Sin and Virtue System

90 90. Interlude: Dark Elf, Pure Bloodline, and the Virtuous Woman.

90. Interlude: Dark Elf, Pure Bloodline, and the Virtuous Woman.

Name: Danika.

Age: 300 years old.

Status: Current Dark Elf queen.

Nature: A strict and mature woman.

Personality: Extravagant and a demeanor suitable for a queen.


However, Danika's everyday life after entering this world has been completely different.

"Oh great Mother Arulia, I wish the prosperity of this land and the removal of your curse. Please bestow your blessings upon your children."

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The Dark Elf kingdom was situated inside a pocket realm created by the [World Tree]. Having spent over a hundred years ruling over this kingdom, Danika's subordinates had become her companions. Due to her close relationship with her subordinates, Danika struggled to assert her queenly authority when someone like Logan trespassed in their realm.

"Haah!" With a sigh, she shook her head. Thoughts of that man were colluding in her mind.

"What should I do? Ugh!" She threw her worries aside and asked her maids to prepare for a bath. It was a better way to run away from problems.

Her maids filled a wooden tub with hot water, large enough to fit two more people inside. It was a luxurious once-in-a-month bath; these baths were stress relievers. Otherwise, she would bathe in the river.

But since Logan's arrival, she had been taking these often. All the things that had happened until now were too sudden for her.

Logan's sudden appearance made her wary of him. He reminded her of a High Elf's dirty tactic to enter their realm. That humanoid still haunted her. A thousand Dark Elves had died that day.

She removed her silky robes. Her shiny cocoa-colored skin was revealed, still smooth and beautiful. Logan represented a glimmer of hope for her, but she couldn't bring herself to fully trust him.

Many Dark Elves that left the realm to collect information about the outside world never returned. There was also the problem of the population of Dark Elves as well: while at least 30 Elves were dying every year, there were no Elves born. This reduced their population drastically.

Danika's bath was filled with rose petals and a cute fragrant soap put on a tree leaf.

Her long gray hair flowed to her buttocks. She poured the first bucket of cold water on her head and let all of her fatigue wash away. The cold water dripped from her hair to toe. Her long eyelashes flustered, and her red eyes glistened as she looked at her reflection in the water.

As she raised her hand to touch her face, she felt the smoothness of her skin and traced the contours of her features. Her eyes, while large, held a sincerity that drew others in. Framing them were long, fluttering eyelashes that added a touch of femininity to her appearance. Her nose, though small, fit perfectly on her face, and her sharp jawline gave her a sense of strength and determination. And finally, her long, pointed ears stood out as a distinguishing feature, a clear indication of her Elven heritage.

Her hands moved down. She touched her slender neck. Her body was voluptuous but physically fit, with big yet firm breasts. When she breathed, those breasts heaved up and down. Like a cherry on the top, there were pink perky nipples over those mountains. Toned abs and hard buttocks, it was proof of her hard work and hardships.

Her attention moved downwards, to her pubic area. Her heart raced but she shook her head. Moving forward, she noticed her thick thighs and long legs.

"Haah." She sighed.

This was Danika, the queen of the Dark Elves.

Danika slowly rubbed soap on her body, touching every inch of her skin. The Dark Elves were the only race that accepted her people and referred to them as the "Warrior Race." Danika sighed softly with her apple-red lips as thoughts kept coming to mind.

After thoroughly washing herself with soap, Danika submerged herself in the wooden tub. The water was crystal clear, like her flawless skin. She looked at her reflection in the water with her deep red eyes, and her train of thought that she had tried to abandon resurfaced. Danika splashed water on her face in frustration until her eyes turned red. "I hate colors!" she shouted before submerging herself again. If it wasn't for the colors, she would still be living happily with her family in the Kingdom, Silverhaven.

Danika didn't find the peace she was looking for in the bath, so she let her naked body drip dry in the fresh air for a bit before getting dressed. Her hair was still damp when she sat in her study and opened a book called [The Curse of Purebloodline], following her Aunt's teachings. She sat on a cushioned wooden chair at a reading table and began reading the book, which was divided into three parts.

Chapter I: The World Tree

In ancient times, Elves lived in a community on trees and had a special connection to nature. They were devoted to serving the World Tree, the tree that connected multiple realms. The Elves were responsible for guarding the offspring of the World Tree, and they had a unique physical appearance, including short height, long and pointed ears, big eyes, and a small nose. This marked the beginning of the Elven Era, a time when the Elves were stunningly beautiful and blessed with an innate talent for magic that was more natural and pure than any other race. The World Tree was the heart of the powers bestowed on the Elves, and every Elf was born with an affinity for Nature, which they could easily wield. However, this added the sin of Pride to their behavior.

