Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 35 What are zombies?

Li Wen followed Xiao Tian, ​​and the two continued to walk on the street.

"Will you abandon me for money in the future?"

Xiao Tian's words made Li Wen stunned and abandoned her? what the hell.

"Cough! I mean, will you no longer give me the privilege of broadcasting your games if you make money in the future?"

Xiao Tian's face was flushed, because she said the wrong thing, she kept coughing several times, and this calmed down her emotions.

"Am I, Li Wen, that kind of person? Don't worry, I will definitely not abandon you."

Li Wen looked at Xiao Tian very seriously.

It can be said that without Xiaotian's live broadcast to promote Brother Sledgehammer, he would not have gotten to where he is so easily.

The kindness of a drop of water should be reciprocated by a spring, which is the education he received since he was a child.


Xiao Tian seemed to be a little shy, lowered her head, and her voice was weak and moaning.


Li Wen patted his chest and assured.

"Then don't lie to me, otherwise! Humph!"

Xiao Tian raised her head and clenched her fists to demonstrate.

Li Wen is a little helpless...


At this moment, a taxi just happened to pass by, and Xiao Tian jumped to stop it.

After getting into the taxi, she did not forget to shout to Li Wen, "You have to remember what you said today."

Watch the taxi leave.

Li Wen always felt that something was wrong.

"Forget it, forget it."

It was twelve o'clock in the morning, and he was indeed a little sleepy.

After waiting for a while, I was about to fall asleep before I stopped a taxi to go home again.


After the first-day sales of Escape was announced by Li Wen in the bib, it immediately attracted the attention of people in the game industry.

The three major domestic factories have again paid attention to Happy Paradise and Li Wen.

Whenever a potential game company emerges, it will attract the attention of the three major manufacturers.

This is the second time for Happy Paradise and Li Wen to come forward, although the failure of the first Sledgehammer brother made Li Wen forgotten by the three major factories.

However, the escape drew their attention again.

Even well-known foreign companies are beginning to notice Happy Paradise.

Escape not only attracts the attention of players in China, but also attracts the attention of foreign players.

Those foreign manufacturers all have a fixed mindset. Except for the martial arts Xianxia game, Huaxia Game Company's other games are a mess.

Although there will be some small-cost boutiques, they are almost short-lived and then disappear.

Therefore, the appearance of games that have nothing to do with martial arts like Escape will naturally attract their attention.

The sales volume on the first day was one million, which is not even a passing line for a major manufacturer.

But Happy Paradise is nothing more than a little-known Chinese game company.

All these together are enough to attract the attention of the entire game circle around the world.

New IPs, new genres, redefining horror games, etc., have made Li Wen only a little fan of the domestic game circle and gradually become famous in the foreign game circle.

The online mode of escape is not established by each region alone, regardless of service area.

Therefore, players from all over the world can play together.

STE comes with a zero-delay automatic translation gadget for voice and text, which can ensure smooth communication between players around the world.

However, due to the time difference, STE Huaxia games are unlocked the fastest.

Domestic players have already played Infernal Affairs, and foreign players are long overdue...

There are more and more foreign players flocking to escape.

Countless foreigners have not had time to enjoy the fun of the game, and they have been pushed into the abyss by domestic players who have already exercised.

Use all kinds of rhetoric to deceive foreigners to explore the way...

Since the monsters are not intelligent, the situation of the four-player game is a little better, at least under the control of some foreigners who have passed the level, they can still escape.

But the five-player...

This is a nightmare.

Being brutally killed by monsters in various ways, all the items in the scene have become tools for monsters to kill players.

In addition, there are domestic players fueling the flames behind, and in an instant, foreigners have tried what is called fear.

It is precisely because of this that Li Wen and Happy Paradise are gradually remembered by foreigners.

This guy is simply not human!

In fact, many players just want to experience mild fear, but they will be calculated by Li Wen, forcing players to experience extreme fear.

Whether foreign players or domestic players, most players are the same...


the next day.

Xiao Tian was dressed beautifully today and dressed up carefully.

The conversation with Li Wen yesterday is vivid in my mind. It is obvious that Li Wen is talking about cooperation, but I don't know why the dialogue between the two seems a bit strange.

When she got home, the more she thought about it, the more shy she became.

Finally fell asleep in shyness.

Before dawn, she woke up, dressed up, and notified the assistant to pick up the car.

She then quietly ran to Happy Paradise Company.

As usual, the employees of Happy Paradise Company greeted her, and she responded one by one.

The main purpose of today is to see Li Wen's reaction.

What made her speechless was that this guy came to work at noon and didn't seem to wake up.

At first glance, he knew that this guy had forgotten what he said last night.

She was a little angry.

