
Morgans, the birdman, caught the navy off guard. Most of the navy in Rogge town had evacuated. There was really no manpower to catch his reporters. If one signal was cut off, there would be another signal, like cockroaches. .

Even General Akainu was criticized by Marshal Sengoku, urging him to cut off the video signal. This was not only his order but also the order of the World Government.

Because the number of viewers of this live broadcast has exceeded that of any dance party at sea. Anyone who has the ability to receive the video signal has put down what they are doing and watched a naval general battle against the former One Piece crew. Most people hope that the navy will win. , some pirates even want to see the navy suffer.

“Marshal Sengoku, as long as I kill Bucky the Clown with my own hands during the live broadcast, everything is no longer a problem.”

Execution of the former One Piece crew member on the spot during the live broadcast, who is also a friend of Red-haired Shanks, one of the Emperors of the Sea, can show this The power of the navy intimidates those young people.

“Akainu, I believe in your strength. Don’t let me down this time.”

Sakaski hung up the phone call from the Navy Marshal. The natural rock berry fruit gave him absolute confidence, even if the entire Rogge Town was destroyed. They were all destroyed. He must kill Bucky the Clown today.

“Since he hasn’t come out from prison yet, let him take a bath with the magma first.”

“Dog bites the red lotus.”

Salzki’s right arm suddenly came to life in the magma state. A flaming dog composed of magma, carrying The master’s absolute will rushes towards the Rogge Town Naval Branch Prison. If the opponent can’t even catch this move, then it will be reduced to ashes along with the magma.

The Clown Bucky Pirates saw a scene of despair in the prison. The lava with terrifying heat instantly tilted against the prison wall, but the hard stones outside could only support the magma for a few seconds.

“The magma is flowing in. Oh my God, I don’t want to die yet.”

“My legs, my legs are gone.” The magma rushed into the prison, allowing the pirates at the front to feel the enthusiasm from the admiral first.

Even the animal devil fruits are afraid of lava, and a group of low-level pirates are helpless. They are crowded and piled in the deepest part of the prison. But what makes them even more desperate is that the lava seems to be endless. of seeping from the ceiling.

The members of the Clown Pirates crowded around Bucky, each one crying, “Captain Bucky, please stop playing around, we are all going to die if you don’t take action”!

Alberta was handcuffed by the sea tower stone, and the woman was so weak that she couldn’t move. She was a little doubtful about life here. If she hadn’t formed an alliance with Bucky at that time, would the ending be like this today?

At this point, Bucky the Clown can no longer pretend. He didn’t expect that his dream of finding a big treasure would end here today. He has not yet taken revenge on Shanks, “I’m so unlucky! I’m with you Tianmu.” What kind of hatred do you have to play with me like this?”

Amid the cries and despair, the hot magma completely drowned everything. This was exactly what all the navy saw. Sure enough, the general knew it was coming as soon as he took action. This terrifying power was like a natural disaster.

Smoker lit a cigar, and the naval captain took a deep puff. “As expected, garbage is garbage, and all pirates deserve to die.”

For the admiral’s destruction of the navy branch prison, the world government will be responsible for reimbursement. Anyway, it will come out of the navy budget, and a new prison can be built in Rogge Town before leaving. It is simply the best of both worlds.

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Sakaski stopped the magma supply. This stern general would not open the champagne at half time. He searched for any fish that had slipped through the net, even the underground of the branch.

Akainu’s expression suddenly became solemn, and he loudly ordered: “The entire navy defends and welcomes the impact.”

I saw a cutting sound coming from the prison that had just been flooded by magma. Not only the walls and the ground, but also the magma were being torn apart. A man’s voice came from inside: “Marshal Warring States really gave me face, and he actually sent me here.” If the admiral kills me, am I really that valuable?”

A powerful overlord-colored domineering energy surged up from the front, and the entire clouds in the sky were blown away, cracking the walls of naval buildings wherever it went, and blowing away the dust and rolling up waves on the sea.

Although some marines who had just learned domineering were able to withstand the instant killing effect of Overlord’s Haki, they were severely shocked mentally and physically. Some of the unlucky ones were even pushed into the sea. Bucky the Clown actually possessed such powerful Overlord’s Haki. , the other party can tolerate it until now, he is really a terrible enemy.

Although Navy Captain Smoker does not know dual-color Haki at this time, the advantage is that he is a natural Devil Fruit user and was not knocked unconscious by the Joker’s Overlord-color Haki. He has put away his contemptuous expression and said, “How is this possible? I I obviously caught him with my own hands.”

The Clown Pirates officially debuted. A tall man with a red nose stood at the front of the team like a god, followed by a group of men with tears in their eyes. Captain Bucky was indeed invincible!

“Can’t you navy follow the script and send me to Impel Down? Hello, me, hello, everyone, you always want to ruin my plan.”

Clown Bucky had a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with overwhelming murderous intent. Another soul has completely integrated itself into the character.

The sharp-eyed Smoker discovered something, “Why can he still use the Devil Fruit ability when he still has the Sea Tower Stone on him?”

Seastone and sea water are the natural enemies of those with Devil Fruit abilities. After contact, Devil Fruit abilities will be lost. The second situation has never happened, but the power of splitting just now definitely comes from Devil Fruits. Bucky the Clown has become an exception. .

“Mr. Future General, don’t be surprised. Sea Tower Stone and sea water have no effect on me. If you don’t believe it, look at it.”

Bucky grabbed the Sea Tower Stone shackles around his neck with one hand. The Sea Tower Stone, which had never been damaged by anyone, was instantly in his hands. His hands were shattered into a pile of slag, and the handcuffs and shackles received the same treatment. Hailoushi’s undefeated myth was broken today!

“How could a demon from this world be afraid of some broken stones and the light sea water?”

When Sakaski came from the headquarters for reinforcements, he brought a batch of high-purity sea floor stone handcuffs. Looking at this scene today, it is used Not afraid of sea water or sea rocks. This is the first time in history that a user with this kind of devil fruit ability has appeared.

“Is this the ability to be liberated by your Devil Fruit”?

“Really? Why haven’t I heard of this name?” Bucky the Clown made a puzzled expression, as if he didn’t know anything and it was the first time he heard of such a thing.

The sky has exposed Bucky the Clown’s abilities. Pretending to be dumb at this time is simply an insult to the Navy’s IQ. The liberation of Devil Fruits will not only provide a new avenue for all Devil Fruit users, but also provide unlimited potential for everyone in the future. .

“Since you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll help you remember it.”

Sakaski poured lava into his hands, “Meteor Volcano.”

Dozens of magma fists rained down from the sky. This horrific natural disaster scene shocked every viewer watching the live broadcast…

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