Reborn as a tycoon in Hong Kong

Chapter 673 The current situation of Microsoft and Shiwei (two-in-one)

The next morning, Lin Baicheng went to Microsoft.

In fact, Shiwei Software Company and Microsoft Corporation share a building. The property owner of the building is Lin Baicheng. Lin Baicheng rented the building to Microsoft and Shiwei Software for US$1.

In today's Silicon Valley, land and real estate prices are very cheap, so Lin Baicheng spent a lot of his tax-deductible consumption here to buy villas, buildings and other real estate.

Lin Baicheng does not engage in real estate development, so what he purchases are already developed properties, not the land itself.

Anyway, it is tax-deductible consumption. If you don’t use it, it means giving it directly to the IRS. Therefore, you must use the tax-deductible consumption. If you buy real estate in Silicon Valley, you can not only meet the needs of individuals and businesses, but also wait for it to rise in the long term. , it can be regarded as a disguised investment.

For the same consumption, real estate is better than cars and other consumer goods. For products such as cars, except for a few collectible models that can be sold at high prices decades later, the vast majority of cars are used after a few years. It can only be sold as a second-hand car, not to mention increasing its value, but it cannot maintain its value.

Of course, there are rigid rules for tax-deductible consumption. Some consumer goods such as cars must be purchased to be tax-deductible, so you cannot invest all of them in real estate.

As for the specific arrangements, Lin Baicheng has a professional team to serve him, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Lin Baicheng first went to Microsoft.

Nowadays, Microsoft is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lin Baicheng. However, founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen left Microsoft and took the operating system technology with them. Although the patents are shared by the two companies, Microsoft It is completely different from the Microsoft that existed decades before Lin Baicheng was reborn.

It can be said with certainty that the Microsoft company currently owned by Lin Baicheng will never develop into a world giant. Even if Microsoft has patents for the operating system, it will be useless even if Lin Baicheng knows the general trend.

Microsoft has become Lin Baicheng's sole proprietorship. It has an additional competitor like Blue Software Company founded by Bill Gates and others. It has inherently lost the possibility of becoming a monopolistic world giant.

However, although Microsoft has lost the possibility of becoming a world giant, now that the company has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lin Baicheng, Lin Baicheng cannot leave it alone. It is not a bad thing to let the company develop.

Currently, in addition to the original BASIC interpreter, Microsoft's operating system was split off and established a joint venture with New Century Software Company, Shiwei Software. The company's current business is the development of computer tools.

Of course, the computer tools here do not refer to hardware, but to software tools. The purpose of developing these tools is to facilitate everyone's use of computers and to add more functions to computers. The company develops and sells them.

There are actually many software tools of this type, such as clocks, calculators, calendars, text documents, etc.

Decades later, such computer tools will be a must-have for every computer, but of course it was different in the early days. Not all functions were available. Before the advent of the Internet era, many small companies relied on research and development of these tools. Gadget-like survival.

Of course, this kind of gadget is not very profitable, but the annual profits of tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars are enough for most small companies to survive.

After all, we had just entered the 1980s, and employee salaries and other expenses were not as scary as they would be in the future.

Microsoft is also currently developing these gadgets. After acquiring Microsoft, Lin Baicheng provided a general idea, and then let Microsoft develop it on its own. After all, this is a small matter for him, and he can't put too much energy here.

The total number of employees at Microsoft is only about twenty. The company only has a few departments, and there are no other production bases. It can be said that it is almost clear at a glance after entering the company. Therefore, after Lin Baicheng came here, there was not much to see, and the company The employees said a few words to encourage them, and then went to the manager's office with the company manager.

Whether it is Microsoft or Shiwei Software, these two companies are now very small in scale. Lin Baicheng did not set up an office in these two companies, let alone leave a secretary.

Only when Microsoft or Shiwei Software develops to a certain level and their valuation reaches tens of millions of dollars, will Lin Baicheng set up an office in the relevant company and leave a secretary to assist him in handling the company's affairs.

Not all companies can be valued by Lin Baicheng. Either the company's valuation is high enough, or the company has a large number of employees and great influence, otherwise it will be difficult to get into Lin Baicheng's eyes.

