Reborn as a tycoon in Hong Kong

Chapter 755 Reception (two in one)


As soon as Lin Baicheng separated from the Reagans, the Bushes walked over to him.

There were many people at the reception who wanted to chat with Lin Baicheng. They stopped when they saw the Bushes passing by.

At a cocktail party like this, once someone is chatting, unless there is a very close relationship between the two parties, like the relationship between Nancy Reagan and Reagan, otherwise everyone will make a tacit agreement not to disturb them until the two parties have finished talking. .

"Mr. Bush!"

Lin Baicheng said hello to the Bushes and his son who came over, and just nodded to the younger one.

"Mr. Allen!"

Bush was very respectful to Lin Baicheng, as if he were a junior.

Today's George W. Bush can hardly speak of the word "achievement". Lin Baicheng and his father, Bush Sr., are on equal terms, so he naturally has to respect them, not to mention that Lin Baicheng has helped him a lot.

Lin Baicheng has never thought about having separate friendships with George W. Bush. The current George W. Bush is not qualified yet. There is no need for him to lower his status in order to win people's hearts. If Bush Sr. steps down one day, Bush Jr. will also have some problems in the political world. Regarding his status, it would not be too late for him to discuss friendship with his peers like George W. Bush.

Bush Sr. said to Lin Baicheng: "Alan, thank you very much this time for giving George Jr. a chance to show his face." This kind of opportunity is quite rare, especially for today's George W. Bush.

Lin Baicheng smiled and said: "Since I agreed to help, I won't be perfunctory. I will try my best to do the best I can."

"Alan, you did really well!"

Bush nodded heavily, raised his glass and touched it with Lin Baicheng. After taking a sip, he said: "Little George will be working at the charity foundation in the future. He will need more care from you, Allen. I'm sorry, Allen." Since he already owed a favor, He doesn't mind owing a little more.

"You're welcome. I will help you if I can."

Lin Baicheng said and looked at George W. Bush: "But working in a charity foundation is no different than other places. It will definitely be harder, and you can't resist. No one knows whether he will be suddenly photographed by the media. Mr. Bush must do his job well." That’s all.”

Lin Baicheng wants to make the Star \u0026 Cheng Charity Fund a business card, so he will not mess around just to take care of George W. Bush and affect the development of the charity fund.

"Mr. Allen, please rest assured that I will work seriously and learn from Manager Peggy and others."

George W. Bush knows what he can and cannot do. This is a rare opportunity, and since it affects his future, of course he will do it well.

"When you say that, I feel relieved. I will tell them to take care of you."

Lin Baicheng smiled and nodded. He didn't want to think too much about whether George W. Bush could do a good job as a volunteer. Time would tell him the answer anyway. There was no need to say too much now, as long as he could keep up with the situation.

If George W. Bush really causes a bad impact in the future, he has already spoken out in advance today and will let the other party leave when the time comes. It will not be his fault.

"Thank you Mr. Allen!"

Bush heard this and quickly thanked him.

Bush Sr. said to Lin Baicheng: "Alan, you have helped me a lot this time. I have written down the favor. If you need anything, you can contact me. I still have some connections." With a big capitalist like Lin Baicheng, It certainly couldn't be about money, but about connections. He knew that Lin Baicheng, a foreign businessman, needed this too.

"If necessary, I won't be polite."

Lin Baicheng was very satisfied that his efforts had been rewarded. Although he didn't need Bush Sr. to do anything for him now, he was naturally more relieved when Bush Sr. had such an idea.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Bush is willing to return Lin Baicheng's favor. Returning a favor is actually a process of mutual communication. It will not do him any harm to interact with a big benefactor like Lin Baicheng.

Lin Baicheng and the Bushes did not chat for long and separated after a few minutes.

"Mr. Buffett, thank you for coming today."

Seeing Buffett, Lin Baicheng immediately went over to say hello. Because of the last meeting, the two of them had more contacts, so Lin Baicheng sent someone to invite Buffett, and Buffett came as a favor.

"Mr. Allen, congratulations."

Buffett raised his glass and touched it with Lin Baicheng.

"Mr. Buffett, how are your discussions with that institution going?"