I was going to remind Li Wen of what Li Wen said yesterday, but I didn't expect to be invited by Li Wen to participate in the Resident Evil planning meeting before he even spoke.

She swallowed all the dissatisfaction just now, and jumped into the conference room with the others.

in the conference room.

Li Wen sent out the Resident Evil plan that had been sorted out by staying up late, and everyone received a copy, while Xiao Tian sat next to Chen Rui and watched it together.

'July 1998, Raccoon City Midwest is located in the Alex Mountains outside of Raccoon City. ’

'The bizarre hunts that kill cannibals are frequent. ’

'Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, the Raccoon Town Police Department decided to mobilize the Brava Squad of the Special Search Unit S.T.A.R.S. ’

'After getting ready to go, the group took a helicopter to the forest near the scene, but an engine failure occurred, which forced them to fall. ’

"The successful escape of the Brava squad found the vandalized prisoner escort and the tragically dead navy escort when they checked with each other. ’

'S.T.A.R.S. Brava Squad Captain Enrique instructed his subordinates to trace Billy Cohen, the former ensign who escaped from the prisoner's escort. Separate searches to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. ’

'But at this time, who would have imagined that the occurrence of this incident caused the Ackley Mountains to fall into a catastrophe...'

This is the beginning of the story of Resident Evil 0. The protagonist of the game S.T.A.R.S. Rebecca of the Brava Squad cooperates with the fugitive Billy to finally learn the true face of the Umbrella Company.

The plot of Resident Evil 1 begins with the S.R.A.R.S Alpha Squad looking for the missing S.T.A.R.S Bulava Squad.

The protagonists are Chris (a passive teammate) and Jill Valentine, who are involved in the incident in the mansion while looking for the members of the S.R.A.R.S Brava squad.

The plots of Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 1 are linked together.

If you just do a certain plot alone, it's nothing, it's nothing more than a short process, plus the technology in this world makes the game, the process will appear shorter.

For Li Wen, who is both a player and a producer, it must be intolerable.

He will never forget the complicated feeling of being able to get a refund after playing the Resident Evil 3 remake with all his heart and mind.

Putting the two games together, the flow is just right.

Therefore, the Resident Evil project he made combined Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 1 together.

"Mr. Li, I have a question."

Zhang Chunsheng put the Resident Evil plan in his hand on the conference table with a puzzled look on his face.

"What's the problem?" Li Wen has always admired his character of daring to tell the truth.

"What is a zombie?" He searched hard in his head, but he couldn't find the word zombie and the specific image of a zombie.

From the planning, it can be seen that it is a monster that likes to eat people and bite people, but this is too abstract...


Li Wen remembered that there is no zombie theme in this world, and looked at other employees including Xiao Tian with a puzzled look.

He made a decision, and it is necessary to give these indigenous people a good idea of ​​what zombies are.

In the world before Li Wen passed through, few people didn't know the word "zombie". Just say the word, and the picture that appeared in his head didn't need much explanation at all.

In addition, games, movies, TV series, novels, and various zombie-themed works have been continuously launched, and almost all the zombies have been broken.

There's even a movie, Warm Hearts, about a zombie-human love story.

Even the crazy theme of falling in love with zombies has been made...

Few people don't know what a zombie is.

However, the world Li Wen lives in has no such setting as zombies at all, and he spent a lot of saliva to give zombie science knowledge to the company owner.

Unexpectedly, it is very difficult to explain a new setting clearly!

"That is, is Resident Evil primarily a game based on destroying this monster?"

Xiao Tian really can't imagine how scary this monster is. After all, the game type is a category of horror games.

According to her understanding of Li Wen, the game of Resident Evil is definitely not easy, but since she has never seen zombies, it is difficult for her to have other emotions.

"Yes! Destroying zombies is actually secondary. The main gameplay of the game is actually the management of resources and various decryption. The collected resources are used to decide how to play the game."

"Zombies are not simply killed by players. Every zombie is an iron-headed baby. Unless a large-caliber weapon is used, it is difficult to break the head of a zombie."

"If you don't smash the heads of zombies, no one will know if the zombies lying at their feet will get up and give the characters a bite when they are passing by."

Resident Evil is a survival horror game, not an underworld game.

However, under Li Wen's training, this game will become a serious underworld game.

Although it has been replaced by the third-person over-the-shoulder operation mode, the sense of substitution is indeed much lower than that of the first-person escape mode.

but! On enemies like zombies, who can do many tricks, sometimes the sense of terror is stronger than escaping.

(The author will never forget that when I played Resident Evil 2, it was not a remake. I had a psychological shadow when I passed by a zombie bite. Thank you! Childhood nightmare.)

(The previous chapter and this chapter have been revised twice!)

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