Reborn as a tycoon in Hong Kong

Chapter 687 Compromise does not mean bowing down (two-in-one)

Although it's almost noon, it's almost lunch time.

But when faced with the big boss's call, Qin Lan and Huang Xizhao immediately put down the work at hand and went to the big boss's villa in Repulse Bay.

"President Huang, Sister Lan, and Mr. Lin are waiting for you in the study."

Chen Huixiang was waiting for the two of them on the first floor. After seeing them coming, she took them to the study upstairs.

"Mr. Lin!" "Mr. Lin, you are back!"

"You're here, sit down!"

Lin Baicheng motioned for the three of them to sit down. Chen Huixiang was his personal secretary, and he did not let Chen Huixiang go out.

"I already know the general situation. Because of my past relationship with the mainland, which officially invited me, the right-wing media criticized me, and then the Bay Island News Bureau banned Asia Star Media Group. Is that so?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin."

Qin Lan nodded and said: "The list was officially announced by the mainland on the Qingming Festival. All the invitees, including you, are within the scope of the announcement. However, after the list is announced, because you are the richest man and the most famous, you will receive the most attention. At most, some media criticized you that day."

"However, in the following two weekends, the media criticized you even more. All right-wing media had the same attitude. I later asked people to check and found that some media had been PR-controlled. At present, it is judged that some of them are British-owned. The figure is in it."

"Then on Monday morning, the Bay Island News Bureau issued an announcement that all film and television songs and other works under the Asia Star Media Group would be blocked, and the group's works would not be allowed to be released in Bay Island."

"Huh? Isn't that right?"

Listening to the chronological order of the events, Lin Baicheng nodded first, and then discovered something was wrong: "Since the Bay Island News Bureau banned it on Monday, how did my mother know about it? She should have been on the plane at the time That’s right, right?”

"The old lady called me after arriving in Los Angeles to inquire. I told the old lady." It was Chen Huixiang who answered.

"So that's it."

Lin Baicheng nodded, this makes sense.

"President Huang, I heard from Xiao Chen that the Bay Island Information Bureau had a conversation with you?"


Huang Xizhao nodded: "Just on Tuesday, Director Song from the Bay Island News Bureau contacted me and said that Mr. Jiang admires Mr. Lin for working hard to earn such a big fortune at a young age. Some things are done by people below. I advocate that the Information Bureau has to do some things, and there may be a misunderstanding. I hope Mr. Lin can go to Bay Island to communicate about the ban and resolve the misunderstanding."

"Is that so?"

Nodding thoughtfully, Lin Baicheng looked at Qin Lan and said, "Have the Bay Island authorities or the Information Bureau contacted you? Have they disclosed their further attitude?"

Qin Lan shook his head when he heard this: "They didn't contact me, and they didn't reveal any attitude."

"I see."

Lin Baicheng held his chin and began to ponder. The three of them saw this and did not bother.

After a while, Lin Baicheng spoke up: "We still have to actively deal with the matter of Asia Star Media Group being blocked. Otherwise, if the Bay Island authorities see that I don't take the Information Bureau's blockade seriously, they might block me even further." The losses for the property in his name will be even greater at that time.”

"However, I will not go to Wandao myself. Qin Lan, please go to Wandao with President Huang on my behalf and communicate with Wandao News Bureau to see if the ban can be lifted or the intensity of the ban can be reduced."

"My position will not change, which is to be close to the mainland, and my visit to the mainland will not change. If the Bay Island authorities or the Information Bureau are determined to block it, then let the Bay Island Information Bureau block it. , Asia Star Media Group accepts this result."

Lin Baicheng's position will not change. Not to mention the ban on Asia Star Media Group, even if it targets all companies under his name, Lin Baicheng will not change. The mainland market is the future.

After hearing this, Qin Lan asked: "Mr. Lin, what if the Bay Island authorities decide to block your other companies because of your attitude?"

"Then give up the Bay Island market for the time being. There is no need to be too tough. Just say that although I am sorry, I am willing to accept the ban from the Bay Island authorities."

Lin Baicheng is a businessman. He will not blame the sky and the earth just because of the ban imposed by the Bay Island authorities, because the ban will be lifted one day. But if he and the Bay Island authorities break up, will the day be lifted in his lifetime? It's hard to say when you see it.

As a businessman, it is not advisable to break up with a powerful institution, and it is not easy to make money.

