Sin and Virtue System

97 97. First step into the unknown: Arboreal Balls. [1]

97. First step into the unknown: Arboreal Balls. [1]

"The Queen should reconsider her decision," Louise grumbled while sifting through a stack of papers.

"Ma'am, you should be cautious of that man. His behavior is unpredictable," Sylvia, who was kneeling beside her, warned.

"Continue with the report," Louise ordered in her usual cold voice.

"He rarely speaks, and his actions are difficult to interpret. He often gazes into the air, muttering something that only he can hear. And then there's his arrogance. I can't fathom where it stems from." Sylvia reported, handing a leaf from her bosom pocket to Louise.

After studying the leaf intently for a moment, Louise remarked, "Hmm... This is surprising. He possesses no magical abilities whatsoever. How did he manage to survive the wilderness training grounds? I fail to comprehend why the Queen still allows him to reside here. He should have been expelled by now." Louise stamped the document and passed it back.

"Even I was taken aback, ma'am. The way he carries himself with arrogance and haughtiness, I assumed he must have some power to support it," Sylvia continued her report.

"E-except for his rod, I'm certain he possesses nothing," Sylvia blushed as she spoke. She had already provided a detailed account of how Logan would ignore her and engage in debauchery within the house provided to him. Nowadays, even the elves from the neighborhood would discreetly peek in while he was at it.

Meanwhile, Louise seethed with anger upon hearing Sylvia's report on Logan. Her previous encounter with Logan had been bizarre in every sense. When she had intended to torture him to death, she ended up being showered in his despicable acts. In her entire life as an Elven general, she had never felt so humiliated or experienced such defeat. Her ego as the general of the Dark Elf Kingdom's army had hit rock bottom that day. She refused to accept such a fate.

"So, ma'am, are you going to act as the guardian of that lascivious dog?" Sylvia asked with uncertainty.


"I have no other choice! I'm not doing this for any other reason!" Louise threw her pen onto the wooden table and shouted.

"Hieek!" Sylvia shrieked and scurried toward the door in fear.

"The queen has personally commanded me," Louise calmed down a little and continued. "Besides, I see this as an opportunity." She clasped her hands together and a blossomed smile adorned her face.

"That lecherous bastard will eventually make a mistake, and when he does, I'll have a valid reason to execute him." Sylvia gulped, realizing the true danger her superior presented.

"Okay." She was taken aback by her madam's sinister plan.

"Although I must say... He was able to pass the Council Hall's trial. It wouldn't be a problem for me to teach him a lesson." Louise revealed her true sentiments.

"I, too, was taken aback by the outcome. It's not just his lack of magical potential that surprises me, but the fact that he is also missing an arm. Frankly, I had anticipated his demise the moment he stepped into the trial," Sylvia added.

"Indeed, indeed," Louise nodded and looked at the leaf once again. "But what's the deal with these absurd strength points?" She touched the leaf, and a holographic image appeared before them.


Name: Logan Wayne

Race: Human (?)

Strength: 200

Intelligence: 450

Dexterity: 60

Speed: 160

Overall Combat Prowess: Moderate

Magic: Null

Mana: (?) Can Wield

Health: 42/100

Summary: Excessively weak, possesses mana manifestation and circuits, but no conversion into magic. Imbalanced statistics, potentially close to death.


"He somehow wields mana but has no magic," Louise contemplated. "That's like having teeth but being unable to eat," Sylvia commented.

"He and his group are just too bizarre. What's with that question mark after 'human'? Is the World Tree unable to confirm their race?" Louise voiced her thoughts aloud.

"This is also the first time someone has acquired the white gem from-" Louise suddenly halted.

"What's the matter, ma'am?" Sylvia inquired.

"Nothing. Disregard it. You may leave and continue reporting everything," her cold aura abruptly returned.

Once Sylvia had departed, Louise's body trembled. A chill ran down her spine as a thought crossed her mind. This was the first time a man had entered their realm, surpassing all the barricades set by the World Tree. Not only that, but his race was also questionable.

Louise tapped on the wooden table. 'If he is indeed the chosen one from the prophecy, then our future is already doomed.' Louise clutched her head as memories of Logan's torment and her humiliation resurfaced.

"Arghh! I don't want to accompany them!" Louise's thunderous roar made Sylvia yelp in surprise outside. "I will teach that dog a lesson that will be his last!!" Louise's evil smile, accompanied by tears in the corners of her eyes, gleamed. The glint in her wild eyes foretold a dark future for Logan.


[Logan's POV]

A few days had passed as we prepared for our first mission. The elves were kind enough to provide us with accommodation and food twice a day.

During these past few days, I had completely ceased my sexual activities. It was for the greater good.

The bracelet given to us by the elves proved to be incredibly useful. Not only did it display our health condition in terms of "Hitpoints," but it also revealed that I had the lowest hitpoints at the moment.

"Master, you must refrain from any activities that could jeopardize your health," Anna was the first to point out.

As a team, we were able to view each other's stats, which unintentionally sparked a sense of competition among us.

However, the primary concern at the moment was my deteriorating health. I had also suffered a few concussions in the past few days.

A demon's core remained a true enigma. While mating presented no difficulties, it was an entirely different story when it came to work. Additionally, our first mission proved to be quite intriguing.


