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Chapter 2064 All morale

However, the news I brought was enough to destroy all the morale of the Wanwaibi retreat.

This is also why he still questioned me despite the pain of Jin Zhengri.

Because, he didn't understand why I would hit the morale at this time!

Of course, he wouldn't understand that Ye Huan resolutely chose to self-destruct in front of me after learning that the gold was destroyed, and my mood was much worse than before.

"Because, they have the right to know the news. Because, Jinjue Island is their relative!" My eyes left the main body of Jinjue Island and turned to look at the thousands of sporadic repairs below.

The Lord of Jinjue Island was silent.

My words left him speechless.

Indeed, if anyone said the most sad about the destruction of Jinjue Island, it must be these lucky survivors of Jinjue Sanxiu, not the owner of Jinjue Island.

After all, the relatives and friends of the King of Jue Island either rose to the upper limit or returned to heaven after a long time.

The relatives and friends of Jinjue Sanxiu of Jingyuan Mountain are all on Jinjue Island, without exception.

"Let them cry! That will make you feel better!" Some sentimental people said: My voice finally stopped being cold and returned to normal.

The lord of Jinjue Island still did not speak, but nodded slightly. Then he turned around and walked towards Jingyuan Mountain.

I frowned slightly, I didn't know what the lord of Platinum Island meant, but I also followed Jingyuan Mountain.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I feel sorry for you. It was me who caused the death of Jinjue Island!" Jinjue Paradise, who climbed Jingyuan Mountain, looked at the injured tens of thousands of people. Tears slid down his cheeks, bowed slightly, and apologized sincerely.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing? How can I blame you?" Seeing this, Ajinjue Sanxiu hurriedly ran to support the lord of Jinjue Island, and said tearfully.

Of course, he failed to help Jin Zhengri. Because the lord of Jinjue Island bowed to all the Jinjue scattered here, the thousands of dead creatures on Jinjue Island, and the Jinjue Island where they had lived for thousands of years.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it's not your fault, it's all those evil sea monsters!"

"Yes, who to blame? We won't blame you, Your Majesty? If it weren't for Your Majesty's blessing, how could I spend so many years peacefully on the dim sea?"

"That's right, Your Majesty, please don't blame yourself, it has nothing to do with you, we must let the submarine demons repair those guys with blood for blood!"

"Yes, let them pay for their blood!"

"Blood for blood!"

I have to say that the lord of Jinjue Island occupies a high position in the heart of Jinjue Sanxiu. Therefore, even if the fall of Jindao is largely related to the decision of the lord of Jindao, it will not affect him in any way to win the hearts of the people.

Faced with this shout, the lord of Jinjue Island bent down deeply, bowed deeply, and finally raised his head slowly, still looking around with red eyes, looking at the high morale of Jinjue Sanxiu, and slightly raised his right hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

Only when the entire Jingyuan Mountain returned to peace did the King of Jue Shiwaiyuan speak: "Don't worry, everyone, I Mao Lie hereby promise that this debt will definitely allow the sea monster to repair the clan's blood, and the fellow Jue Kings will rest in peace in the future!"

The Lord of Jinjue Island instilled Li Yuan with his voice, and it spread to every corner of the entire Jingyuan Mountain in an instant.

This is Jinjue Island's guarantee to the surviving Wan Jinjue Sanxiu, and it is also an explanation for the deceased Jinjue Sanxiu!

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The hundreds of thousands of gold that survived immediately bowed and cheered in unison.

The Lord of Jinjue Island slightly gestured with his hands, signaling everyone to calm down, and ordered Jinjue Sanxiu to rest in place for the time being, taking this opportunity to heal.

Then, King Jue Daojin personally walked among the thousands of scattered repairs, comforting them one by one, helping them to treat the injured, and even treating them.

I watched what Jin Zhengri did without saying a word. Although he knew that Jin Zhengri was pulling people in, he did not intervene too much.

After all, no matter what I do, I am still an outsider.

Golden Goblet Island, the blood feud on Golden Goblet Island is still

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