Reborn as a tycoon in Hong Kong

Chapter 665 Invitation to Cooperate (Two in One)

"I think it's okay."

"Although Galaxy Games' current price-to-earnings ratio is not low, it is not too high either."

"More importantly, Galaxy Games' net profit is growing. If Galaxy Games' profits can still grow by a certain percentage this year, by next year, the market value of tens of billions of dollars will not be high."

Although Iwasaki Mineryu meant to flatter Lin Baicheng a little bit, what he said was quite to the point, at least that's what he thought.

However, what Iwasaki Mineryu said is indeed reasonable. If Galaxy Games' profit this year can reach 500 million US dollars, then the market value of 10 billion US dollars is a price-earnings ratio of 20 times, and the price-earnings ratio has been reduced.

Logan Rockefeller listened and said: "If Galaxy Games can continue to maintain steady growth, the current market value is indeed not too high, and even Wall Street will give a higher price-to-earnings ratio valuation, but the premise is that the company's profits can continue. Maintain steady growth.”

"Alan, how was Galaxy Games' performance in the first quarter?"

Phil Smith asked Lin Baicheng. Although he is also a shareholder of Galaxy Games, he is only a small shareholder. Although the company's quarterly and annual reports will be reported to shareholders in advance, they will not be released to the market for long in advance, only a few days at most.

It is now late March. Although there is still more than a week before the end of March, Galaxy Games should be able to have a rough estimate of its performance in March and this quarter.

"It won't be any worse than last year."

Lin Baicheng smiled and didn't say anything too specific. After all, he was the chairman of Galaxy Games.

If he tells the truth and someone here buys the stock of Galaxy Games and makes a lot of money, then it will become insider trading. Once the person who bought the stock is caught by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), then If it was said that the inside information was obtained from him, then he would also be unlucky.

Although the likelihood of this happening is very slim and almost impossible, after all, these are all high-profile people here, and it is unlikely that they will be caught by the SEC, it never hurts to be careful.

"It seems that Galaxy Games' performance in the first quarter has grown steadily year-on-year."

Claure Rockefeller said immediately, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this game maker is really making money, earning more than 100 million US dollars in an average quarter.

The more than 100 million US dollars earned is not about revenue, but the final net profit. This is the most terrifying part.

"The first quarter report was released in April. The company's performance grew and the stock price just soared. At that time, the lock-up period was almost over, and Wall Street could smoothly reduce its holdings of stocks at a high level. Allen, the boss of a listed company like you is the favorite of Wall Street. ”

There is one thing that Logan Rockefeller did not say, that is, after Wall Street finishes reducing its holdings, the stock price of Galaxy Games will inevitably adjust a lot, and then retail investors and institutions who enter the market later will be out of luck.

"It doesn't hurt to have a good relationship with Wall Street," Phil Smith said.

"I am the founder of Galaxy Games. I am relatively confident in the development of the company. Therefore, even if the sales restriction period comes, I will not reduce my shareholdings for the time being. Even if I want to reduce my shareholdings someday, I will not Instead of reducing holdings in the secondary market, we will sell the shares to other institutions through block transactions to minimize the impact on the stock price."

Lin Baicheng is not planning to reduce his stake in Galaxy Games for the time being. There is nothing he cannot say to the outside world, so he will not hide it from a few people.

Abigail Johnson said: "Mr. Allen, you are the chairman of Galaxy Games. As long as you start to reduce your stake in the company, it will have a certain impact on the stock price. The market will worry about whether you are detrimental to the development of the company." The lack of confidence is just that the impact of large transactions is relatively small.”

"That's the truth."

Everyone agrees with this because it is true.

Phil Smith said: "But Alan, your shareholding in Galaxy Games is as high as 59%. It is now 58%. The shareholding ratio is a bit too high. It is best not to exceed half. It is best to take advantage of the stock price." When you are at a high level, you can reduce some of your holdings and reduce your shareholding ratio. This will not only optimize your asset investment, but also share the benefits with the public."

