Red History Text

Kozuki Momonosuke, a Wano warrior, has come into the public eye. He comes from a secluded country and few people know about it. The wandering samurai will not mention Wano Country, and most spectators of the Kozuki family don’t know much about it. learn.

“If I hadn’t met Barrett and been educated by his two fists for five years, if I hadn’t met him, I might just be a crybaby brat now.” Momonosuke was full of gratitude towards this old friend.

Luffy echoed from the side: “That uncle with very powerful fists, I feel like he is more powerful than Rayleigh.”

While the two people were chatting about each other, most of the Straw Hats gathered on the lawn of the Sonny. Sanji, the human demon, went to cook for everyone, and Zoro, the one-eyed man, was still exercising in the gym of the watchtower. Body, except that Franky didn’t come back, and the agreed rendezvous time had passed.

“Why hasn’t Franky come back? It’s not like his style.”

“After he completely turned into a robot, he built the most accurate clock in his body. Franky is a very punctual person. What happened to delay him?” Are you ready?”

The Straw Hats originally agreed to leave Dressrosa in the evening after completing the purchase. The Admiral’s reminder could not turn a deaf ear to them. After all, this was a favor, and Akin would not lie to the Straw Hats.

Kozuki Momonosuke did not have the demeanor of a general’s son, and directly hugged Luffy’s waist, “Luffy-senpai, you must help me, I can’t defeat Kaido alone, we have a 10% chance of winning together. How about you go directly to Wano Country and help me?”

Straw Hat Luffy did not directly refuse Momoko’s request. In his opinion, Momonosuke Kozuki is already a member of his camp, and he should help when it is time to help. This is his usual behavior, regardless of the other person’s character. How evil, he would sacrifice anything as long as it was for his friends.

The Straw Hat boy laughed and said something that didn’t make sense: “I can help you if you are on the way. I also want to see the power of the Four Emperors and see how much stronger I have become in the past five years, Mr. Bucky He said that my strength will improve rapidly only if I fight against more powerful monsters.”

Luffy saw one of the Four Emperors during the War on the Top, and his ability to destroy the world made him yearn for that kind of strong man to replace him. Only by becoming the strongest on the sea can he have a chance to compete for the Pirate King. the throne.

This time, Kozuki Momonosuke played the role of Robin and acted as the commentator for the Straw Hats. “Senior Luffy, your goals and mine do not conflict with each other. If you want to conquer this sea and become the Pirate King, then We must fight against the Yonko Pirates. They have something in their hands that will guide them to the location of the final island.”

Robin asked: “Is it the historical text?”

“That’s right, but you have seen the historical text along the way, and they are all relatively ordinary items. The red historical text in the hands of the Four Emperors is what Luffy-senpai really needs. There are four red historical texts in total. Put the contents Only by reading together can we see the true position of Rafdru.” Momonosuke Kozuki said with a serious face when he talked about important things. Now it was about preparing for the alliance. Of course, he had no reservations about his potential allies. The next thing he knew Tell the truth.

Little-known secrets on the sea were revealed to the world through the mouth of Kozuki Momonosuke, but in doing so, he was put on the world government’s kill list.

First of all, I started to popularize a piece of knowledge for Robin. The historical text, an indestructible stone, was actually carved by the Kozuki family and was done by Momonosuke’s ancestors 800 years ago.

The historical texts that were originally scattered all over the world, under the intentional actions of Roger the Pirate King, the more useful parts were artificially strung together and placed on the only path of the great route, saving time for subsequent pirates. As long as you can understand the contents of the historical text, the time to reach the final island of Ravdru will be greatly shortened. This is a conspiracy that the world government does not know about.

“Right now I can only determine the location of three red historical texts. One is collected by Charlotte Lingling, one is in the land of old Wano, and there was originally a red historical text on Zou Island. It’s a pity that I have to go back The late piece was also taken by Kaido.”

In Kozuki Momonosuke’s description, the Zou Island carried by the elephant owner wanders on the sea all year round. Without the fur tribe’s life card, it is difficult to locate the elephant owner on the sea. The exact location of this monster, which is more than 10,000 meters tall, has never stopped because it was exiled.

However, this matter changed three years ago. I don’t know what kind of ability Kaido used to communicate with the Elephant Lord and let him stop around Onigashima. It became his war weapon for the four emperors to use. The red history of Zou Island The main text was not saved and became one of Kaido’s trophies.

Another piece of red historical text, Momonosuke learned from Barrett’s mouth, was originally located in the sea forest and was put together with the ordinary historical text. After many years, it was unknown who took it away. This fourth piece of red historical text was The main text is missing.

Robin’s eyes lit up when she heard this, and her words also supported Momonosuke’s point of view: “Beside the historical text of the Sea Forest, there are really traces of being moved by someone. They moved such a large piece of historical text from the deep sea. Maybe it’s with the help of the fish-men’s power, but it’s impossible to do it with human power.”

The little fishman Fitz next to her was a little confused, “I remember you said that the remaining piece of historical text was an apology written by Joyboy to the mermaid princess eight hundred years ago. Now there is an additional piece of red historical text. , are they all related to the Poseidon Treasure House?”

Miss Archaeologist was confused. The information revealed by Kozuki Momonosuke really opened her eyes. She had never seen a historical text about red. It seemed that she had to visit the territory of the four emperors.

“Little guy, what did you just say? Did I hear you correctly? You were talking about Joey Boy”!

Momonosuke suddenly went crazy and pinched Fitz’s shoulders. He was filled with anger at the name Joey Boy. This was not the first time he heard the name Joey Boy. In Kaido’s Ghost The island has heard enough.

“Why are you hurting me? If you have something to say, please tell me.”

Knowing that he was out of control, Kozuki Momonosuke took the initiative to let go of the fishman’s arms and asked everyone eagerly: “Why does Joey Boy’s name appear in this list?” Fishman Island, can anyone explain it to me? This is really important to me.”

At this time, Kinemon explained to everyone: “There is some ancient history that His Highness does not have time to understand. He has been persecuted by the Black Carbon Orochi since he was a child and has not accepted the orthodox inheritance of the Kozuki clan. What he has seen and heard about Joyboy is ours.” I heard it recently on Onigashima.”

The name Joyboy, buried by history, once again spread across the entire sea through the light curtain

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