Lin Baicheng pretended not to know and asked, and Buffett asked him to help act as an intermediary to contact institutions involved in Blockbuster's financing. He asked him to do it, and at the same time, his refusal to sell shares was also conveyed.

"The other party is unwilling to sell the shares. I want to contact them again to see if I can convince them."

Buffett shook his head. In fact, he knew that there was basically no hope, but he just didn't want to give up easily and wanted to work harder.

"Then there's no way."

Lin Baicheng heard this and said: "Mr. Buffett, you can lead the investment in Blockbuster this time, and then you can lead the investment again when Blockbuster raises money next time. In this way, the shares you can get will not be small."

"We can only look at this again."

Buffett did not fully agree. Although he already had such an idea, saying it was equivalent to telling Lin Baicheng that he was determined to win Blockbuster shares, which was not conducive to subsequent financing negotiations.

The financing valuation announced by Blockbuster is US$80 million. According to this financing, 20% is US$16 million. If Buffett wants 10% of the shares, it will be US$8 million.

If Buffett and Wall Street institutions negotiate a financing valuation of US$50 million, then if financing is based on this valuation, a 20% stake would be US$10 million, and Buffett's 10% stake would be US$5 million.

The valuation gap between the two results in a US$3 million gap between Buffett's 10% stake.

Therefore, before the financing negotiations are concluded, the bottom line of either party cannot be easily leaked, otherwise a considerable amount of money will be lost.

Lin Baicheng said with a smile: "I personally welcome Mr. Buffett to become a shareholder of Blockbuster."

"I also hope to become a Blockbuster shareholder."

Buffett knew that he took the initiative to approach Lin Baicheng, saying that he wanted to participate in the financing of Blockbuster and hoped to get more shares. Therefore, as the active party, he would definitely be manipulated and would definitely have to make some concessions in financing. This is Nothing can be done.

Buffett is really optimistic about Blockbuster's business model. He believes that if he invests in Blockbuster now, Blockbuster can bring him at least ten times more returns in a few years. So if he makes a little concession now, he will make a profit by then. return.

The more shares you want now, the more you will earn in the future.

"Mr. Allen, I have to say that your efficiency is really high. Just a few days after our last chat, your assistant led his team to find me to discuss investment and shareholding matters with me."

"Time is money."

Lin Baicheng smiled and said that it would be best if this matter could be negotiated before he left the United States. After all, such a large investment still required his signature.

Whether it is the US$30 million reinvested or the nearly US$50 million required to acquire 5% of the shares, it is not a small amount in this era.

"Mr. Allen is right, time is money!"

Buffett smiled and nodded, and said: "I will negotiate with the other partners as soon as possible. Mr. Allen, you will have people do due diligence. I believe we will be able to reach a cooperation soon."

"Then I wish you success in your cooperation."

Lin Baicheng raised his glass and clinked it with Buffett.


The two of them each took a sip of wine.

Buffett continued: "Mr. Allen, if one day you want to transfer your shares, I hope you can tell me and give me the opportunity to take back the shares you want to transfer. What do you think?"

"no problem."

Lin Baicheng nodded in agreement: "Don't worry, Mr. Buffett, I am very optimistic about your investment ability. I have already thought about it. Unless there is a problem in my business and I urgently need money, I will hold your shares for at least thirty years. Those transactions The same goes for your investments with Mr. Buffett."

If Lin Baicheng remembers correctly, Buffett will still be active after 20 years of the 21st century, so there is no problem in making relevant investments for 40 years, let alone only 30 years.

"Thank you Mr. Allen for your trust, I will not let you down!"

Buffett was very happy after hearing this. Regardless of whether Lin Baicheng's words were true or false, at least Lin Baicheng is now giving him face.

Although Buffett is very confident, he is not sure whether he will still be active in the investment world thirty years from now. After all, for people like them, as the times change, they may not be able to keep up with the times and will gradually be replaced by the times. eliminated.

At Buffett's age, if he can still be active in the investment world for thirty years, he will definitely become a legend. He hopes he can do it, and he is willing to fight for it.

"I trust you."

Lin Baicheng smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, the two of them stopped communicating, clinked glasses, separated, and went to talk to other people.

After Lin Baicheng and Buffett separated, Phil Smith and his wife walked towards Lin Baicheng with one person.

"Smith, Anna, and Mr. Nord."