The public here mainly refers to institutions such as Wall Street, not retail investors.

Retail investors are seen as leeks by Wall Street and other institutions, rather than capitalists who are qualified to share wealth with them.

Claure Rockefeller agreed very much and said: "Smith is right, Allen, it is best to reduce your shareholding ratio in Galaxy Games, so that nothing will happen to the company or you."

"Actually, I don't need to tell anyone about this. I don't have the idea of ​​holding more than half of the shares of Galaxy Entertainment. When I find an opportunity, I will definitely start to reduce my holdings and reduce the shareholding ratio to 20%. .”

"It's just that I can't find a suitable opportunity. At this time, even if I want to reduce my holdings in a large amount, almost no one would dare to take over."

Lin Baicheng knew that what they said was the truth, and it was for his own good to say such things, so he also revealed some of his thoughts. As for the idea of ​​letting offshore companies and funds secretly hold part of the shares of Galaxy Games, there is no need to tell them.

"That's true. Unless you sell it at a discount, Allen, maybe some organization will be interested."

Everyone knew that Lin Baicheng was right.

"Forget it about selling at a discount. I am still confident in the long-term development of Galaxy Games. As long as the company's performance maintains steady growth, there will always be someone who buys my shares at a fair price or even a premium instead of selling at a discount."

Lin Baicheng waved his hand, and even if it had to be sold at a discount, it would be sold to his overseas offshore company or fund at a discount. He would not be able to take advantage of others.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about business."

Lin Baicheng changed the subject, but it was more than just small talk. It was time to talk about business.

"Alan, please tell us specifically about the projects you want to invest in."

Phil Smith spoke up and said that he knew someone who didn't really know yet.

"this is necessary."

Lin Baicheng nodded slightly and said: "I intend to find some partners to form a TV network together, with one of the TV stations as the center, acquire or buy shares in other TV stations, and combine these TV stations to form a TV network covering most of the United States. "

"The president I found for this television network company is Barry Diller. He has rich work experience. He is currently serving as president of Paramount, but he will leave his job at the end of the month to officially join."

"In addition to being the president of the company, Barry Diller is also a director and one of the shareholders of the company, contributing 10% of the shares."

"It would definitely cost a lot to set up a television network covering most of the United States, at least hundreds of millions of dollars. Although I can afford the money, I hope to have more partners to work together and share the benefits. , so I thought of you all.”

"Of course, although the establishment of a TV network costs hundreds of millions of dollars, it does not require that much money in the early stage. The initial investment totals 100 million U.S. dollars, of which Barry Diller has already invested 10 million U.S. dollars."

"Of the remaining 90% of the shares, I intend to give up another 10% to 20% of the shares. Smith, Claure, Rogan and Miss Johnson, I would like to invite you to join me in building a television network."

"I will invest and hold the remaining shares, but I will separately use 5% of the shares as a reward for the management, so that it will not be diluted from the shares in your hands."

“Furthermore, I know that my own nationality has a great impact on the development and growth of the TV network, so when the company needs financing or new partners want to join, I will give up part of my hands at the current valuation. shares, I will reduce the shares to less than 20% after listing."

"If necessary, I can only retain 10% or 5% of the shares, as long as I retain a directorship and maintain a certain influence on the TV network, so you don't have to worry about the privacy my nationality will bring to the company. Sex trouble.”

"If you have any questions about the company's investment, just ask me."

"If you have more professional questions about the development of television stations and the establishment of television networks, you can ask Barry Diller, he is the professional."

Lin Baicheng told a few people about the situation. Among those present, Anna Nord and Iwasaki Mineryu were not invited by Lin Baicheng to cooperate.

Anna Nord is because she is Phil Smith's wife, and Lin Baicheng has invited Phil Smith; Mineryu Iwasaki is because he is Japanese and has no influence in the United States, only money.

As for funds, Lin Baicheng had no shortage of them, so that's why Iwasaki Mineryu was not invited to cooperate.

