It’s over, and as usual, I have to say something.

I do have a lot to say, but after all, it’s unfinished, and I’m actually half a eunuch, so I don’t have the courage to face you.

Recently, I have been thinking a lot. After finishing it, I mainly played games. I felt that every day passed very quickly and very slowly. I was anxious about the new book and the future. Even when I was playing games, I still found a way to completely relax and immerse myself in it. It’s like the sense of urgency that you feel when the homework assigned by the teacher during the school holidays has not been finished yet, but school is about to start.

When I was serializing, I felt this sense of urgency almost every day, and I didn’t expect that I would feel it even after it was finished.

To be honest, the performance of this book is very bad. I think it is a book that starts high and ends low. The first twenty chapters should be pretty good, otherwise it would not have such a high collection, but then it fell apart.

There are several main reasons, such as lack of experience, failure to consider the market or readers, satisfying one's own bad tastes, and the outline was not complete at the beginning. It was completed bit by bit along with the writing process, filling in various set up……

To sum up, there is actually only one reason: I didn’t write well.

In fact, as of the wedding chapter, the whole book is only half written and it is unsustainable. The results are too poor. I can only say that for the same book that I ordered, follow-up orders and daily new subscriptions can be received. It was about ten times mine. The further I wrote, the more difficult it became, until I didn’t add enough new books every day to maintain an average subscription. Every time I updated a chapter, the average subscription dropped by two, and it couldn’t come back up.

This story is too complex for me, and it also stems from the fact that I am too ambitious. When I was imagining this book, I also thought about two other books, one of which was set in the timeline of the book more than a thousand years ago. The story is that at that time, humans gathered in thousands of countries or tribes, unified their belief in the magic church, and worshiped the power of gods and wizards. However, thanks to the efforts of a certain robot, steam and gunpowder were already available. Although there were differences between countries, They have almost the same beliefs, but they are in constant war and starving.

Feeling that the time was almost ripe, the girl robot and a young man named Joan Hekmadia began selling arms in various countries around the world, inciting wars, ostracizing and depriving the Magic Church of its rights, and sending wizards to the stakes. He influenced world politics and finally completed the prototype of the Supreme Alliance Government.

This is a book about arms dealers.

The other one, a little earlier, is a modern weird story with two male protagonists that takes place on Earth.

But the world I conceived is desperate from beginning to end. People work desperately, but they can only avoid the worst results. There is never a perfect ending.

I’m so tired. There is only one book about this world about arms dealers. I haven’t given up the idea of ​​writing it yet, but I am still immature and cannot write the kind of story between the male protagonist and the man who strategizes and mediates between countries. It’s also difficult to write about the heroine’s atmosphere of war, so I won’t write about it for the time being.

If I were to write a new book, I would definitely not write about a tragedy or something too complicated.

After talking about the bad things, let’s talk about the gains.

I gained a lot from writing this book. I gained a certain amount of writing experience, understood my shortcomings and shortcomings, gained many lovely readers, and gained a breakthrough in my horizons.

The process of writing is also a process of learning. To be honest, until I started writing this book, my understanding of the Cthulhu Mythos and the Foundation was limited to what I had heard. I didn’t even have an idea of ​​many things. It can be said that While writing, I am cramming in various related knowledge and settings.

In fact, in the end, due to the tone of the plot, the relaxed and funny atmosphere at the beginning was no longer there. I didn’t even drive much. I felt this while reading my novel from the beginning in the past few days. I am very sorry for this. Strongly saddened.

I actually already have an idea in my mind about what to write in the new book.

First of all, the atmosphere should not be heavy but relaxed, the main line should not be too messy but simple, the goals should not be too complicated and clear, as for the characters, of course there are many women, I want to open a harem! (cross out)

With the above premises, a general framework naturally emerged in my mind.

If you want to say that I am good at or used to writing, it is naturally supernatural. But there is a problem. I can’t feel fear anymore. Although I know what writing techniques can scare readers, I can’t even watch ghost movies now. I'm not afraid, I can't feel the emotion, and I feel uncomfortable writing it.

Moreover, ghost hunting and other things are almost being written to death. To write with emotion, some events are bound to develop in a tragic direction, which goes against the relaxed tone I set.

Then I thought of an idea. If spiritual energy is dispersed in the air like molecules or dust, then if there are immortal cultivators in modern times, the fastest way to absorb spiritual energy is to take a plane or high-speed train, so that they can be exposed to the most spiritual energy.

So, relying on this gag as the basic setting, I thought of a story about traveling to become immortal.

In this story, there are immortal cultivators, deep divers, vampires, werewolves, Kun, witches and the World Superman Association. The protagonist can sell arms, make a guest appearance as a tribal chief, be a temporary killer, or work part-time. Dad goes to parent-teacher conferences in kindergarten, or becomes the sweetheart of a rich woman.

Or open a haunted house, temporarily take over a country, and occasionally adopt a little lolita with animal ears.

A light and entertaining fantasy novel.

After I adjusted my mentality and got rid of my anxiety, I started writing this story.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few days.

thank you all.

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