After the bathroom fight, no one dared to provoke Shen Xi for a while. According to the private rumors of the prisoners, the man who took the lead in beating Shen Xi was seriously injured, and I am afraid that he will never be a man again in this life. When the news reached 302, Fang Luowei obviously felt that several people chatting in the room were shaking at the same time. He glanced at Shen Xi who was silent, and quietly distanced himself from him.

Fang Luowei saw the process of Shen Xi's shot that day, and he already guessed the result in his heart, and even he guessed the reason why Shen Xi did it. Shen Xi is shocking, shocking those who are secretly thinking about him in the dark, or those who may be thinking about him in the future.

After this incident, Fang Luowei did not hide his closeness to Shen Xi in front of others, but calmly appeared by Shen Xi's side, ignoring the possibility that Shen Xi might give him trouble. Maybe the fate between people is so strange. He still remembers the faint rejection of Shen Xi when he was first in prison, and the sneer he heard when he couldn't sleep on the first night in prison. After that, Shen Xi will become his only trusted friend in prison.

After another conflict with the inmates in the prison, Shen Xi and Fang Luowei were sentenced to confinement together. This is Fang Luowei's first experience of confinement. In the small and dark space, no matter how wide his eyes are, all he can see is darkness. The wounds on his body were aching, and he and Shen Xi were not well treated before being locked up. Fang Luowei groped and came to Shen Xi's side. Since being locked in, Shen Xi has not spoken.

"What's wrong? The wound is still hurting?" Fang Luowei said in a low voice.

"I drag you down." Shen Xi answered the question.

Fang Luowei was stunned for a moment, and soon realized the reason for Shen Xi's silence, and said seriously, "Why do you say that!"

"They came after me."

Fang Luowei reached out and held Shen Xi, "We are friends, what's the difference between coming to you and coming to me."

This is Fang Luowei's heart, he and Shen Xi are friends, and Shen Xi's trouble is his trouble. Apart from this, because of his relationship with Shen Xi, many people did not dare to attack him out of fear of Shen Xi, so he really avoided a lot of trouble. Since he has enjoyed the benefits of this friendship, how can he be unwilling to give anything. Of course, Fang Luowei has always been curious in his heart, who did Shen Xi offend? Judging from the appearance of the other party, it was obvious that he did not intend to directly put Shen Xi to death. Instead, he seemed to be enjoying the pleasure of torturing Shen Xi.

Shen Xi never mentioned her past, Fang Luowei was curious but strictly guarded the boundaries of friends and never said a word. This time maybe it was the darkness that made people weak, maybe it was Shen Xi who really recognized Fang Luowei, he took the initiative to open his scar to Fang Luowei, squeezed out the pus and blood inside and showed it to Fang Luowei.

The past of being young and frivolous, the experience of being disliked by family members, and the consequences of impulsiveness, Shen Xi's voice is not as calm as he usually shows, with deep resentment.

Fang Luowei listened to Shen Xi's story quietly, without speaking, what Shen Xi needed was not his comfort, but just a quiet object to talk to.

"I hate them, I hate my father, I hate the Shen family, I hate everyone with the surname Shen."

Shen Xi ended with this sentence, Fang Luowei clenched Shen Xi's hand silently. The world in Shen Xi's mouth is the world Fang Luowei has never been in contact with, so he can't understand how there is such a father in the world? The same is true of his son, how can he be so biased? How could he ruthlessly kill Shen Xi's desire for family affection? Even killed Shen Xi's hope of freedom? He thought about his own life. Although his parents died early, his grandparents tried their best to give him everything he could. Compared with Shen Xi, although he lacks materially, emotionally he is much richer than Shen Xi.

Fang Luowei sighed silently, he could understand Shen Xi's resentment, but it didn't mean that he hoped that Shen Xi would always indulge in resentment. There is no turning back in one's life, and one can only keep moving forward. He hoped that Shen Xi lived for himself, even if they were imprisoned, even if they could not be free in their whole life, at least their hearts were free. Shen Xi is still young, and he can't imagine that Shen Xi will live in hatred for a long time in the future.

Nietzsche once said, "When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you." Fang Luowei sent this sentence to Shen Xi, he hoped that Shen Xi could understand what he meant .

Maybe, no matter how difficult the day is, two people supporting each other will always be much better than one person.

Unconsciously, their confinement ended. Unconsciously, Fang Luowei and Shen Xi supported each other and spent five years in prison together. In the past five years, the two have been tricked by others, and they have been tricked by others. As the scars on the two of them increased day by day, Shen Xi's fierce reputation became louder and louder, and fewer and fewer people in prison came to find fault, until it was calm for more than half a year. Fang Luowei thought that this meant the arrival of a peaceful life in the future, but he did not expect such a sudden change.

