Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 43 Teacher, I’m sorry

"I saw what happened when he jumped off the building not long ago."

Xia Ren walked up to him.

Teacher Yang took a breath: "Are you here to scold me too? Haha."

He smiled self-deprecatingly and planned to ignore this person.


Xia Ren continued: "I know Zeng Shuyi, so I know that you are not a bad person."


Teacher Yang looked at her in surprise: "What do you know?"

"Let me meet you. My name is Zhao Mingyue, and I am an author."

Xia Ren stretched out his hand: "I am very interested in your story. Moreover, Zeng Shuyi asked me to pass on a message to you, Teacher Yang Guodong."

"What did Xiaoyi want you to convey?"

Yang Guodong grabbed Xia Ren's shoulders excitedly, and then realized that his actions were a bit unreasonable, and apologized quickly: "I'm sorry, I was too excited."

"It doesn't matter."

Xia Ren rubbed his sore shoulder and said, "I haven't decided whether to say this or not. Next, can you show me your living situation? I need to decide based on the situation. judge."

"You two met while writing novels?"

Unexpectedly, Yang Guodong asked something irrelevant at this time.

Zeng Shuyi has written novels?

"Yeah." Xia Ren responded without explaining too much.

Yang Guodong was silent for a while, then turned around and said, "I happen to be going home too. If you want to follow me, just follow me."

Why did your attitude suddenly become so cold?

Although Xia Ren was confused, the other party was obviously in a bad mood, so he didn't ask further.

I followed him on the bus to a slightly remote community. On the way to his residence, everyone who saw him pointed at him. It seemed that the news had already reached here.

The house that Yang Guodong lives in is a small apartment with two bedrooms and one living room, only about 60 to 70 square meters. The various furniture has not been replaced for a long time and looks a bit old, but it is clean and tidy.

His bedroom door was open, revealing a large desk filled with various textbooks and test papers.

Judging from the photos on the wall, Yang Guodong lives with his mother, but there is no one at home now. I wonder if his mother has gone out.

"Sit down. I'm going to change clothes first."

Yang Guodong threw him alone in the living room, returned to the bedroom, and locked the door.

"This scene seems a bit familiar."

Xia Ren was left with a shadow in his heart about the last incident involving Sun Aihong.

He sat on the sofa alone. Not long after, Yang Guodong changed into clean clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

"I have nothing to tell you."

He picked up two cups and took two cups of water from the water dispenser. He put one cup in front of Xia Ren and drank half of the cup himself.

"You can get a rough idea of ​​the situation by asking around outside."

"That's not entirely true." Xia Ren said.

Yang Guodong remained silent, drank the remaining half of the glass of water, and placed the cup on the coffee table with a bang.

"Let me go." In a pleading tone, he bent down and held his head in his hands: "My job is gone. My girlfriend who plans to get married at the end of the year also broke up with me. Everyone is calling me a beast. I'm almost sixty. My 19-year-old mother was admitted to the hospital because of this, what else do you want from me!"

"I want to know how the misunderstanding happened."

Xia Ren looked at the girl beside him who was crying and asked.

Yang Guodong took out his mobile phone, opened the browser, and handed it to Xia Ren.

Wasn't he wronged and the short video leaked?

Xia Ren took the phone and found that he had thought wrongly. It was a romance novel serialized on a website.

"Xiaoyi has always been the quietest child in the class. She is usually taciturn and rarely talks to others. I usually just go to class and have never had any personal contact with her, let alone knowing that she would secretly have feelings for me!"

The content of the novel is that a high school girl named Zeng Shuyi fell in love with her handsome class teacher Yang Guodong. She kept this feeling in her heart and did not dare to say it out. She did not expect that Teacher Yang also had feelings for her. An accident, the two of them... They were all shocked when they confided their feelings, and then they got together naturally.

They usually act like normal teachers and students, but privately they are a sweet couple.

The novel is still being serialized and has only a few hundred thousand words. Xia Ren read it quickly and read it quickly.

How dare you use your real name in the novel.

This was his first thought.

As a veteran, Xia Ren can easily analyze the thoughts of this newbie when he wrote the article.

This is a work created purely for self-pleasure, and it is a love-oriented novel, so of course there are many embarrassing scenes in it.

The writing is poor, and the whole story is filled with plots about girls having sex, various logical loopholes, and abrupt scene transitions. As a web article, it is an absolute failure.

But from the perspective of an uninformed layman, such as Zeng Shuyi’s parents, this is almost like a diary.

My daughter and her class teacher liked each other and had a relationship?

No parent can tolerate this!

And because she was determined to be in love, in order to protect her sweetheart, she would never admit it. Therefore, no matter how Zeng Shuyi explained, no one would believe it.

But this is indeed false.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Zeng Shuyi kept crying and apologizing, but her teacher Yang couldn't hear a word.

"Do you remember it?"

Xia Ren touched her head.

"I have said before that no matter what the outcome is, it will not be a good thing."

He wasn't complaining, he was just helpless.

Zeng Shuyi committed suicide out of guilt, her parents lost their daughter because of a misunderstanding, and Teacher Yang suffered such an unreasonable disaster even though she did nothing.

When encountering such bad luck, there is nothing you can do, which is why Xia Ren was so upset at first.

"who are you talking to?"

Yang Guodong asked as if he sensed something.

"never mind."

Xia Ren stood up, "I'm sorry to disturb you."

He was about to leave when he was stopped by Yang Guodong:

"What did Xiaoyi want you to convey?"

"There's no need to say anything more."

Xia Ren walked out of the door without looking back.

No matter what, it is impossible for Yang Guodong to forgive Zeng Shuyi. If nothing happens, he will live with a stigma that cannot be cleared away for the rest of his life.

There is no perfect ending to this matter.

In the empty room, Yang Guodong sat there alone, staring blankly at the coffee table in front of him.

There is a line of small words written with water on it. If you don't look carefully, you might think it's just water spilled.

"Teacher, I'm sorry."

As if recalling something, the corners of his eyes gradually became moist.

"Idiot, why do you have to commit suicide?"

The crowd was noisy all around, and fire officers and soldiers were rushing over.

Zeng Shuyi was lying on the ground, holding Yang Guodong's hand with his remaining strength, and said in a trembling and hoarse voice: "Teacher, I'm sorry."

"It's the teacher who's sorry for you, it's the teacher who's sorry for you..."

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