When Lin Baicheng saw the three people approaching, he walked over and greeted them.

Lin Baicheng met the young white man in his thirties who was with Phil Smith and his wife once. That was when Phil Smith married Anna Nord Smith. Phil Smith introduced him to him at that time. He knew that the other person was Melo Nord, the brother of Anna Nord Smith.

Melo Nord is the eldest son of the Nord family, and will undoubtedly inherit the main industry of the Nord family in the future.

"Mr. Allen, long time no see."

Lin Baicheng shook hands with Melo Nord who extended his hand.

Phil Smith raised his glass to pay tribute to Lin Baicheng: "Alan, you are so willing to spend 35 million US dollars for charity at once."

"Mr. Allen is really a great philanthropist." Melo Nord echoed with emotion.

“It’s all for charity.”

Lin Baicheng shrugged: "Since I have the ability now, I should do something for charity."

Phil Smith shook his head: "No matter what, I can't do this, and I can't compare with you."

Lin Baicheng smiled when he heard this and said: "What are you competing with me for? As long as you have a heart, you can do charity, no matter how big or small it is."

"Alan is right."

Anna Nord Smith nodded and said to Phil Smith: "We can also do more good deeds."

"That's not a bad thing."

Phil Smith agrees and has no objections.

The four of them chatted for a long time before they separated.

Lin Baicheng knew that the Smiths brought Melo Nord here so that Lin Baicheng could meet Melo Nord and deepen his impression. After meeting him several times in the future, they would naturally connect with her.

The Nord family that Melo Nord belongs to is still quite powerful, and Lin Baicheng doesn't mind getting to know one more of these friends, there's no harm in doing it anyway.

However, the strength of the Nord family was not strong enough for Lin Baicheng to take the initiative to make friends with them, so Lin Baicheng chose to let nature take its course. It would be good to become friends in the future. It would be okay if there were no more opportunities to get acquainted, and he would have nothing to lose.

Things like the Rockefeller family and the Johnson family were different. Lin Baicheng was happy to take the initiative to get to know them.

From this point of view, Lin Baicheng is also very "disdainful", but this is very normal in shopping malls, and only a few people take the initiative to make friends with and support low-level people.

After separating from Phil Smith and the others, Lin Baicheng found someone else to chat with.

After that, Lin Baicheng went to see Jean Carter, who took him to meet unfamiliar Elephant Party officials and wealthy people. These people were invited by the Reagan team. With Jean Carter as the middleman, Lin Baicheng could get to know them faster. .

Regardless of whether these connections can be used in the future, it never hurts to get to know more people now. After all, they are a small group of people standing at the upper level of American society.

Speaking of which, through the Reagan team, Lin Baicheng met many important members of the Xiang Party and wealthy entrepreneurs. Although they didn't have much contact with them, they at least became familiar with them.

After the reception.

Lin Baicheng and the staff of the Cheng Charity Fund went to the charity fund's office in New York.

Star \u0026 Cheng Charitable Foundation is no different than a company. The office rents a floor of an ordinary office building, and the annual rent is also very high.

Most of the funds from the Star \u0026 Cheng Charitable Foundation are used for charity. If it buys or rents expensive office buildings, the media will report it, and the impact will definitely be bad. The outside world will think that the so-called charity is just a show, and the money is spent on employee enjoyment. superior.

Because of this, although Star \u0026 Cheng Charitable Foundation has money, the company's money cannot be spent on appearance, but on doing practical things.

Charitable funds, like enterprises, are also divided into various departments. At present, all departments of Star \u0026 Cheng Charitable Fund have been completed, and the number of employees has been recruited. The total number of employees in the company currently totals more than 30.

Charitable foundations will also recruit people in the future. What charity foundations want to recruit are volunteers, so it is not as easy as recruiting employees for companies. After all, not everyone is willing to generate electricity for love.

In fact, regarding the remuneration of employees of the charity fund, although they are unpaid volunteers, Lin Baicheng has decided that by the end of the year, he will give bonuses of varying amounts to employees based on their performance.

People who do good deeds should not get nothing, but should get more.

Lin Baicheng chatted with the employees at the charity fund. He respected these volunteers. No matter what they thought, as long as they were doing good things in action, they deserved respect.

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