Myriad Paths

Chapter 78 Inquiry

There is a saying in the path of spiritual practice: "What is arsenic to others is honey to you."

Is water vapor a fun thing?

Not necessarily, if ordinary people have excess water vapor, they will suffer from swelling and congestion.

But if there is no moisture, it will cause fire and sores.

But now, Li Weng's five elements are in harmony, because the water vapor from the mountain roots has entered, making the water strong and the fire weak, causing the five elements to be disordered.

But is this a bad thing?

Of course not, water vapor is just a kind of vapor, there is no good or bad, it’s just that some people need it and some people don’t.

But Qi is not something you don’t want, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to ingest other Qi indiscriminately, leading to an imbalance in the small world of your body.

Ingesting or expelling different qi requires corresponding techniques, so the ghost Li Weng is worried about the pile of water vapor in his graveyard, because he can't do anything about it.

But Li Qi has a way!

Not only is there a way, he also needs this kind of thing! The practice of Li Liuyi requires water qi to turn into inner qi!

The cemetery is surrounded by yin energy, and the water vapor from the mountain roots has been nurtured for hundreds of years. Maybe the quality can be comparable to the pure water vapor given by the God of Lishui!

Make a lot of money!

He still has to look for water vapor everywhere. Isn't this just coming to his door?

When I feel really sleepy, someone gives me a pillow.

"Can someone help me remove the water vapor?" the ghost said in surprise.

"It's possible, but the Wang family's affairs..." Li Qi pondered.

"If you can help me drain the water and reconstruct the five elements, I would like to put the matter of the Wang family in the past!" the ghost said immediately.

Then, as if he thought it was not enough, he immediately added: "I am also willing to use my ghost spirit to protect and bless people!"

Hearing this, Li Qi nodded: "Look, what can't be discussed? Now that it's been agreed, that's it. Just go back and I'll ask the Wang family to take me there to clear the air for you."

"Congratulations." The ghost was very respectful.

Li Qi also straightened his chest and retreated from the altar space.

"Master! Master, what's wrong!? Are the talks settled!?" Seeing Li Qi coming out, Wang Yuanwai immediately pounced on him.

Li Qi dodged lightly: "We've agreed, take me to the tomb and find a place."

Wang Yuanwai did not dare to say anything and immediately led the way.

Li Qi confirmed the location, and then asked Wang Yuanwai to go back and prepare millet and Wuqi Mingshui for another sacrifice.

Then, he hurried back to find Shen Shuibi and Lao Ma.

Along the way, Li Qi was inexplicably excited.

Not because of anything else, but because, for the first time, he truly accomplished what a person should do, like what a practitioner can do.

This is like a newly graduated college student who joins the workforce for the first time and perfectly completes a project, that kind of heartfelt joy and sense of accomplishment!

He made full use of his knowledge, negotiated with ghosts and gods, and coordinated the conflicts between humans and ghosts, and was rewarded by both parties for this.

Although he relied on Mr. Zhu's willow branches to intimidate the opponent, the equipment must also be a part of his strength.

A sudden realization dawned on him.

This is the practitioner.

Cultivation is not just for fighting and killing. Practitioners will definitely complete their own responsibilities according to their own strength.

Cultivation is not simply for one's own strength, but more like mastering more skills and more weapons, so that one can better implement the practitioner's own thoughts and ideas.

Blessing people, this Taoist concept is to coordinate people, gods, and ghosts to make the three harmonious.

Sacrifice is not everything for blessing people, but the method and tool for blessing people to complete this concept.

Sacrifice can help Zhu people improve their strength, better complete this concept, and implement this idea. Therefore, Zhu people will learn sacrifices and improve their strength.

If there are no classics in the "Zhu" book to guide Zhu people, but they only master the method of sacrifice, then sacrifice is no longer a tool for coordinating people, ghosts and gods, but becomes a weapon for someone.

It's like a pencil can kill three people in a bar, but the real function of a pencil is to write, record, and spread words and ideas.

If you deviate from Zhu Ren's thoughts... and only master Zhu Ren's cultivation methods and fighting methods, what will happen in the end?

Perhaps, like Li Weng, his body will be out of balance and he will die early.

Li Qi seemed to be vaguely aware of this incident.

"Tao" refers to both the natural rules and the thoughts of the ascetics.

Taoism is an organization formed by a group of people with the same ideas who gather together and try to implement their own Tao.

So practicing one's own path is to implement one's own thoughts and make them conform to the laws of nature?

Or...if the rules of nature don't fit, then - modify nature?

Should we change ourselves to conform to nature, or should we force nature to change so that our own rules can be implemented?

Li Qi didn't know.

But he probably already understood why the human body is called the "small world of the human body".

"My body is also heaven and earth, and it also has Tao. This Tao is my thoughts and my Tao."

"There is also a Tao in the outside world, and this Tao is the law of nature."

"So... the so-called various sects and organizations all named themselves so-and-so 'Tao', is this probably the reason?" Li Qi thought silently in his heart.

He wasn't sure if what he was thinking was right, but it made sense to him.

Anyway, no matter what, the grave digging incident has been solved.

However, you still need to go back and consult the database Shen Shuibi to get the exact information before you can determine the next step.

Moreover, Li Qi was also a little confused about Mrs. Wang's matter.

Although he saved the Wang family, is it really appropriate for the other party to risk his life to save his old horse?

Li Qi was a little hesitant.

He didn't have a good impression of Mrs. Wang. After all, the other party's attitude towards him was extremely utilitarian from the beginning, and she only wanted to take advantage of him later.

But looking at this matter, she actually did nothing wrong. Utility is utilitarian, but she just wanted her son to survive at the expense of her life.

Poor parents in the world.

Let's see about it then. Lao Ma's matter... is indeed very difficult to deal with. If the other party really commits suicide, that would be a bit...

Li Qi thought this as he walked into the forest.

Because he was outside the city, he returned to the woods and blew a whistle. Shen Shuibi and Lao Ma soon appeared.

"Li Qi, are you back? Have you finished the matter? Are we going to go find your empress?" Shen Shuibi asked impatiently!

"Not even close." Li Qi replied: "Sit down first, Lao Ma will come over, and I will talk to you about things."

Li Qi pulled Lao Ma and Shen Shuibi to a stop.

"Ah? What's wrong?" Shen Shuibi looked confused.

Lao Ma doesn't know what to say.

Li Qi, on the other hand, said: "Old Ma, regarding your last master..."

Before he finished speaking, the old horse's hooves began to move uneasily.

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