Reborn as a tycoon in Hong Kong

Chapter 679 Strengthening cooperative relations (two-in-one)

"Alan, which friends do you open a broadcasting company with?"

Bush asked, seemingly casually: "The media is very helpful for elections. Both parties will fight for a big media company, hoping that the other party will side with their own party, so big media companies have great status. It also attracts attention from all parties.”

Bush did not say that Lin Baicheng's broadcast company would have a ceiling. It was inappropriate for him to say such things to Lin Baicheng, but the meaning of his words had been pointed out. It was up to Lin Baicheng to understand whether he could understand it.

Bush is looking for a partner with capital and ability. If the other party is a fool and needs his help in everything, he will not want such a partner even if he has resources, because sooner or later he will be hurt.

"My old friends Phil Smith and his wife, the Smith family and the Nord family still have some power in California; and then there are Claure Rockefeller and Logan Rockefeller of the Rockefeller family. Claure Rockefeller is Lawrence Mr. Rockefeller’s son, the New York Stock Exchange is the property in his name, I think Bush you should know him.”

"Then there's Miss Abigail Johnson of the Johnson family, the Johnson family of Fidelity Investment Group."

"The last one is a Jew, the president of the broadcasting company, who invests 10% of the shares. Although he has no family background, as the broadcasting company develops and grows, as the president of the company, he can borrow the power of the Jews for his identity."

Lin Baicheng understood the meaning of Bush Sr's words. Before his rebirth, he might not have thought of so much, but now that his brain has changed its core, he has become very smart. With his study and experience in business, he is not everything. Young people who don’t understand.

"With these friends here, I believe Alan your broadcast company will definitely develop."

When Bush heard this, the smile on his face couldn't help but become brighter. Lin Baicheng was indeed a smart man. He knew the rules in the United States and knew how to find partners for himself, instead of living alone like those immigrant Chinese and not giving up shares.

Why are only Chinese people severely suppressed in the United States? The reason is very simple. The Chinese are very good at making money, but the Chinese like to live alone and do not give up the shares of their own businesses. Since they do not know how to share, of course they must be suppressed.

Furthermore, the Chinese do not like to participate in politics and do not know how to make friends with politicians, so naturally no one will speak up for the Chinese when they are suppressed.

Lin Baicheng knows how to share, how to give up shares when doing business, and how to make friends with politicians like them. Then his career will naturally be protected to a certain extent by his friends. The specific extent of protection depends on the seriousness of the matter and both parties. The weight of 'friendship'.

"I hope so."

Lin Baicheng said with a smile: "The broadcasting company will be established next month, and then it will acquire a TV station for development. After the TV station is developed, it will acquire other TV stations to form a TV network. The ultimate goal is to develop into one of the largest TV networks in the United States."

“It’s not easy to get to that point.”

Bush was not surprised by Lin Baicheng's "ambition". All companies want to develop into giants, but whether they can do so is a question mark.

"By the way, Allen, what is your shareholding ratio in this broadcasting company?"

"Currently, I am the major shareholder accounting for 60% of the shares. However, if the TV station can develop, it will definitely need to raise funds. By then, my shares will be diluted. I myself also intend to give up my status as the major shareholder, at least not as the largest shareholder. major shareholder.”

Lin Baicheng also made no secret. The reason he mentioned this was mainly to show his strength and let Bush know his energy, so as to deepen and consolidate the cooperative relationship with Bush.

Becoming a better friend with Bush Sr. now is like providing help in times of need; deepening the relationship with Bush Sr. when he becomes president will be the icing on the cake.

Although it is a bit inappropriate to describe it this way, the meaning is this.

"Alan, you can think of these. As long as the development of the TV station is not a problem, I believe your broadcast company will definitely develop."

After hearing this, Bush understood that Lin Baicheng had taken all issues into consideration and that Lin Baicheng's identity would not be an obstacle to the development of the broadcasting company. After all, Lin Baicheng would only be a shareholder of the company and not its controller.