Gloomy weather, chaotic crowds, and strangers waiting for an opportunity to approach, Fang Luowei saw the ferocious malice on their faces. He wanted to pull Shen Xi to rush out, but the chaotic crowd blocked all his way. The exclamation sounded behind him, Fang Luowei turned back in horror, only to see Shen Xi showing him the last smile, and then fell softly to the ground clutching his chest.

gone and lost. It was only now that he realized that he was no longer a pure friendship with Shen Xi, but he was blinded by the inseparable relationship between the two, and he did not realize his feelings.

"Shen Xi!"

The chaos of the crowd was stopped by the prison guards. Fang Luowei didn't react to the outside world, just hugged Shen Xi tightly, repeating his name over and over again.

Time passed, and Shen Xi stood in front of Fang Luowei again. In the bar, Fang Luowei looked at the drunken Shen Xi in surprise, wondering how he knew his name? The first encounter, Fang Luowei didn't take it to heart, until he fell into a desperate situation in the alley, and Shen Xi's help made him really remember this handsome young man.

What happened next far exceeded Fang Luowei's expectations, and Shen Xi appeared in his life with an attitude that he could not refuse. Shen Xi cares about his work, his life, and even his family. Shen Xi easily got rid of the entanglement of gangsters for him, and simply helped him settle the contract with the record company. Shen Xi even set up a special company, and he was the only artist in it.

He moved towards his ideal with the help of Shen Xi, and Shen Xi just stood behind him with a smile, supporting his every decision.

The past experience made Fang Luowei sensitive, and he once doubted Shen Xi's intentions. But no matter how critical he was, all he saw in Shen Xi's eyes was sincerity and full of kindness. He inevitably fell in love with Shen Xi, but before he could summon the courage, there was already another man beside Shen Xi.

That night, he and the director were trapped in the hotel by the so-called entertainment, facing the man opposite him who wanted to get close to him by drunkenness, strangely, he was not afraid at all, because he knew Shen Xi will definitely appear. He guessed the beginning but not the end. Shen Xi took him away, but left him with a difficult choice.

Does he want to be with Shen Xi? think!

Can he be with Shen Xi? cannot!

Called Li Mingxuan.

Since then, he has restrained himself and retreated to the status of a friend, quietly waiting for Shen Xi. He looked at Shen Xi happy, looked at Shen Xi sad, and watched Shen Xi finally get happiness after all the dust settled.

The splendid fireworks bloomed in the night sky, Ye Han looked strange, "Where did Ming Xuan and Shen Xi go?"

Old K glanced at Ye Han with contempt, "Stupid! Where can the groom and the groom go on their wedding night?"

Fang Luowei smiled and listened to the conversation between the two, silently blessing Shen Xi in her heart. Taking advantage of the wine, he left the lively crowd, walked slowly along the garden path, and listened to the band playing not far away, his heart was unexpectedly very peaceful.

"HI" was greeted by someone across the fence.

Fang Luowei looked over curiously and fell into a pair of smiling eyes.

"I'm Mo Zheng!"

"I'm Fang Luowei!"

Some people say that everyone in the world is a semicircle, two people together will be a complete circle, each of us is struggling to find the semicircle that suits us. Maybe one day you feel that you have missed the suitable semicircle, don't worry, believe in yourself, and when you turn around inadvertently, you will find that the semicircle that really suits you is watching you with a smile behind you.

The author has something to say: Thank you 12475582 for throwing a mine, and Asuka for throwing a mine, Grace for throwing a shallow bomb.

Writing here, the full text of the different way is officially finished.

As an author who loves to nag, I can't help but want to nag again. When I wrote the final two words, I felt really lost in my heart. From the beginning of January to the present, for five months, "Different Ways" has become my world. It may seem exaggerated to say this, but this sentence is a big truth. In the past five months, apart from sleeping, my mind has always been filled with characters and plots from different paths. The psychology of the characters in the play, and then we have to implement all this into the pen. It can be said that each character in "The Other Way" is not a simple description for me, but a living person with flesh and blood in my heart. I always have the illusion that they seem to be living right in front of my eyes. About them, I have made up too much in my brain, but unfortunately my writing skills are limited, so I can't write them out one by one, which is a pity.

Because it is the first time to try a dog blood drama, I often spend a lot of thought on how to properly spread the dog blood, which really costs a lot of brain cells O(n_n)O~

It doesn't feel right to write it. Every so often, I have to revise it repeatedly and reset the plot from a different angle. So that when I want to contact the previous plot, I have to read it again, because there are so many versions set, I can't remember which version was finally determined o(╯□╰)o said Here, I have to thank you all. You have given me too much tolerance and support for my constant state of Calvin. Without your firm support, I may not be able to persevere in the end. Thank you all!

Even if you don't give up, the world of "Different Ways" will end, and a new world will follow. I hope you can continue to support.

Thank you everyone, hold on ╭(╯3╰)╮ one!

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