Silver Daughter

In this information-blocked sea, the only way to communicate between islands is through telephone bugs. Although this magical creature can communicate regardless of distance, it is not cheap enough for anyone to have one.

Most of the information sources for civilians come from newspapers, and there are not many things that people around the world can really remember. The things about the White Town have passed over the years, and the only memory left to future generations is the horrific legend about the lead disease.

A disease that can wipe out a country in a few days is a real killer for civilians. There is no doubt that lead disease can be contagious.

In recent days, tourists can always hear the name Frevans in the publicity. The wealthy people who participated in the Crazy Horse Show recently really didn’t expect that the finale exhibit of this show would actually be related to that unlucky place. related.

At the signal of the mermaid host, two stalwart staff pushed a huge container with difficulty. There was a pipe inserted behind the container and extended into the underground of the stage. This exhibit was also shrouded in black cloth.

The container that was brought up with great effort was large enough to accommodate several people. The patrons in the stands had their own guesses. This group of people who had spent a lot of money to watch the show were even more excited about what was inside the container.

“Some young patrons may not be aware of Freifans’ affairs. Let me briefly summarize it in a few words. You must be patient. This exhibit is quite rare.” The

mermaid Kemi said in the shortest words. It recounted the prosperity of Freifans in the past, but under this prosperous age, it was a fire, and the residents of the country were infected with a disease with white spots, which was named Permanent Disease.

After this infectious disease enters the body, it will die painfully in a short period of time. After all the citizens there died overnight, the white town became a beautiful fairy tale, and the lead disease was eradicated. This terrible disease Disease never appeared on the sea again.

The mermaid host placed her jade hand on the black cloth and revealed the answer to the guests before the unveiling, “Not all the survivors of the white town have died. Our Don Quixote family is fortunate to have the only survivor. We have laid this… The exhibit is named Silver Daughter.

The black cloth was pulled to the ground by Kemi. It was a transparent glass container. Inside the container was a naked woman covered in silver. She cowered in fear because she suddenly saw the light.

This soft expression highlights the silver skin on the body. The light shines deliberately on the woman, reflecting the beautiful metallic texture. She is a living work of art.

The host introduced this exhibit to everyone: “This woman’s silver skin is not painted with silver powder. Because she suffers from lead disease, being covered in silver is just a pathological manifestation of her body. This woman is the only survivor of the white town. She It is a unique existence in this world.” With this kind of artificial scarcity, even if the exhibit is an ordinary human being, she is still worth thousands of dollars.

However, in this curious atmosphere, some timid customers soon began to panic. The famous lead disease is not a joke.

“Oh my God, the exhibits are actually this kind of thing. Will the lead disease be transmitted to me?” ”

I want to leave here and I

don’t want to die.” “It’s nice to look at, but it’s deadly. The lead disease shouldn’t exist in this world.”

The patrons in the auditorium gradually left. In this airtight confined space, who knows if the poisonous lead disease will attract someone. If this terrible disease breaks out, the entire Dressrosa will be affected. No one can run away, and Freifans is just that in their knowledge.

Seeing that the scene was about to get out of control, the host Kemi maintained order on the stage and explained to the guests who were about to leave: “This woman has been imprisoned by our Don Quixote family for many years. As long as she does not come into physical contact with her, she will be fine.” The disease will not be contagious.”

After hearing this, the wealthy people who were about to leave returned to their positions amid complaints. There was no danger of silver lead disease. With the Silver Daughter in the container on the stage, they could have a more perverted and curious mentality. , to admire this perfect work of art.

After stabilizing the situation at the show, the Silver Girl in the container could not hide like this. Kemi tapped the glass container with her fingers. Every time she tapped, the woman in the container would tremble. This was a kind of confrontation. Hints of slavery.

After the tenth blow, the Silver Girl seemed to have been brainwashed. She was no longer afraid of people and stood up, showing off her silver skin to the onlookers in all directions.

This vivid exhibit has a powerful visual impact, causing everyone present to exclaim incessantly. Every part of the woman’s body can be seen at a glance. Every part of the skin is silver, even the pupils and hair are silver. It is worthy of the name. She was named Silver’s Daughter.

“It’s so beautiful, it’s simply art.”

“It turns out that the reputation of White Town is not an exaggeration. Even the survivors inside are so beautiful.”

“The Silver Girl is the only one in this world. I don’t know the price of such a rare thing. If If you buy it back and put it as a decoration at home, it will definitely be more respectable.”

While sighing at the artistic atmosphere of the Silver Girl, some rich people have already thought about buying this exhibit from the Don Quixote family first, so that they can have But wouldn’t others come out if there is no gap?

As for whether they care about the life and death of the exhibits, these people automatically skipped this question in their hearts. They did not treat the people who came out of Frevans as the same kind in the first place. Turning them into souvenirs or exhibits is already a disservice to the survivors. A kind of grace.

The two waitresses beside the robot, in this weird atmosphere, followed the crowd and kept cheering to the stage. The Silver Girl kept changing her standing posture in the glass container. She was like a perfect sculpture. The product can make viewers feel the beauty from ancient times.

Frankie remained silent throughout the entire process. Although sitting in the back row, he could clearly see through a pair of mechanical eyes that there was a label next to the glass container with the name of the exhibit, Silver Daughter, written on it. This was the name of the exhibit.

As for the name of this female Frevanth survivor, Trafalgar Lamy is clearly written under the artistic name. She has the same surname as the newly promoted Shichibukai. It’s so outrageous that it’s so fucking outrageous. It’s so outrageous.

In the atmosphere of madness and carnival, the hooded man sitting in the back row did not cross his legs. He held a long sword tightly in his hand, and his whole body was trembling and exuding a terrifying murderous aura, which made the white bear next to him feel uneasy.

“Captain, are you okay? Did I do anything wrong? I’m sorry.” The white bear began to apologize again. Although it was not his fault, five years later he still liked to apologize.

“I’m very good now. I want to kill everyone here.”

If he doesn’t do this today, Trafalgar Rowe will regret it for the rest of his life.

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