"Bush, if you are interested, as your friend, I am willing to transfer some shares to you after the TV station develops. Anyway, my shares will be sold."

If Bush Sr. becomes a shareholder of the broadcasting company, not only will the relationship between Lin Baicheng and Bush Sr. be deepened, but the broadcasting company will also receive stronger protection in the future. Bush Sr. will definitely not let others touch his cake.

"Can I become a company director?"

Bush was a little tempted, but whether he could become a director of the company was very important. It was not that the directors' shares had little influence on the company. It didn't make much sense to take such shares unless he knew that the company could have an economic return of more than ten times in the future. But It is not easy for broadcasters to achieve such high returns.

"At that time, I will transfer 5% of the shares to you and transfer you a director seat at the same time."

Lin Baicheng said: "In principle, the founding team can hold a director seat if they retain 3% of the shares. The company currently has a total of 11 director seats, and I have 4 now. When the time comes, I will transfer one of my director seats to you, Bush. As long as you retain 3% of the shares, you can hold a director seat."

"Alan, wouldn't it be nice if you transferred your board seat to me?"

Bush looked hesitant.

"Nothing bad."

Lin Baicheng waved his hand: "When I reduce my shareholding, I will also reduce the number of director seats. It would be good to keep two in the end."

"When I hear you say that, Allen, I feel relieved."

Bush laughed and asked: "By the way, what is the scale of investment in broadcast companies?"

"The total investment is US$100 million."

Lin Baicheng raised his index finger: "Actually, if it weren't for the fact that we are still unsure whether the broadcast company can develop, I would like to invite you, Bush, to become a shareholder of the company now. After all, the further you go, the higher the value of 5% of the shares."

Although Bush Sr. was invited to become a shareholder of the company, Bush Sr. was of course unable to become a shareholder of a private company when he entered politics, but Bush Jr. could. He would just transfer his assets after Bush Jr. entered politics.

"Alan, your investment is really huge. Even now, let alone the future, I can't come up with 5 million US dollars."

Bush couldn't help but shake his head after hearing this. Even though he has a net worth of tens of millions of dollars, his net worth is net worth, and liquid cash is different. Unless he gets a loan, he won't be able to come up with $5 million at a time.

However, after learning that Lin Baicheng and others invested US$100 million in the broadcasting company, he became more optimistic about the company. He felt that as long as the company's management were not all fools and with so much money, the TV station would definitely be able to develop. It would only take time. It's just morning and evening.

"I have a bank in Xiangjiang. Although my business has not yet expanded to the United States, Bush, if you need it, I can ask the bank to give you a low-interest loan." Lin Baicheng doesn't mind a good man going the distance.

"Forget it, thank you Alan for your kindness."

Bush declined politely and even asked Lin Baicheng to provide the investment funds. Although it was a loan, it was still inappropriate. After all, once he agreed now, it would be difficult to repay the favor in the future.

Although the United States is not a humane society, capital must provide returns on its investments. This is a rule that politicians must abide by. Otherwise, not only will the rules backfire on him, but even his political family will be backfired by the rules and capital. Subconscious rejection.

"Before I give up most of my shares, Bush, if you want, you can buy shares from me at any time."

Lin Baicheng didn't force it. Although he wanted to make good friends with Bush Sr. and get closer to the Bush family, he could use other methods and there was no need to force the benefits to Bush Sr.'s mouth.

That was too proactive, as if Lin Baicheng was begging Bush Sr. to accept the benefits. Furthermore, it would be bad if Bush Sr. thought he had ulterior motives and aroused Bush Sr.'s wariness.

"Thank you very much."

Bush Sr. did not refuse again this time, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future, even if the Bush family has more wealth in the future, or has such a need. Anyway, if you don't want to buy it, you can just refuse it then. There is no need to say it now.

"We are friends. Bush, you don't have to be too polite with me."

"Yes, we are friends."

Bush smiled and nodded.

"By the way, what is Mr. Bush doing now?"

Lin Baicheng did not forget about George W. Bush who was sitting in the audience. After saying a few more words, he changed the topic to George W. Bush.