After hearing this, Qin Lan couldn't help but remind: "Mr. Lin, if the Bay Island authorities completely block you, your losses will be too great. Not only will the revenue and profits of various companies be reduced, but the stock prices of listed companies will also inevitably have twists and turns. , then your loss will definitely not be a small amount."

Upon seeing this, Huang Xizhao also said: "Mr. Lin, do you want to give the Bay Island authorities some face and express their attitude of admitting their mistake? I think the Bay Island authorities will consider that you are the richest man in Hong Kong and have great influence. It’s easy to completely block you.”

"Just admit your mistake."

Lin Baicheng immediately waved his hand: "Faced with the ban on Wandao, I can accept the ban and not fight back, but I will never choose to admit my mistake, because I have done nothing wrong. This is like someone giving me a slap in the face. You will never lick your face and hand the other side to the other person for another slap."

Lin Baicheng also has his pride. He can accept certain compromises for the sake of the Bay Island market, but he cannot bend his head for the sake of the Bay Island market.

Let alone the Bay Island market, even if the Hong Kong government and even the British government decided to comprehensively suppress Lin Baicheng's industry, Lin Baicheng would not be able to "bend down and kneel down". Faced with this situation, he would rather choose to give up the market temporarily and focus on Engage in his own medical research and development, and he will make enough money now anyway.

Even if the British officials personally suppress Lin Baicheng and carry out all-round suppression, all they can do is suppress Lin Baicheng's business and cannot pose a threat to his personal safety. If Lin Baicheng closes the door and engages in research and development on his own, there is no good solution for the British government. He has a way out.

As a reborn person who has become very smart, Lin Baicheng, why did he ‘bend and kneel’ when there was a way out? Of course it would be best if you can continue to make money, but it’s not unacceptable if you can’t do it for the time being. There’s no need to feel too sorry for yourself.

Qin Lan stopped trying to persuade her. After all, it was Lin Baicheng, the big boss, who made the decision. She said, "Mr. Lin, I know what to do, but you have to be mentally prepared. After all, the Bay Island authorities have not communicated with you, and they will not No one can be sure what kind of reaction there will be if the position changes.”

"I was prepared for the worst."

Lin Baicheng nodded. It would be best if the Bay Island authorities did not expand their suppression. But if the Information Bureau's ban was just an early warning and the suppression would continue if his attitude remained unchanged, then he could only accept the worst outcome. .

"Mr. Lin, let's not talk about it if it's far away."

Huang Xizhao spoke up and said to Lin Baicheng: "At present, the works of Asia Star Media Group are blocked and the Bay Island market cannot be entered. The group's revenue and profits will inevitably be affected. Artists will inevitably be worried. If Wireless and Golden Harvest poach the group's artists, I’m worried that some artists will choose to change jobs.”

"Try to stabilize the artists and tell them that the Bay Island market will not have much impact on the company. The company's works also have a market in Southeast Asia, and even Hollywood can send them there, so there is no need to worry about the impact of the Bay Island ban on the company. .”

"Of course, if the artist really wants to leave, then let them leave. Anyway, they have signed a contract. Everything will be done in accordance with the contract. After paying the liquidated damages, they can leave at any time."

Asia Star Media Group has many celebrities who will become popular in the future, but if they choose to leave because of a crisis in Asia Star Media Group, Lin Baicheng will not force it and can leave after paying the liquidated damages.

As long as Asia Star Media Group does not fail, and as long as Lin Baicheng does not fail, in his opinion, even if someone was not a star before Lin Baicheng was reborn, as long as this person is outstanding, Asia Star Media Group can use its resources to promote this person. red.

Huang Xizhao immediately said: "I will definitely stabilize the artists and management of the group. When the group encounters a crisis, I will lead the employees and the group to tide over the difficulties together."

"I'll see."

Lin Baicheng nodded and continued: "As for my position, the media under the Asia Star Media Group will not report it for the time being until I notify you. Also, whether it is the artists or management under the group, I don't care what their political stance is. At this time, no one can publicly express a position that is contrary to my position as the chairman. Once such a person appears, no matter who he is, he will be expelled from the group."

“It’s not just Asia Star Media Group.”

As he said that, Lin Baicheng looked at Qin Lan: "Any company that has control over me must be notified. No one can express a position opposite to mine at this time. If you have anything to say, just hold it back. If you are really dissatisfied, just keep it to yourself." Take the initiative to resign, otherwise it will not look good on your face if you are kicked out against my will."

"Yes, I'll let someone know in the afternoon."