The current manager of Microsoft is Carter Perot, a man in his early thirties, and a mulatto.

The so-called mulatto refers to the offspring of blacks and whites. The skin color is not as dark as blacks, it is a light black, and he does not have thick lips like blacks. He has thin lips, a high nose bridge, and his hair is not very curly.

In this era, black people have not yet become popular and have not become politically correct in the United States. Therefore, let alone the upper class, there are not many black people in the elite class.

Of course, not much is not enough, but it does not mean that there is nothing.

Although Carter Perot did not graduate from a college like the Ivy League, he graduated from college and studied business management, so he was able to find a job that was not bad.

Before Bill Gates and others left Microsoft, Carter Perot was a deputy director of Microsoft's human resources department. Later, Bill Gates and others left Microsoft and took some people with them. Carter Perot stayed at that time. , and stabilized the remaining employees before Lin Baicheng's people took over.

In view of this, Lin Baicheng learned about it and gave Carter Perot an opportunity to temporarily serve as a manager at Microsoft. The original intention of the transition was to let him manage for a while and then replace him after finding a suitable candidate. After all, he was only a deputy director of the human resources department before.

However, Lin Baicheng later learned from the secretariat's report that Carter Perot had done a good job. Microsoft had not experienced any problems under his management, and the research and development of software tools had also produced results, so Lin Baicheng simply let Carter Perot continue. Works as a manager at Microsoft.

Since Carter Perot has the ability, Lin Baicheng naturally wants to give the other party a chance, and at the same time give himself a chance. What if Carter Perot is that kind of super capable talent?

Although the possibility is very small, it is not impossible, and Lin Baicheng is just giving Carter Perot the reward he deserves.

"Manager Perot, I have read the report from the Secretariat on the current situation of the company. You have done a very good job. I hope you will continue to do so and don't let me down."

Lin Baicheng looked at Carter Perot and said, in fact, Carter Perot also has a congenital advantage, that is, his skin color. As long as Carter Perot's abilities are sufficient, Lin Baicheng will definitely promote him.

Here in the United States, racial discrimination is something that we must be careful about. It is best if there are black people in the management of Lin Baicheng's companies to avoid being attacked by malicious people in the future.

"Don't worry, Chairman, I won't let you down!"

Carter Perot knew that his position was very unstable. It was not that the big boss Lin Baicheng had an opinion about him and felt that he was not capable, but that the people below him were coveting his position. Even though they appeared to be very respectful and cooperative in their work, he knew that they would kick him down whenever he had the slightest chance.

Even if there is no opportunity, some people will create opportunities.

Therefore, Carter Perot must make his big boss very satisfied with him, so that he can have the energy to prevent the people below him.

Even though Microsoft is not a big company, it only has more than 20 people. Its annual revenue is only three to four million U.S. dollars, and its profit is less than one million U.S. dollars. It is not a big company, but it is not a small company either. , his manager position still carries considerable weight.

For most people, being able to become the highest-level manager of a company is already very good. Not to mention reaching the top of life, the income can definitely be regarded as middle class.

Furthermore, there are many companies under the name of a big boss, and the manager of a small company is a starting point for upward promotion and an opportunity.

"hope so!"

Lin Baicheng nodded and said no more, "As for the development of the company, in addition to the research and development of those tools, the future research and development of software can move closer to the direction of graphics and sound. Let me give you a simple example. Like a color photo, I hope I can use software to draw exactly the same color picture on the computer."

"I'm just giving an example. It depends on what the engineers in the R\u0026D department say about the specific research and development. I look forward to the company being able to produce results."

"As long as the company does well, my support for the company will be greater, and the income of our employees will naturally be higher."

Lin Baicheng knows the development direction of computers in the future, but he himself does not have that much time. He has so many companies to manage. In the future, he will spend part of his time on Changsheng Medical and Biotechnology Company. He will definitely not do research and development such as computer software. Ask.

Lin Baicheng was a man of three talents. He gave some suggestions to companies such as Microsoft and New Century Software. It would be best if the company could develop. If the company failed to develop, he would not suffer any loss.

