Because he had doubts in his heart, when he looked at Shen Xinyan for several days, he couldn't restrain himself from thinking about her series of unusual actions that day.

Being seen by his eyes with a bit of inquiry, Shen Xinyan can feel it no matter how dull it is.

"Brother Lin has something to tell her mother?" Today, when there was no one else in the room, she simply asked.

Wei Chenglin touched his nose a little embarrassedly, knowing that it must be his inadvertent look in the past few days that his mother noticed.

He pursed his lips and thought about it, and decided to honestly ask the doubts in his heart.

"How did the mother know that the father was going to have an accident? So she chased after him regardless."

Shen Xinyan's heart tightened, and she tightened the veil unconsciously, and suddenly realized that she probably underestimated this child. Although he is still young, his intelligence has reached the point that people cannot ignore it. level.

"Probably had such a similar dream a few days ago, dreaming that your father had an accident in the weather with the first snow, so he has been brooding, and that day happened to be the beginning of the year again It snowed once, and your father chose to go out on that day."

"Although the dream may not be credible, it is only about your father's life, I would rather believe it than not believe it. Even if it is wrong, it is just a waste of time However, if you really miss the opportunity because of your own disbelief, and thus make your father... that will be irreversible in life."

She calmed down and answered slowly.

"Mother encountered such a similar thing in her dream?" Wei Chenglin's eyes widened.

Shen Xinyan still had doubts when she saw him, she knew that these words did not convince him, but she couldn't tell him the real reason, she could only bite the bullet and continue to fool.

Said, "Have you ever heard of twin children, one side feels uncomfortable, and the other feels the same? I think it's somewhat similar to my dream."

She remembered that her pair of grandchildren, the dragon and the phoenix, were like this in her previous life. If one felt uncomfortable, the other would do the same.

Wei Chenglin frowned and didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he asked again: "Father and mother husband and wife have cultivated a tacit understanding with each other for many years, and have reached the point of spiritual communication. The mother and the child are also Why haven't mothers and sons been like this for many years?"


"Is that so?" Wei Chenglin blinked his clear eyes, although he still felt strange, but who made him so young, without a 'wife' who has supported each other for many years, naturally he couldn't tell what she said. True and false.

"Of course it is!" Shen Xinyan's face was full of sincerity, "If it wasn't like this, could it be possible that I could figure out that your father would suffer this disaster? Or do I have the ability to predict the future? ?"

Wei Chenglin thinks it makes sense.

Maybe couples who have supported each other for many years will really have a heart-to-heart connection, and one party can perceive the misfortune that the other party may encounter in advance!

"It turned out to be like this. Fortunately, my mother had a dream of such a warning in advance, and my father could escape this time." Thinking of the danger at that moment, Wei Chenglin couldn't help but be afraid.

If the mother did not predict in advance, the father would be afraid of his life this time.

"Yes, yes, it's fortunate that I had such a dream." Having deceived her son, Shen Xinyan was always a little uncomfortable, and tried her best to maintain her superficial calm, so that he would not see anything different.

I don't know if he believes it or not. In the end, this time, it's barely a trick, but in the future, I can't take it lightly. And the heart is not to be underestimated.

Wei Junhang, who was outside the curtain, stroked his chin in thought.

Although Mrs.'s words are to deceive the child, but for some reason, he sounds so comfortable!

The husband and wife have been in touch with each other for many years. These words are said from the husband's mouth, which is really sweet as honey.

After all, he is very clear that these two people will never harm him, maybe all this is really just a coincidence.

Limited by his status, he has too many opportunities to doubt others in this life, and he does not want to treat his relatives in the same way. Doubt, or leave it to outsiders!

However, hearing the lady's explanation, whether it's true or false, he would rather accept the honey-filled answer of 'heart connection'.

In the house, Shen Xinyan was afraid that her son would be entangled in this problem again, so she quickly changed the subject and said, "His Royal Highness was injured a few days ago, but now he is cured?"

Wei Chenglin shook his head: "It hasn't healed yet. The boy only visited him yesterday, but he felt it was more serious than he looked at a few days ago. I fell asleep. Now the imperial concubine is so worried that she almost stayed and took care of him herself."