Qin Lan nodded to express his understanding. Expressing a position opposite to the big boss at this time was equivalent to drawing a knife in the big boss's back. This must not be allowed to happen.

Looking at Qin Lan and then at Chen Huixiang, Lin Baicheng said: "Is there anything more urgent that I should deal with first? Or is there anything else that is more important that you want to report to me?"

"Mr. Lin, I was about to report to you."

Chen Huixiang immediately said: "On the day when the Bay Island News Bureau blocked Asia Star Media Group, President Wang of Xinhua News Agency contacted me and asked you to contact him as soon as possible after you come back. He wants to visit you."

"Did President Wang tell you what happened?"

Lin Baicheng actually had some speculation that it might be related to the ban incident.

Chen Huixiang shook her head: "President Wang didn't say anything. After I learned that I couldn't determine the time of your return, he asked me to report to you that he wanted to visit you after you came back. As for what he wanted to do when he visited you, he didn't say anything. .”

Qin Lan said at this time: "Mr. Lin, if nothing else, President Wang's desire to visit you should be related to the Bay Island News Bureau's ban on Asia Star Media Group. It may be that he wants to know Mr. Lin's attitude in the face of the ban, and whether he will Will change positions or something like that.”


Lin Baicheng nodded and said to Chen Huixiang: "You can help me contact President Wang later and tell him that I will go to Xinhua News Agency to visit him in the afternoon. You can set a time."

"Okay Mr. Lin."

Chen Huixiang responded when she heard the words.

Lin Baicheng asked: "Is there anything else besides this?"

Chen Huixiang said: "The more important things are related to Miss Zhong. She said she had something to tell you, so she asked me about your return time, but she said the matter was not urgent and she would wait for you. I’ll talk to you when I get back.”

"I know, I'll contact her."

Lin Baicheng nodded. Miss Zhong was naturally Zhong Chuhong. Just ask Zhong Chuhong herself what the matter was.

After confirming that there were no other important matters to report and deal with, Lin Baicheng let the three of them go about their business.

Huang Xizhao and Qin Lan said goodbye and left the villa in Repulse Bay. As a personal secretary, Chen Huixiang did not leave. She contacted Xinhua News Agency through the phone in the villa.

Not long after, Chen Huixiang communicated well with Xinhua News Agency and reported to Lin Baicheng that the time was set at two o'clock in the afternoon. However, President Wang of Xinhua News Agency said that Lin Baicheng could go there anytime this afternoon and he would wait.

Now that the time has been set, Lin Baicheng will definitely not be late unless something unexpected happens.

"By the way, Xiao Chen, please give me a copy of the files of the secretaries of the Secretariat in Xiangjiang. At the same time, please contact the Japanese side and ask Asami Uchida and Nanako Chiba to tell me about the files of the secretaries of the Secretariat in Japan. Give me one too."

"This matter is not a high priority. You can give it to me anytime."

The reason why the files of the Secretariat secretaries are required is because Lin Baicheng wants to adjust the structure of the Secretariat in the two places, add the position of deputy director, and prioritize promotion from among the many secretaries. However, unlike the Secretariat in the United States, the deputy directors in Japan and Hong Kong do not have as much power as the deputy directors in the United States. On the American side, Lin Baicheng specially punished Bill Harveys.

The reason why the secretariats in Japan and Hong Kong want to add deputy director positions is because it implies decentralization. It is not a good thing for one company to dominate.

"Okay Mr. Lin."

Although Chen Huixiang was a little confused about what the big boss wanted the secretaries' files, she didn't ask any more. Since the big boss didn't say the reason, she shouldn't ask more. She still knew this.

Lin Baicheng ate lunch at home.

On the Lin family side, Lin's mother and Lin Qin are in Los Angeles, and Lin Shufang is now married, so in addition to Lin Baicheng and his son, there are two cousins ​​from the mainland in the villa.

The two cousins ​​are also studying in Xiangjiang now. It is a very simple matter for Lin Baicheng to arrange them into middle school, but they have to learn a lot. After all, they only had an elementary school education before.

If you want to get ahead, you must study hard. Only by learning enough knowledge can you achieve higher achievements in the future. Otherwise, it would be a very simple matter for Lin Baicheng to randomly arrange a job for them where they would not have to worry about food and drink.

After all, they are cousins ​​and uncle's sons. If they really don't want to work hard, Lin Baicheng is willing to arrange a casual job for them. They don't have to do anything every day, just get a salary, and it won't cost him much.

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