[First Mission: Arboreal Balls (x6)] I glanced at my bracelet, reading its contents.

Description: In the western part of the Kingdom resides a tribe known as the Arboreta. These formidable creatures, referred to as the Arboreta monsters, are giant tree beings renowned for their unique attributes and the precious resource they possess. Deep within the ancient forests, they make their home among towering trees that reach toward the heavens.

Guardians of a valuable treasure called Arboreal balls, the Arboreta monsters produce these mystical orbs only once every three years. These spheres hold immense power and play a vital role in the growth and prosperity of the surrounding flora. Emitting radiant energy, the Arboreal balls nourish the forest, ensuring its vitality and equilibrium.

Although generally peaceful and reclusive, the Arboreta monsters fiercely defend their harvest when it faces peril. When threatened, their dormant strength awakens, and they unleash formidable abilities to safeguard the Arboreal balls from harm. Their attacks stem from a deep instinct to preserve the delicate ecosystem they inhabit.

Engaging the Arboreta monsters is no trivial task, given their size and power, which pose a significant challenge. Their bodies, covered in bark, exhibit resilience, capable of enduring heavy blows and providing natural protection against external forces. Their colossal branches can be wielded as formidable weapons, dealing devastating blows to those who dare challenge them.

However, it is not solely their strength that makes the Arboreta monsters formidable adversaries. Their ability to sense and anticipate threats to their precious Arboreal balls empowers them to employ cunning strategies and coordinated attacks, overwhelming intruders.

Venturing into the territory of the Arboreta monsters requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and respect for the delicate balance of nature. Those seeking to acquire the highly sought-after Arboreal balls must be prepared to face the challenges posed by this ancient tribe, understanding that their encounters will determine not only their own fate but also the fate of the forest they inhabit.


"Wow, this information is incredibly detailed," Lara marveled.

Indeed, the level of detail was impressive.

"That's why I'll be the one keeping an eye on you." Out of nowhere, a short elf with a curvaceous figure interrupted.

"What are you staring at, piglet?" She shot me a disgusted look, her hands resting on her bosom.

This elf was petite, with fiery red hair and crimson eyes, accentuating her alluring curves. Her body possessed a seductive charm that could captivate any sane individual. Her attire was revealing, barely concealing her skin beneath the thin fabric. Her long skirt, slit at the side, occasionally exposed her bare thigh.

Her waist was slender, as delicate as if it might break at a touch.

She was Louise, the general of the Dark Elf army.

A person of such high status served as our guide for this mission.

My gaze fixated on the mole on her left breast.

"You horny dog!" I witnessed a slender and graceful leg swiftly approaching my head. I deftly evaded it and caught a fleeting glimpse of-




Logan's consciousness faded as Louise's kick abruptly landed on his chest.

Lisa, who had been observing the entire scene, was left speechless by Louise's actions.

She marveled at Louise's effortless ability to alter the trajectory of her kick, transitioning from a side kick to an axe kick.

No one rushed to help Logan as Louise glared at his lifeless body.

"Weak." Though she uttered those words, her eyes betrayed a sense of astonishment.

Louise was taken aback by Logan's resilience. Despite restraining herself, he had only lost 2 hitpoints from her kick, a remarkably low amount considering his meager hitpoint pool.

She had anticipated that he would at least writhe in pain and suffer greatly, if not die outright.

"Tsk." She clicked her tongue.

The red-haired, red-eyed elf was undeniably dangerous.

'Master needs to earn her trust if he wants to survive here.' All three women shared the same thought.

Everyone was convinced that Logan's behavior would eventually lead to his demise.

"You lot possess moderate strength. However, this mission is no laughing matter." Louise, being shorter than everyone else present, wore heels to match their height.

"The Arboreta tribe is perilous, extremely dangerous. Their strength lies in their unity." She continued, as the trio listened attentively. "The leader of the Arborets carries the Arboreal balls, which are produced once every three years." Louise tied her hair into a ponytail, with her short bangs covering her forehead.

"These Arborets are accompanied by their subordinates, and you must dismantle their defenses layer by layer." Louise may not have had much experience with men, but as an army general, she possessed the expertise befitting her rank.

"I know you're listening. Snap out of it before I kick your 'cock'." Her voice snapped Logan back to reality.

He had been intensely staring at her bare thighs while lying on the floor.

Louise had the immediate urge to kill him, but she restrained herself, for now. Although Logan showed no signs of fear, he sensed a foreboding if he pushed things any further. Thus, he got up.

"The Arboreal balls are crucial for many trees as they provide vitality and possess immense power that accelerates the growth of important plants." She responded and continued.

"Each Arboret produces two Arboreal balls. With this information, you now understand that you'll be raiding three such Arborets." Logan concluded that Louise was a wise woman.

"The greatest challenges you'll face involve acquiring the Arboreal balls without alerting the Arborets and escaping before they strike. They are ruthless towards thieves, sparing no one." Louise's gaze shifted towards Logan's left side, where his arm was missing.

(A/N: I hope we all are on the same page. With this chapter, the true beginning of the third volume starts. The missing part in the story called "Adventure" will be covered in this volume, and I hope that all of you will enjoy it.)

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