Wen Luming looked at his son who was content in Zilei's package, as if he was at ease in the amniotic fluid of the womb, with black lines all over his head, and the throbbing heart in his chest finally calmed down.

No matter how terrified Wen Luming was at first, Wen Tiandao didn't understand his mother's worry. He was having a great time playing in Zilei's package, and the lightning spontaneously penetrated into his Xiaoyuan's body, like a sponge absorbing As natural as water.

He grinned a small mouth with only two front teeth, and his small hands like lotus roots wanted to catch those purple lightning wires, no matter whether he caught them or not, he giggled heartlessly.

Wen Luming saw that he didn't know how worried he looked, so he couldn't help but knocked on his little forehead, the little guy was so annoying!

Seeing that he was not in danger, Wen Luming remembered that Wen Tiandao's innate ability was the power of lightning. It turned out that these lightnings would not only not harm him, but also help his ability to improve!

But such help is too scary. Wen Luming carried the little guy from the tree swing to the blanket. One of his tender meatballs was fine, but the thick-skinned pine tree was struck by lightning so that half of the tree was scorched black, and a layer of leaves fell off the ground.

The pine tree hangs down all its branches in despondency, and it was struck hard by the lightning at first glance. The whole tree is horrible and pitiful.

If it had eyes, maybe tears flowed out. At this time, it is like a child who is wronged after being bullied by outsiders: "Master... I didn't mean to..."

Wen Luming thought that it was not entirely his fault that he was struck by lightning, so he said to it: "Smaller."

According to the words, the pine shrunk to only 20 centimeters high. Wen Luming released the wood-type spiritual power, covering the pine tree. Soon, under the nourishment of the spiritual power, the branches and leaves of the pine tree that had been scorched by lightning recovered. Vitality, from pitch black to green, returned to a vibrant look.

"Okay, go back to the cave to cultivate." Wen Luming threw a lot of crystal nuclei to it, and the pine tree saw the crystal nuclei, and immediately became lively again, "Thank you, master! I love you so much!"

Wen Luming waved his hand and took it back to the cave.

Little Wen Tiandao had completely absorbed the ball of lightning, and was lying on his back on the blanket, sprawled in all directions, like a little turtle that had been turned upside down, waving his limbs constantly, his black eyes looking for his mother's figure.

As soon as he saw Wen Luming's figure, he smiled even sweeter. There were still some residual lightning wires on his body, attached to his white and tender body, making him more like a little fairy boy next to a fairy.

Wen Luming's heart could no longer stand his scare, she quickly packed her things and was about to go home.

It happened that Wang Wenyu came to pick up their mother and son, Wen Luming handed the little fat man to Wang Wenyu's arms, and said, "He was struck by lightning just now, please help him take a look, and take care of the supernatural powers in Dantian by the way. "

Hearing what she said, Wang Wenyu was startled, and hurriedly checked the little bun's ability. He released his own ability, and the moment he touched the little bun's body, the little fat man giggled loudly in his arms. , obviously he was very happy.

Because he actually released a little lightning ability from his small body, which was intertwined with his father's ability. He thought his father was using the ability to play with him!


Wang Wenyu looked at the little fat man dancing in his arms with a speechless face, and said to Wen Luming, "It's nothing serious, he likes thunder and lightning very much."

Wen Luming also saw the tiny electric wire released by the little guy, which was entangled with the wire released by Wang Wenyu, and she immediately let go of her whole heart, you little villain!

Not long after Wen Luming and Wang Wenyu brought the little guy home, the heavy rain began to fall. This was the first heavy rain after the end of the world.

This torrential rain has been going on for a long time, with strong winds, heavy rain, darkness, and thunder and lightning. It seems that God has gathered all the rain that should have fallen this year, and it has been saved at this time.

The earth was flooded with heavy rain,

The rainwater merged into streams, and I don't know where to go.

It rained heavily all day and didn't stop until the next afternoon.

The entire base seemed to have been soaked by floods. Everything had been washed away by the heavy rain. The stream formed by the rainwater on the ground was still flowing. The houses in the slums were knocked upside down by the wind and rain, and even the roofs and doors were washed away. gone.

Although this rain has relieved the hot weather in the last days well, it also made the people in the base more worried about the future: just one rain may destroy their newly built home. If there is hail in the future, What about blizzard? Are they still alive?

This rain reminded everyone that the weather will change. Since there is a sultry summer, there will naturally be a severe cold winter. Life in summer is already so sad, so how can we survive the cold winter?

Although the situation is not optimistic, the base organized some people to help build the houses destroyed by the rainstorm, and also built some drainage ditches in the base to divert the rainwater to the outside of the base, reducing the possibility of the rainstorm flooding the base .

The rain made people at the base prepare for possible extreme weather.

More importantly, the satellite monitoring system in the base shows that after more than a month, such hot weather will turn into severe cold.

The arrival of severe winter will make the life of the survivors more difficult. In order for everyone to survive this coming winter, the base needs to make various preparations.

So, one day not long after the heavy rain, the base suddenly notified all the survivors, except those who were placed on guard, to gather on the drill ground, because there was an important announcement about everyone's life and death.

All the survivors were very disturbed when they heard the announcement from the big broadcast at the base, because the tone of the person who announced the announcement was very serious, obviously this was not a good thing.

Everyone gathered on the practice field with heavy hearts. This practice field was used to train soldiers before the end of the world, but it has been enlarged a lot after the end of the world. In addition to daily training of soldiers, it is also used to train the physical fitness of some ordinary people and supernatural beings.

Although there were many survivors in the base, the training ground was so big that they could barely squeeze everyone together.

A row of tables was set up on the rostrum, and all the important leaders in the base were sitting on it with solemn expressions and waiting.

Base chief Wang Ting sat in the middle, next to him was Wang Wence, and then some men in military uniforms or suits. Everyone was very solemn, and the atmosphere became a little heavy.

Wen Luming was standing in the practice field under the rostrum like everyone else, and beside her were Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Lin, as well as Wang Wenyu, who was holding a bun.

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