As time passed, the Elves evolved. They grew taller to climb bigger trees, and their long ears shortened a bit so they didn't feel entirely out of place among other living creatures. The greatest gift of their evolution was the ability to wield more than one affinity. The next generation carried Holy magic affinity as well, marking the golden period of the evolution of the Elven bloodline. 

However, physical strength was also required, and when the Prideful Elves ignored this necessity, the World Tree intervened. Another side of the evolution appeared on the face of Ventra: a new type of Elf that was void of Holy magic affinity and was gifted with physical strength. As they were devoid of Holy magic affinity, this caused a change in their appearance and physical attributes, including dark skin, taller height, and stronger physique. These Elves were called the Dark Elves.

Many Prideful elders did not appreciate this change, as they believed it went against their people's natural order and traditions. They argued that the purity of the bloodline was essential for maintaining their special abilities, gifts, and status as guardians of the World Tree's offspring. The phrase "The bloodline must remain pure" meant that the Elves were forbidden from mating with regular Elves to maintain the lineage's purity. They feared allowing such interbreeding could weaken the bloodline and diminish their connection to nature. This put the Dark Elves at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Those with pure bloodlines were called "High Elves," while those with no social status were called "Wood Elves." The Dark Elves were treated very poorly by society and were recognized as brutes and filth because of their physical appearance.

They were also kept away from education. 

As time passed, things turned darker for the Dark Elves when the boundaries of their kingdom, Silverhaven, opened for every race, including Humans, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Nagas, and more. Every race was curious about the Elven civilization and visited the Elven Kingdom, but the Dark Elves were discriminated against, even by their race. They were traded all over the kingdom for various purposes, including slaves, prostitutes, cannon fodder, sacrificial lambs, and living toys. 

"You are all slaves!"

"Filth of the Elven Empire!"

"Pftt~ They are Elves yet they can't use Holy magic? How shameful!"

"Their bodies are so sinful~ A night and I can make her pregnant!" These were the remarks given to the Dark Elves by all other races.

There were even rumors that Dark Elf meat increased nature affinity and improved physical strength tenfold. The peaceful villages of the Dark Elves were invaded, and regardless of age or gender, they were all butchered mercilessly. This incident angered the other communities of Dark Elves, and they revolted, some contracting with devils and demons to let the High Elves have a taste of their own medicine.

Chapter II [Blood Bath and Humanoids].

Danika couldn't read the records of the past anymore, as she had witnessed the burning of the colonies of Dark Elves living on trees, leaving a deep scar on her heart. They were branded as traitors by the elven society. Danika didn't trust the chosen one but hoped he could help get rid of the curse. She looked down at her naked body, with the curse of Arulia above her pubic area, and searched for a way to break the curse. She continued reading:

The [World Tree] provided a realm to the remaining Dark Elves, which prohibited any intruder, especially males. Only the queen's permission or the rift could allow entry. The previous Dark Elf Queen had done this but died in the humanoid invasion by the High Elves. The curse of Arulia prevented any male from breeding in this realm, leaving only female Dark Elves inside. 

The High Elves had miraculous technology because of their friendship with the dwarves, known as Humanoids. In the past, a similar humanoid disguised as a male Dark Elf from the prophecy was permitted inside the realm. Once it won everyone's trust, it ran havoc, straight up killing nearly a thousand Dark Elves, leaving only the last generation surviving due to the sacrifice of the previous queen.

Danika couldn't hold back her tears. She remembered how their peaceful life was crushed by a thing that wasn't even a living creature.

"But he is alive," she thought. She couldn't trust Logan, but there was no other option. Although it hurt their pride to let her race breed with a human and produce half-elves, it was still better than letting her race go extinct.

Danika was unsure whether Logan would be able to fulfill the trial and subdue the curse of Arulia. But she had no choice. It was either wait for another hundred years or let Logan appear for trials.

This was a bet she was willing to take. If not now, then her race will extinct anyway. If she let her fears interfere with the prophecy, she couldn't forgive herself ever again.

Danika could feel the surge in her emotions. Her body heated and her blood boiled as she remembered his words.

"For revenge, huh?" Though she was a virtuous woman, her saturated thought process was altered by a man called Logan.

The virtuous woman had no idea of the hurricane that Logan's arrival would bring to her life.

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