
Sanji-kun, who has completely turned into a shemale physically and mentally, has had his sexual orientation reversed, and it is his duty to defend his best friend from male harassment.

He hates some lecherous people the most. Just like himself before, he can’t stand the behavior of males harassing females at this moment, and his feet are a little itchy.

“You little brat who hasn’t even grown hair yet, go home and nurse.” Sanji was not used to the samurai boy in front of him. His armed domineering aura was attached to his right leg, so he raised his leg and kicked it up.

Originally, the chef just wanted to teach the boy a lesson, making him unable to get out of bed for half a month, and teaching the boy a profound lesson. He wanted to make the boy understand one thing, and he provoked the wrong person.

However, the shemale Sanji underestimated the hardness of the opponent’s face. With his armed and domineering right foot, the kick on the opponent’s face had no effect at all. He didn’t even touch the flesh, let alone kick the suitor away. , “So hard, is this stinky face so hard?”

With Sanji’s strength five years later, if an ordinary person was kicked by him, his bones would be broken at worst. What’s more, this time he also attached armed domineering to his feet. Faced with this result, the ladyboy put away his contempt. heart of.

After being kicked by the escort next to the lady, the suitor who was kneeling on one knee did not get angry. Instead, he began to introduce himself eloquently, turning the embarrassing situation into a large-scale blind date meeting, “We are so proud of you.” I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kozuki Momonosuke. Although my actual age is only thirteen years old, I am an adult because of my mother. I want to marry you, this beautiful lady, and live together with you. I will return to the country of Wano to inherit my position as general, give birth to my children and enjoy all the glory and wealth with me.”

When Nami heard about enjoying the glory and wealth together, the little thieving cat noticed that the bouquet of flowers held by the underage man opposite was not a real flower, but one stacked by Bailey. Made of paper flowers, such a large bouquet is worth at least millions of Baileys.

Miss Navigator is moved by things like small money, but don’t get me wrong. She doesn’t intend to be attached to a man and become an accessory. The first thing Nami thinks of is to cheat the marriage. Yi Bailey, she is really willing to accompany this boy named Momonosuke to play a cheating game about marriage.

Just when the little thieving cat was brewing a plan to defraud the bride, two beautiful women ran out from the crowd of spectators. They came to the suitor with a look of pear blossoms and rain. These two women with similar faces were instantly recognizable at first sight. I have suffered a great injustice.

“Momonosuke, you bastard, you haven’t seen anyone since you woke up in the morning, so you are hooking up with others here.” ”

We agreed to enjoy the glory and wealth with our mother and daughter.”

Good guy, my good guy, the crowd watching the excitement around you, listen. Upon hearing the conversation between the two women, a burst of noise broke out. Dressrosa was really full of surprises. A familiar lady and a beautiful witch were both related to him. The samurai turned around and confessed to another one on the street. There was a lady, and the gossip souls of the onlookers were ignited.

After his true nature as a heartless man was exposed, the boy named Kozuki Momonosuke did not panic. In front of Nami and Sanji, he took the woman into his arms openly, and then he even showed off as a scumbag. Nature.

He kissed the tears on the woman’s cheeks, patted the two women’s shoulders and comforted them: “How could I abandon you mother and daughter? You are all my wings.”

Kozuki Momonosuke coaxed the pair with words, placed his palms on the faces of the two women, and kneaded their cheeks in front of the public, “I am a man who wants to be the general of Wano. He is so great. How can I have only one woman by my side in my whole life?”

Faced with such a shameless statement, Nami’s original intention of defrauding the marriage disappeared. Kozuki Momonosuke seemed to have a childish face, but in essence he had tasted the taste of a woman and had become a complete rotten person. Zai, in terms of lust, he is even better than the original Sanji.

She can already predict the fate of this mother and daughter. A man like this will possess many women. When he loses interest in you, he will become a marginalized person. Without his favor and his sweet words, There are so many people like this on the Grand Line, a bunch of scumbags who care about their kidneys but not their hearts.

“You bastard, don’t stand in the way of this young lady. You are cheating on women’s bodies and feelings. Are you really not afraid of being struck by lightning?”

“Beautiful lady, I have no problem with you being struck by lightning. If this allows you to agree to be my wife, I will agree no matter how many times you are struck by lightning. Another advantage of mine is that I have rough skin and thick flesh.” Momo Kozuki Suke has been deeply attracted by Nami’s pair of plump peaks. If he can’t rub his master’s treasure, someone else can take his place.

“There are so many people, you hate it”!

“Don’t touch it like this, let’s talk about it when we get home.”

Kozuki Momonosuke put his hand into the woman’s collar, using his fingers to feel the characteristics of their chests, and taste the advantages and disadvantages in his heart.

Seeing that the other party didn’t care about being struck by lightning and was still flirting with other women in front of Nami, the little thieving cat couldn’t suppress the anger in her chest. Since the other party didn’t shed tears without seeing the coffin, she wanted to teach this Momonosuke a lesson. The pervert, “Thunderstorm Cloud”!

A black cloud with sparkling electric flowers suddenly formed above Kozuki Momonosuke’s head. As a user with the natural cloud fruit ability, Nami could easily control the intensity of thunder and lightning with her meteorological knowledge. There were so many watching tourists around, and she was hurt. They don’t have that need.

After the thunderstorm brewed for a few seconds, white lightning with Nami-chan’s fury struck down on the head. Kozuki Momonosuke held the two frightened ladies tightly in his arms. The kid did not choose to dodge.

With the power of thunder falling from above his head, Kozuki Momonosuke only raised his neck and opened his mouth. In full view of everyone, several white lightning bolts fell into the boy’s mouth. Not only did he not cause any harm to him, he was just very angry. He burped lightly, and then exhaled a puff of black smoke with sparks.

“The taste of this lightning is not bad, there is no weird taste.”

Momonosuke Kozuki stood up. He really liked this hot-tempered woman today, and was thinking in his mind whether he should use the overlord’s method of forcing a bow to directly If you use force, any female who has slept with him in the same bed will be obedient to him in the future.

The middle-aged man dressed as a samurai squeezed through the crowd and saw that someone he knew was causing trouble over a woman again. This samurai was not like his master. He still had his own sense of shame. He turned his body at a ninety-degree angle towards Nami. Bowed and apologized: “I’m very sorry, my Highness has caused trouble to this young lady, Hongdou Private Marseille”!

Character Notes: The leader of the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes of Wano – Kitsune Kinemon, the

surname of the superman uniform fruit power bearer Kozuki was exposed through the light curtain. Some remnants of the old era above the sea remembered the man named Kozuki Oden. of powerful warriors

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