
Chapter 17

This is quite similar to the smell. His photos spanned too many years, and their appearance remained the same. They were used for nothing but to scare people.

When smelling, he sat and rested for a while, and then moved his hands and feet, slowly getting used to the feeling of being covered in cotton wool... Then he started looking for someone.

He called out to the dolls filling the cupboard, "Thank you for asking?"

To be honest, this behavior of talking to the doll is really mentally retarded.

He endured it, and then whispered: "Thank you for asking?"

The room was dead silent, and there was still no reply.

"What about people?"

"Don't play dead."


When he smelled it, he was patient, and he was about to raise his voice and shout again, when the footsteps came to the door of the room again, accompanied by the old man downstairs.

The old man said, "Take another roll of cotton thread."

The little boy's voice was just outside the door: "Oh."

Wen Shi glanced left and right, and there was no other place to hide, so he hurriedly slipped under the bed.

Under normal circumstances, a seven or eight-year-old child can't do anything scary, but not necessarily in a cage.

To put it bluntly, a cage is a person's deepest regret, resentment, jealousy, desire, fear, etc... Any intrusion by anyone is an offense to the cage owner, even a judge.

So the intruder is dangerous in the cage, and if anything is disturbed, it will be aggressive.

It's like the fake "Xiaqiao" that Wen Shi encountered before, which is a threat to intruders, representing the subconscious rejection of the cage owner.

Before I figure out the situation, I don't want to ask for trouble when I smell it.

The furniture in this house is old-fashioned, with high feet, and a dark flannel hood hangs down from the four sides, covering the bottom of the furniture like a drapery.

Wen Shi sat inside, wanting to wait for the boy to take the cotton thread before going out.

However, the whole room was silent, and there was no sound of "clack-clack" slippers.

After waiting for a while, I suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He propped up the floor and turned his head, and saw the big empty eyes of the little boy. He didn't know when he reached the bottom of the room, so he squatted behind him, stared at Wen Shi without blinking, and said, "I see you."


Having not lived for 25 years, he sighed in his heart when he heard it, and turned his head to turn it out from the bottom of the bed.

He is very agile, but his hands and legs are even shorter, and he is still at the bottom after a somersault! Seeing the boy stretch out his hand, he quickly reached for his feet, and with that force, he slid himself under the cupboard.

It's short enough here that the little boy can't get in.

He saw the boy lying on the floor, and his white fingers stretched in through the gap, grabbing at every turn, the more he grabbed, the more anxious he was.

The little boy's fingernails were not long, but they scratched on the floor and made a crunching sound. Sawdust splashed everywhere, some embedded in the flesh, but he didn't know the pain, and still crawled on the floor to try to catch Wenshi's doll.

Until there was a sudden clatter downstairs, I don't know what happened.

The old man called out, and the little boy stopped abruptly.

As if nothing had happened just now, he stood up from the cupboard, went to the door and put on his slippers, ran in again, and began to rummage through the drawer to find cotton thread, and then hurried downstairs calling "Grandpa".

It was forgotten under the cupboard when it smelled.

He waited for a while, then slipped out from the bottom of the cupboard again.

The little boy walked too hastily and forgot to close the door of the room. He took the opportunity to leave the room when he smelled it, and looked down from the stair railing.

The layout of the house is very traditional. There is a Eight Immortals table in the middle of the hall downstairs. On the table are the arms and legs of the puppets, drills for drilling, and scattered cotton threads.

Xia Qiao's puppet was lying beside the table, presumably the pair of grandfathers and grandsons were making puppets here just now, but now they're gone.

Wen Shi went down a few steps and found that they were sweeping glass slag in the corner, as if something had broken.

The grandfather and grandson took a long time to deal with it, and then sat back at the table of the Eight Immortals.

The old man grabbed the body of the puppet, pointed to the back of the puppet and said to the little boy, "The first thread must be threaded from here, not anywhere else."

"Why?" the little boy asked.

The old man twisted the thread and said, "Didn't I tell you, there were some very powerful people in the past, and the puppets they made were very clever, exactly like people."

At this time, the little boy looked like a normal child again and asked, "Is it really the same, do those in my room count?"

For a moment, the old man seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say anything.

After a while, the old man said, "You have to be really hard to scare you."

These are actually the clearest smells.

In puppet art, people who are new to the art can only make kittens, birds, and rabbits. They are so funny, and they will collapse in a minute or two at most.

And smart people, such as Shen Qiao and the others, can do a lot of things, men, women, young and old, and all kinds of things in the world, they can do it to drive and use it.

The more powerful the person, the longer the puppet lasts.

However, most of them can only last for ten days and a half months, and then there are only a handful of them.

Wen Shi is one of the "few fingers", but he lacks a spiritual aspect and is too limited.

The little boy is still asking questions: "Why can't you put another thread first, you haven't said it yet."

The old man frightened him and said, "Because this is the most important thing. If this thread is not threaded, the puppet will be very easy to live."

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