Sin and Virtue System

2 2. God…Huh?

2 God…Huh?

"I want to be a demon," the boy repeated, his eyes filled with determination.

"Are 'YOU' sure?" the voice inquired once again.

"Yes, I am sure. I want to be a demon," the boy firmly stood by his words.

"Very well. I hope you achieve great success, my *Beep*," the voice uttered, with the last word being censored for some reason.

Once again, the boy lost consciousness.


[POV shifted to first person]


I opened my eyes, regaining consciousness after what felt like an eternity.

For the first time in ten years, I could perceive the world with both of my eyes. However, my elation was short-lived.

"Khuh! Ugh!"

I expelled some liquid from my mouth, feeling a wave of dizziness engulfing me. There was an unfamiliar weight pressing against my chest, making me feel disoriented. My malnourished body had never experienced such heaviness. While I had always felt weak, this newfound sensation of weight was alien to me.

"What is this?" I pondered, noticing an object connected to my chest within my field of vision. The answer swiftly dawned on me as I recognized the object.

'A sword.'

Although the hilt and blade appeared worn and the sword itself seemed dull, it had unmistakably impaled my chest.

'Someone has pierced a sword through my chest.'

With that realization, my hands instinctively moved, gripping the sword's handle as I pulled it out.


As soon as I removed the sword, a torrent of black-colored liquid gushed forth from my chest.


I screamed, overwhelmed by the excruciating pain. It was a sensation I had never experienced before. However, the torment proved fleeting.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, the flow of blood ceased. Though a scar from the sword remained, it no longer bled.

"Ha... huff..."

I struggled to catch my breath. The situation remained enigmatic, leaving me searching for answers.

I wished to pose questions like "What's going on here?" or "What the hell is this place?" akin to protagonists in novels, but my throat seemed uncooperative.


There was no sound, no presence I could discern. I promptly began piecing together my memories, desperately attempting to comprehend the situation.

I soon recalled my death back on Earth. Memories flooded back into my consciousness.

"The year 2022, September 5, the Asian continent, country: India... but I can't recall the city or state, nor do I remember my name from that time," my thoughts flowed instinctively. I was attempting to make sense of the situation, or rather, I was examining the log of those memories.

At some point, every trauma I had endured resurfaced in my mind. However, there were discrepancies. My memories appeared distorted.


To compound my burdens, I was struck by yet another shock.

Once again, excruciating pain engulfed me, but this time it was my brain that suffered. The sensation was sharp and sudden, rendering me unable to utter a scream. "Just what is going on?" I questioned myself, clutching my head as I writhed on the ground. My thoughts grew hazy, and my body involuntarily came to a halt. As the pain began to subside, a memory flashed before my eyes.


"You! You bastard!!!"

A man stood before me, his voice thundering with anguish. Tears streamed down his face as he grappled with some deep torment. With blue hair, pale skin, and violet eyes, he stood at a height of approximately 5 feet 11 inches, I estimated. "If this person were on Earth, they could have become an actor or even a model," I mused silently. For some inexplicable reason, this place bore no resemblance to Earth. I had a hunch about what might have happened to me, but I kept my suspicions to myself.

"I will kill you!!!!"

Snapping me out of my stupor, the same man bellowed once more. "He can barely stand, yet he's shouting about killing me. What a noob," I scoffed, eyeing him with disdain. "We haven't even met before. Why is he attacking me?" Confusion clouded my mind. Despite my unappealing appearance, he could have simply ignored me. There was no need for him to come shouting, "I will kill you!" upon encountering someone who didn't meet his standards.


I uttered my first words, a contemptuous snort in response to his threat. Dodging his attacks came effortlessly to me. "This guy fights the same way as those street brawlers," I observed. He possessed neither technique nor strength; he merely swung his blunted sword recklessly.

"Huff... huff... you... lowly... demon! What if I can't kill you in this state-"

He shouted but abruptly halted midway. His eyes revealed a hint of something—fear. Yes, he feared me for some reason. That's when I realized that my body was growing hotter.

"T-That killing intent... ugh..."

Was I inadvertently emanating a murderous aura? No, I hadn't even taken him seriously. Why was he cowering now? I truly didn't comprehend.

"Ha... ha... what you called me!"

My body temperature skyrocketed at an alarming rate. I felt... anger. I contemplated which part of his words had incited my fury. Was it being referred to as "lowly"? Or the term "demon"? Perhaps both? However, my introspection was short-lived.

My fangs extended, and a crimson hue tinted my eyes. Driven by an overpowering rage, I lunged at the man before me.

"I will kill him!"

That thought consumed me, preventing me from noticing something crucial. There was a fleeting grin on the man's face. The moment I caught sight of that smirk, my body trembled, and my survival instincts urged me to retreat. Yet, I was too consumed by my anger to hold back any longer. Positioning my right hand, which had inexplicably transformed into a claw-like appendage, near my chest, I readied myself to snap that despicable individual's neck.

At that very moment, a woman's voice reached my ears. "Holy Chains!" My legs were ensnared by peculiar chains, and in the next instant, the man uttered something. "See you in the afterlife, filthy demon!!!" He thrust the tip of his sword toward my throat. However, just as it neared my vulnerable neck, I shifted my weight and leaped, causing the sword to penetrate my chest instead. "And it worked. Good job, myself!" I mentally applauded. Strangely, I felt it was safer to endure the attack in my chest rather than my throat. Despite being thrown off balance, my swift reflexes had saved my life, altering the trajectory of the strike. My heart remained unharmed; I would only suffer some blood loss. Gradually, my consciousness began to fade once more, yet I felt no pain despite the sword lodged in my chest. Before succumbing to darkness, a sight caught my weakening gaze.

"W-We did it... Luna... We have purged some filth. God will save our souls. We are definitely... g-going to... heave-..."

With a thud, the handsome man collapsed onto the ground, his words interrupted. The woman lying beside him was lifeless, having met the same fate. Before my eyes closed, one final thought lingered in my mind.

"God, huh?"

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