Sin and Virtue System

84 84. Unknown lands. [1]

84. Unknown lands. [1]

It was a sunny day and the forest was alive with activity. Birds were chirping, rabbits were jumping, and deer were running. In the midst of it all, a man was calmly cutting wood in the forest.

Crac-Crack. Dhump.

Crac-Crack. Dhump.

The man's build was masculine, but he lacked an arm. Despite this, it didn't seem to be a problem for him. He held a small axe in his right hand and moved with a calm rhythm that showed how focused he was.

Crac-Crack. Dhump.

Crac-Crack. Dhump.

He cut branches one after the other, sweating but never taking his eyes off the task. The birds hummed in the trees with the wind.

"Haaa..." The man breathed deeply as he reached for a cloth to wipe his sweat.

"Master, you should not do things like this! Leave this to Lisa or me!" A pink-haired girl approached the man and said.

"Anna, stop whining. It is the only job I can do to help you all," the man replied.

"Logan, why don't you listen to her?" A blonde woman said.

"Oh, Lara, you're back?" Logan asked.

"Yes, you should rest, you know?" Lara said as she scanned Logan from top to bottom with her eyes.

"I think I'm fine now-" Logan raised a thumb to answer, but suddenly he stopped.

He clenched his chest as an unavoidable wave of pain passed through his body. His eyes widened, and his pupils shrunk.

"Logan!" "Master!" Lara and Anna reacted at the same time.

"Tsk, this is happening again." Logan saw the two running toward him before he drowned in a deep sleep.


[Logan's POV]

Over the past few months, I've had a serious problem. First was my death on Earth, then my insanity in this world, the fight with that man, then those nightmares, and now this. It all started when I teleported to these unknown lands.

I still remember how it all began.


After my fight with Kevin, I teleported to this unknown place. As a demon, my recovery rate should be top-notch. Even regenerating an arm was not a problem until...

"Master, we have bad news," Lisa said.

"This place blocks demonic energy, right?" I completed the sentence for her.

Yet, it was not the worst problem.

<Demon core damage: 58%>

More than half of my core had been broken. I was close to death.

But the problems didn't stop there.

"System...?" I called, but there was no answer.

Except for a single option, nothing was visible.

My stats, inventory, shop, upgrades, Evil points...nothing.

"Why is it all blank all of a sudden?" I questioned but got no answer.

However, the one option that I saw for the first time was "Body condition...?"

Immediately, a figure of a human body appeared in front of me.


Health: 10


<Body Status>:

Skin: Charred.

Skull: A major and three minor hairline fractures in the skull bone.

Arms: Left arm missing.

Legs: Minor injuries.



"Broken ribs, dislocated knee, and the final blow, a broken core. Haa..." I sighed.

It was better than permanent death but similar to dying every day.

"No quests, no side quests, no rewards...just what happened to the system?" Although I continued searching, the truth was evident to me.

"The system must have paid some price for interfering with my life."

Ever since my eyes opened and in those dreams when I was asked about my desire, I gained a part of my intelligence back. This must be the reason. I did not panic and tried to get out of this situation with utmost clarity.

"It's better this way." For better or worse, this situation was not that bad. Time passed, a day, one week, and now three weeks. It took me three entire weeks to heal the basic injuries. Thanks to the healing potions in my storage ring. The stamina potions I used during sex were now used to survive. Time surely changes. Grieving was not an option.

There were other problems too. "Where is Ilisha?" I remembered the silent cat woman. She never mixed with the trio, but her existence was no joke. She was a strong-willed cat woman. Sadly, we were not able to find her. According to Lisa and Anna, when we were blinded in the white light (teleported) and landed in this unknown forest, Ilisha was not there. It was only four of us. Though we searched for her, we could not find her. The girls were far better than me at handling this situation. We lost everything that we had a few days ago. The mansion, an army, and power.