When the Internet era comes, Lin Baicheng doesn't even have to do it himself. He only needs to invest in Yahoo, Google, Facebook and other companies. Even if his arrival changes the future, all he needs to do is invest in similar companies. Casting a wide net to catch more fish will always hit the target.

Relatively speaking, Lin Baicheng is more willing to focus on Changsheng Pharmaceutical and Biological Company. Not to mention developing longevity drugs, if you can develop some drugs to treat patients and extend your life in disguise, you will make a lot of money.

Furthermore, if drugs can be developed to treat serious diseases, the profits of medicine will definitely be no lower than those of the Internet. Moreover, medicine can be said to be a necessary consumer product. As long as it is effective, there is no need to worry about sales.

People don’t need to go online, but they can’t stop taking medicine when they’re sick, unless they don’t want to live longer or die.

Lin Baicheng only stayed at Microsoft for more than an hour, and then he passed away.

The scale of Shiwei Software is about the same as that of Microsoft. The company's current mission is to develop a computer operating system and then upgrade the computer operating system.

The computer operating system developed by Shiwei Software is based on Microsoft's patents. Because the research and development results were taken away by Bill Gates and others, the research and development process needs to be handled by oneself. Fortunately, there is a final product for reverse engineering, so this matter is not a problem. Disaster.

However, even if it is developed, it will only be the same product as Blue Software currently has, so the developed operating system must be updated.

Blue Software's computer operating system is supported by IBM. IBM uses this software directly, but Shiwei Software has to launch the market on its own. Therefore, it must have better technology than Blue Software, otherwise it will be difficult to compete with Blue Software. operating system.

After Lin Baicheng came to Microsoft, he inquired about the development process of the operating system and learned that the progress was very fast. In a few months, the product would be completely reverse-launched. By then, the product would be the same as the one he developed.

After the product is launched, what Shiwei Software has to do is to sell the product and at the same time upgrade and replace the product.

Lin Baicheng didn't have much to say about this, so he left after staying for less than an hour.

In Silicon Valley, Lin Baicheng currently has three and a half companies, and Sun Electronic Communications Company can only be counted as half. The company's acquisition is in trouble, and he doesn't know when it will take until the acquisition is completed and he will move over.

At present, although Sun Electronic Communications Company is far from an empty shell, and the company is building a research and development base, Lin Baicheng has no need to go over there. The progress of the project can be supervised by the secretariat.

As a result, the only thing left in Silicon Valley that has not yet been visited is Galaxy Semiconductor, and Lin Baicheng has already made plans to go there in the afternoon.

At Galaxy Semiconductor, Lin Baicheng not only wanted to talk to the management, but also went to the factory to see the factory. He also wanted to talk to the engineers in the R\u0026D department and listen to some of their R\u0026D ideas and reports on R\u0026D progress, etc.

Therefore, Galaxy Semiconductor will definitely take longer, and Lin Baicheng is not sure whether it can be done in one afternoon.

In the afternoon of that day, Lin Baicheng went to Galaxy Semiconductor. He first had a brief chat with the management, and then went to the R\u0026D department. He attached great importance to the R\u0026D department.

During the period when Lin Baicheng did not come to Galaxy Semiconductor, Galaxy Semiconductor recruited many more engineers. Lin Baicheng would definitely have a good chat with them to show that he, the big boss, valued the R\u0026D department and them personally.

These engineers, in addition to their own job in the company, which requires them to develop chips, they also have some ideas, and the bosses have realized the ideas into projects.

Whether it is an idea or a project, some of the wild ideas sound just like whimsical, but Lin Baicheng comes from decades later. If he hears an idea or project that feels familiar to him, although he is not sure whether the other party can develop it, he The idea or project will definitely be taken more seriously, because the idea or project has a future and can be developed.

Although A can develop the same project, but BCD and others may not be able to develop it. However, with the support of sufficient funds, BCD and others should have no problem developing some related patents.

Accumulating more patents, even if they are not used now, does not mean that they will not be used in the future. There is no harm in having more patents.

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