"Just call him George W. Bush."

As he spoke, Bush glanced at his son next to him: "He opened an oil company in partnership with a few friends. The investment was not big, and the development was not very good. He is incomparable to Allen. It's far behind." .”

Being belittled by his father in front of someone younger than him, Bush was a little depressed, but there was nothing he could do because what his father said was true.

"No matter what, you are starting your own business. No one knows how far this oil company will develop. Rockefeller also developed from scratch." Lin Baicheng said with a smile.

"How can he compare with Mr. Rockefeller? If he can surpass me, I will be satisfied."

Bush Sr. immediately waved his hand. If Bush Jr. really had a genius business acumen, then he would not let Bush Jr. enter politics, but let Bush Jr. take the business route.

After all, the United States is a world of capital. Not to mention that George W. Bush has the ability of the first generation Rockefeller. If George W. Bush can earn more than one billion U.S. dollars in his lifetime, then he will choose to let George W. Bush go into business instead of working in politics.

If the Bush family can have its own capital group, with his father in politics and his son in business, the father and son can definitely develop the Bush family into the top family in the United States and the top player in the United States.

Of course, this is because Bush Sr. does not know that both he and his son can become president. If he knew this, he would definitely not think so. Instead, he would let his son join politics and develop the Bush family into the top political power in the United States. family.

"I believe that George W. Bush will have extraordinary potential under your guidance."

Lin Baicheng changed the subject as he spoke: "Speaking of which, regarding Bush's future development, Bush, are you going to let him develop in business, or are you going to let him take over from you?"

"He doesn't have extraordinary business talent, so I am more inclined to let him enter politics."

Bush Sr. did not hide this. Since he wanted to regard Lin Baicheng as his son's future political connection, he could not hide this kind of thing. If his son could obtain the support of Lin Baicheng's level of capital from the beginning, his career in politics would definitely be smoother. .

"But he still has a lot to learn, and he needs a lot of support from people. I hope Alan can give him more support. If he can achieve something, he will definitely repay your support, Alan."

"Since you said so, Bush, of course I have no reason to refuse."

Lin Baicheng agreed, as this was what he wanted to do.

"Thank you Mr. Allen for your support!"

At this time, George W. Bush expressed his gratitude to Lin Baicheng with a wink.

"You're welcome, we are 'friends'."

Lin Baicheng smiled, and then said: "I happen to have a job here, but I don't know if George W. Bush can take it seriously."

"Since it's the job you recommended, Allen, it must be a good job."

Bush immediately said that he believed that Lin Baicheng would not act without purpose and that it was impossible for his son to be an ordinary wage earner for Lin Baicheng.

"Is such that."

Lin Baicheng said: "I have some achievements now. Various companies under my name have made me a lot of money. I live a better life than 99% of people in the world, so I just want to give back to society. So, I plan to use part of the annual profits from my business to set up a charity fund to do good things in society and help some people."

"This is a great thing. Alan, you can have such a kind heart. This is a blessing for the entire society."

Bush Sr. had already thought a lot after hearing this. Lin Baicheng's charity must be to expand his influence. If his son Bush Jr. can participate, he will definitely win the favor of a large number of people. If he continues to do it, his son's career in politics will be inevitable. can go more smoothly.

Furthermore, if this charity can continue, even if my son has the opportunity to reach a high position in the future, even to the level he is now, it will be useful. His identity as a philanthropist will also be useful in running for president.

It can be said that if charity can be continued, the benefits will last a lifetime.

Everyone knows that charity is beneficial to politics, but even though they know it, not many can do anything about it.

There is no other reason than lack of money.

Doing charity costs money, and if you spend it in vain, you will never get it back. If your net worth has not reached a certain level, you will not use the money to do charity in vain.

Nowadays, many charity funds are established to avoid taxes. They only use a small amount of funds for charity every year. They are done for the world to see. Such charity is also beneficial to politics, but because there are too few funds for charity relationship, the benefits are not that big.

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