"Why do I feel restricted every time I try some demon magic art?" Lisa said in a frustrated voice. She wanted to use healing magic on me, however, some natural force restricted our demonic energy. The only good thing was the abundant mana and its accessibility. Because of that, we weren't in danger.

"You don't have to worry for me, Lisa." I looked into the sky, "I am fine-"

"No, you are not!" For the first time in three weeks, Lara spoke. Her voice echoed through the forest. Currently, we were working on creating a shelter out of the soil since Lara had the magic required to create a shelter.

"What happened, Lara?" Anna popped out of nowhere. She was always on guard.

'Looks like there will be an argument now.' Lara's eyes filled with tears. "Do you even know! Do you sniff even know? You were sleeping there for an entire week after we came here!" Lara shouted. Her tantrum wasn't wrong, and I felt the worry in those eyes.

"How can you say you are fine when you are not?!" The tears kept falling down her cheek. 'She is a demon, yet she is behaving like a human.' I said in my mind.

"Master… Can't you trust us? Can't you let us do some things?" Lara looked me in the eyes. Her injuries were not completely healed either, but she still worked hard. To guard me, to treat me… She gave her best. Yet, I…

"Stop it, Lara." Lisa intervened.

"Why are you stopping me, Lisa? You feel the same, don't you?" Anna did not stop her either.

Lara got close to me. Her eyes stared daggers at me. "You've changed master… No… Logan."

Eh? I looked at Lara and then realized something. 'She called me by my name?'

"Shocked?" Lara said. Her eyes never waver. "Our demonic energy is not working here." She answered, and then a thought hit me. 'If my miasma is not working on them… Does that mean my control over them…?' My eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, you are right." She said. "I am no more under your control. Neither Lisa nor Anna." Lara's reveal shocked me to the core.

"Does that mean…?" My eyes wandered over all of them.

'How..?' I had done so many things with them. I had sexually tortured them, used them like servants, tormented them… Converted them into demons without their wills, and still, they don't resent me? Impossible. How could they stay loyal to me? 'Right now, I can be killed even by a first-circle monster!'

"Master Logan, you are forgetting something." Lisa broke the silence.

"You did convert us into demons. However, you never controlled our emotions. We knew everything from the day we were corrupted," Lisa continued.

"It's just that you never questioned our loyalty. Nor did we express it," Lisa paused briefly.


'After all, to me, you were all just sex slaves. It was only when the system did something to beat some sanity into my mind that I got to know your worth.' I wanted to say this, but,

"Don't widen your eyes anymore… They will fall." Anna joked.

"I will be calling you Logan from now on… You are younger than me after all." Lara was sulky, and it was inevitable.

My heart was beating wildly. I didn't know how to react.

Lisa and Anna had their strengths, yet they did not harm me. But they worked together to save me.

But I wanted to know what they wanted to do.

Since the system was not responding, it was unsure whether the items from the system would work anymore or not.

"I-I Kheuk!" Just when I was expressing myself, an excruciating wave jerked my body.

"Master!" It was then that this problem started. I fainted whenever this painful wave washed over my body. Today was the same.

I did not understand the reason behind this, but I knew one thing: these unknown lands must have something to do with me.

I wasn't wrong.

The secrets in these lands, the monsters lurking in the shadows, and the things happening to me right now, they all were…

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" I opened my eyes abruptly. There was a shade of grass above me. I was distracted by the burning noise of the fire.

"L-Logan! You are finally awake! Lisa!" Lara cried and called Lisa.

"Huh? Master is awake?" Anna was surprised and jumped for joy.

"Lara, what happened? Why did-" Lisa stopped speaking abruptly. Her eyes teared.

It was a signature move of these girls. Whenever they saw me waking, they would cry as if I was waking up from a deathbed.

"You've been sleeping for over a week, Logan." Lara broke the news to me.

Another week passed, and I was unable to do even the easy tasks.

I understood one thing. Fainting because of those painful waves was far more serious and troublesome than I thought.

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