Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 62: Escape 2 is also a good game!

Now that the new VR equipment has been confirmed, Li Wen's focus is not new equipment games.

Naturally he will also enter, but the current funding is indeed a problem.

Fortunately, Resident Evil will be unlocked at twelve o'clock tomorrow.

Whether you can earn enough money, the current Happy Paradise really needs to rely on Resident Evil to support the scene.

As for Escape 2, Li Wen is also very optimistic, but he did not bet on Escape 2.

Although Escape 2 is good, it is unknown whether its sales can reach Escape 1.

He is more busy preparing for Lei Chun's prosecution case.

Although he doesn't understand the law, it's okay to pay attention.

As long as the lawsuit can be won, not only will there be a large amount of compensation, but it can also deter the peers, the best of both worlds.

There are quite a few underworld games in his head.

There are already so many games in the underworld, and he doesn't know which one to choose for the next game to let players enjoy 'happy'.

Thief's Soul series.

Mikami Shinji's evil spirit is possessed.

The island of Silent Hill.

Too many to count.

Suddenly, it was discovered that most of the people behind these well-known underworld games were game producers from island countries.

Sure enough, it is the country with the most perverts, and the game is also very perverted.

There are also many excellent soul-like games for reference.

For example, Niwang, but to be honest, Niwang is a game that is very selective for players. Those who like it are not good, and those who don't like it are very contemptible.

The biggest difference between Niwang and the old thief's soul games is that it is also the biggest feature of Niwang, that is, the residual heart system.

Remnant Heart can not only restore the stamina bar, but also switch between postures and weapons, and can play a lot of sassy operations.

Usually, it can suppress the enemy to death in one breath, which is completely different from the gameplay of the Old Thief Soul series.

It is a very soul-like game with its own characteristics.

(Yesterday, I tried Wolong on PS5. How can I say it? If I can’t beat it, I will summon brother Zhao Yun to join us. The action system is simple, there is no skill tree, and the game system is not very complicated.)

(Very suitable for players who are new to the pit, just tap and then add weapon skills to attack and repeat, almost all the monsters in the demo version can be suppressed to death, even the first form of the last BOSS Zhang Liang is also applicable, directly hit the BOSS no way to fight back)

(The game is simpler and clearer, the skills follow the weapons and the old man's ring combat skills are the same, Zhao Yun's brother is also very good! You can look forward to a wave!)

(I used a Qinglong Yanyue Knife to chop for a day. After coding, I have to chop it up. It's a bit over the top!)

Niwang suffered in the early stage, and after learning various suppression skills in the later stage, the game experience was instantly full and very comfortable.

Too many games are really annoying.

It would be a huge loss if it was stolen by a colleague.

Although most of the peers do not do such sneaky things like Lei Chun.

But the game industry is so big, there are still such a group of black sheep.

Therefore, this lawsuit must be the focus of Happy Paradise.

The purpose is to deter Xiao Xiao's peeping.

According to the news from the police, the hacker sisters are willing to testify in court, and there is a lot of evidence to prove the fact that the hacker sisters and Lei Chun traded.

With all kinds of evidence, the case has a very high probability of winning.

Even without the testimony of the two hacker sisters, the evidence in Li Wen's hands is enough to prove that the other party stole the company's confidential documents.

But wanting to make the other party pay a heavy price is somewhat insufficient.

Coupled with the testimony of the two hacker sisters, it can really serve the purpose of shocking and deterring.

Tomorrow is court day.

Li Wen has been watching this case.

Although he will also appear in court, he is not actually needed at all.

The law firm that helped him sue those who followed the trend before can handle it...

eight pm.

Yesterday, countless players who had nothing to do with each other poured into Xiaotian's live broadcast room.

Before the official broadcast, there are already millions of people waiting for the broadcast in her live broadcast room.

Many players are very interested in the game Resident Evil.

They want to know what happened in the aftermath of Resident Evil, whether Rebecca and Billy can work together to escape the train, etc.

This is the charm of half-broadcast games.

As long as the game plot is good, even if the gameplay is average, many players will buy it.

Most games these days are semi-broadcast games like this.

The plots of the games produced by various major manufacturers are carefully crafted.

Players are very impressed!

The plot of the game Resident Evil is currently on the level line, there are no flaws, and it is very smooth.

And also created a plump character, Rebecca.

In addition, the gameplay of Resident Evil is very rich, and resource management and decryption make the game full of strategy.

How can players let go of such a game?

As for Happy Paradise employees.

Also in the company conference room.

The same people from yesterday.

Today's live broadcast is not Resident Evil, but Escape 2.

This is Li Wen's request, and the two games are listed at the same time.

There must be both rain and dew, and the quality of Escape 2 is also very high.

Since Xiao Tian has already received the money, she still has to promote it.

Therefore, when she turned on the live broadcast and said that the live broadcast of Escape 2 today caused a lot of dissatisfaction from the audience.

'I want to watch zombies fight! I want Rebecca! Who wants to watch a perverted game that is chased and killed by mental illnesses all over the world! ’

'Little sweet, I think we should still broadcast Resident Evil. Escape 2 will be broadcast after the game is launched. I will definitely come to support it, but now I just want to watch Resident Evil. ’

‘I came to the live broadcast room early this morning to wait for you to broadcast Resident Evil, you told me not to broadcast now? Although I also like Escape, I just want Resident Evil! ’

The audience strongly demanded that Xiao Tian live stream Resident Evil.

This time, Xiao Tian is very helpless. Although she wants to play Resident Evil, she can't help listening to Li Wen's request.

"Both games are good games, let's take a look at Escape 2 first..."

She spent a lot of saliva and finally got the audience in the live broadcast room to agree to her broadcast Escape 2.

However, her popularity in the live broadcast room has dropped visibly to the naked eye.

This is inevitable, after all, many viewers are watching Resident Evil.

The change in popularity in the live broadcast room has long been accustomed to her.

Every game has a different audience, and every audience loves to watch it differently.

She skillfully opens Escape 2.

The game starts with the familiar Happy Paradise logo.

The world view of Escape 2 is the same as Escape 1.

However, the story of Escape 2 is not much related to Escape 1.

The enemy of the first generation is a group of mental patients, while the enemy of the second generation is a group of villagers who believe in cults.

The game scene was also moved from the hospital to a small village deep in the mountains.

The protagonist is a photographer, Lynn Langiman.

The truth about the supernatural death of a pregnant woman in an Arizona village she traveled with wife reporter Blake.

It opens with familiar subtitles, telling the identity of the protagonist and what the protagonist is about to do.

Games start.

On black screen...

A girl is whispering the protagonist's name.

Suddenly the girl screamed and woke the protagonist from her sleep.

The black screen is over, and the picture is gradually clear.

The protagonist is riding a helicopter, and there is a woman in front of the field of vision. The woman is the wife of the protagonist in the game.

The protagonist's wife's face was a little unsightly, and she asked why the protagonist called another woman's name in her dream...

The protagonist seems to be very confused and has no idea what happened.

The interior of the helicopter became the Shura Field... The atmosphere was very anxious.

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