this, she doesn't have to excrete, sweat, or even breathe if she wants to, but breathing is just a means of eating for her.

No need to shower, no sweat, always clean, always beautiful.

This fucking... two-dimensional beautiful girl?

Is it so easy?

All in all, there is no logistical pressure when taking this thing on the road. She can walk by herself and run quite fast.

Very good, very good.

The two of them trekked through the wilderness for three days.

On this day, at noon, Li Qi needed to take a break, make some lunch, replenish his strength, and take a rest.

Shen Shuibi also understood very well that not everyone could be like her and stay fragrant and energetic without eating or bathing, so she waited patiently.

After three days of getting along, the two of them are no longer so unfamiliar. It's just that Shen Shuibi usually doesn't talk much. Most of the topics are brought up by Li Qi to relieve his boredom on the road. So at this moment, Li Qi went to fetch water for cooking, and she was bored. Don't speak, just look into the distance.

She didn't lie to Li Qi. She really didn't know where the empress was, but the little rabbit could indeed vaguely sense her position.

It's just that... after walking for three days, she didn't feel that the distance had gotten much closer.

This means that the distance traveled in these three days is actually nothing compared to the distance traveled by the empress.

She didn't tell Li Qi this because she was afraid that if she said so, Li Qi would not want to go to the empress with her.

Because it was very hard for him to walk on the mountain road, which was different from him.

They have walked more than two hundred miles in the past three days, but if they want to find the empress, they will probably have to walk tens of thousands of miles.

If the empress does not move her position, she may have to walk for a year and a half.

"Alas..." She sighed. It would take a long time to walk at this speed.

If only there were horses.

It's a pity that Li Qi is very poor and can't afford it. A horse costs twenty or thirty gold. Although Shen Shuibi thinks it's not expensive, Li Qi definitely can't afford it.

While thinking this, she suddenly stood up. there the sound of horses neighing?

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