"It's just that I caught a cold and caught a cold. I found it in time. There are so many excellent doctors in the palace, but they haven't been cured yet?" Shen Xinyan was suspicious.

"Because of His Highness's illness, His Majesty has also lost his temper several times. The maids and eunuchs around His Highness have all lost their temper, and the eunuchs are also frightened. For fear of accidentally causing trouble, I would be more cautious with medication."

"My son thinks, His Highness has been ill for a long time, and there is a reason for it!" Wei Chenglin replied slowly.

Thinking about it, Longyan will be furious because he is too worried, so he is more cautious. The most common prescriptions have to be considered with each other. Isn't this going back and forth to delay the disease?

Shen Xinyan didn't expect him to say such a thing, and looked at him with some surprise.

"Brother Lin has been in the palace for a while, but he has gained a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth."

Wei Chenglin pursed his lips, showing a somewhat shy smile: "Mother is joking."

"As expected of my son, Wei Junhang, he can think so clearly at a young age. It shows that your grandfather and Mr. Lu's painstaking efforts for many years have not been in vain!" Wei Junhang listened outside. After a while, he finally couldn't help laughing and walked in, with a proud expression on his face.

"Father..." Seeing him come in, Wei Chenglin hurried forward to meet him.

Wei Junhang looked at him approvingly: "Good boy, you have grown up!"

"The child has grown up long ago!" Wei Chenglin stiffened his chest and looked serious.

Wei Junhang laughed: "Yes, my son has grown up!"

After a pause, he deliberately asked him: "You are the only one in the palace to enter and leave the palace. From your point of view, what is the situation in the palace now?"

Wei Chenglin thought about it for a while, and replied seriously: "Since the imperial concubine returned to the palace, His Highness's status in the palace has risen rapidly, and His Majesty has paid more and more attention to him, and the palace has already fainted. There is a saying that 'His Majesty will establish the eldest son of the emperor as the crown prince'."

"It's just that the Empress is still on top of the Noble Concubine. Since the last time Concubine Shu was reprimanded, she has been locked out of the house. Even the Second Highness has been silent for a lot, but she went to the Queen. The number of times of greetings in the Empress's Palace is very good. The boy thinks that although the concubine and the highness are now in the same body, they have also directly or indirectly pushed people who have conflicts of interest with them together."

Wei Junhang and Shen Xinyan looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Especially Shen Xinyan, although she knows that her son is very good when she grows up, she has never made a mistake in the errands he does, and every time it is done beautifully, and because of this, In his last life, he could quickly gain a firm foothold in the court, so that people would not dare to underestimate him.

However, she didn't have a chance to see what her son was like in the previous life before provoking the responsibility of the mansion.

"The boy believes that grace is a double-edged sword, and there is never such a good thing as being favored without complaining. Since it is unavoidable, then you can only try to stand higher , to a level where those people have no choice but to complain." Wei Chenglin's voice was still a little childish, but what he said taught people not to underestimate.

Wei Junhang stared at him for a long time, until the little boy touched his nose uncomfortably, and moved behind Shen Xinyan as if no one noticed.

Father's eyes are so strange...

After a while, Wei Junhang burst into a burst of hearty laughter, which was full of joy and pride that could not be concealed.

Well, with Brother Lin here, even without me, the British government can still regain its former glory! It's not worth his father's hard work for many years.

At this moment, he gave birth to a pride of being a father.

"You can think of this floor, my father is very happy, only in the future you will walk in the palace and be careful. As you said, now His Royal Highness has become the most eye-catching presence in the palace , others can't, and don't dare to do anything to him, but you, who are with His Royal Highness all day, will not have any scruples." After the laughter, Wei Junhang warned.

"Father, rest assured, the child knows what he has in mind, and the concubine and the Highness will also protect the child, and the child is not the kind of person who can be easily bullied!" Wei Chenglin was full of confidence.

Wei Junhang smiled and suddenly felt that maybe he had to find an opportunity to make this kid suffer. It's not a good thing for life to be too smooth. You have to suffer a loss to have a long memory and a smoother road in the future.

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