Iwasaki Mineryu also knew what was going on, so he remained a silent listener.

"Mr. Allen, how about letting me invest together?"

Anna Nord is different. Although she has not yet determined whether she wants to invest, whether she is qualified to participate in investment is another matter.

"When a company is first established, the risks are usually higher. If Ms. Nord is willing, she can participate when the company is ready to raise funds."

Lin Baicheng glanced at Phil Smith and explained aloud. The shares he planned to give up were 20%, and each of the four investors had 5%, but it was not possible for Smith and his wife to invest 10%.

Of course, 5% for one person is the best situation. There may be people who don’t want to participate in the investment, and then the shareholding ratio will change. We’ll talk about it then.

Anna Nord said: "It's true that the initial risk is high, but the rate of return is also high. And I haven't decided to invest yet. I just want the qualification to participate in investment. The Nord family still has some resources and connections."

"Since Ms. Nord has said this, what else can I say? I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate with Ms. Nord."

Lin Baicheng glanced at the others and saw that no one said anything, so he smiled and agreed.

In the final analysis, letting Anna Nord also invest will not have much impact. After all, Lin Baicheng has no idea of ​​holding too many shares in the TV network. The shares will also be sold later, so it doesn't matter if he gives up 5% more now.

"Alan, what are your expected returns if we form a television network with you?"

Claure Rockefeller asked very directly. It is okay for everyone to invest together, but investment pursues returns. No one will like investments that have no returns or low returns.

"The network's ultimate goal is to cover the entire United States and become the largest television network in the United States."

"But I also know that this is difficult. The TV network can cover most of the United States and become one of the most influential TV networks in the United States. It is enough for the company to achieve this step."

"I personally think that with my financial support and yours, as well as my personal connections with you, and Barry Diller's professional ability, I believe it will be no problem for the TV network to develop into a second-tier TV network in the United States."

"In this way, everyone's investment can be returned at least several times to more than ten times, and this is only a monetary return. As directors of the company, you can influence the company's decision-making. The media attributes of the TV network can be used in other countries. It will bring you richer rewards in terms of politics, for example.”

"Even in my opinion, the financial return is secondary. Being able to exert influence through a TV network can improve everyone's social status and bring commercial returns to everyone elsewhere."

"I think everyone is smart, so I don't need to explain this too clearly."

Lin Baicheng had enough to say, and there was no need to say something too clearly. If he hadn't thought clearly about this situation before he mentioned it, he wasn't a smart person, and he wasn't qualified to be his partner.

No one wants to work with a 'sucker'.

No one here is a fool. Even the youngest Abigail Johnson, influenced by her family, knows the importance of the media and its influence on politics.

Some families that control print media may not have much assets, but they have great influence on the upper class society in the United States. They rely on the influence of the media on politics and their cooperative relationships with many congressmen.

Iwasaki Mineryu also knows the importance of the media. Even because of the relationship between the United States and Japan, if he can hold a certain share of an American TV network, then his influence in Japan will definitely increase greatly. Bring him a lot of benefits.

When I thought of this, Iwasaki Mineryu's heart was filled with excitement and he started to think about it. He could only get a breakthrough from Lin Baicheng. With the good relationship between the two and his certain efforts, it was not impossible for him to buy the shares of the TV network from Lin Baicheng.

Lin Baicheng will have to sell some shares anyway, and it is not a sale to anyone. Even if he needs to find a strong partner for the development of the TV network, it is not impossible to sell him some shares.

However, since Lin Baicheng did not invite him, he would definitely not sell the shares to him easily. He would need to impress Lin Baicheng and pay a certain price.

Although Iwasaki Mineryu has an idea, he will not act immediately. He has to wait for the development of the TV network to reach a certain level and make sure that the TV network can develop before taking action.

If he takes action and pays a price to buy the shares of the TV network from Lin Baicheng, but the TV network fails to develop, it will be a loss.

Others continued to ask some questions, and Lin Baicheng also answered them. Since he invited them to cooperate, he could not hide it from them.

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