"Lin Qiye, if you are willing to leave all this matter to us, then we will definitely not let you down, so don't worry."

Lin Qiye breathed a sigh of relief when Shivaro, who was standing behind him, said these words.

As long as he can be the leader of these three people, he will feel relieved.

"I'm particularly relieved that the three of you will handle this matter. Besides, I've already discussed it with Cocolia and she has agreed."

The top decision-makers in the entire base agreed, so naturally they had no objections.

The three people left the room after asking all the precautions in detail.

Cocolia who came out of the inner room looked at Lin Qiye with wide eyes.

"Lin Qiye, when did you tell me? I didn't know from the beginning, how could you still lie to others?"

After hearing this, Lin Qiye scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Aren't I afraid that they won't believe me? With you, the credibility will be much higher."

"Don't worry, those three people are relatively safe in their work. Although Clara is usually very fussy, she will definitely take care of it if it is related to the people's livelihood issues in the entire base."

Clara naturally had no objection to the way Lin Qiye looked at people, and after hearing this, she nodded, and could only nod.

After all, the tasks have been assigned, and it is not easy for me to dismantle Lin Qiye now.

The people waiting in the field were a little unconvinced when they saw that Lin Qiye was not there.

"Why did Lin Qiye send you here? Does he think that we people are not worthy of his status, so he is unwilling to teach us in person?"

"Go and tell Lin Qiye to come in person. If he sends someone casually, we won't accept it."

"It's just impossible that he's in a relationship with the Great Guardian. Everything in the base must be in accordance with his wishes. We still have opinions."

"Indeed, if Lin Qiye doesn't come today, we won't go to the ground, we will all be waiting for him here."


Bronya saw these people in the base say such words and understood that they should be targeting Lin Qiye.

But they didn't expect that Lin Qiye would actually send them here, causing all these people's plans to fail.

Just when Bronya was still thinking of countermeasures, Clara was not used to these people at all.

After taking the corn seeds away from the hands of the people who just spoke, Clara clapped her hands with satisfaction.

"Since you don't want to plant it, then you can leave. Anyway, we didn't ask you to insist on growing this kind of corn. It's you who won't have anything to eat then, and it's not us. Let's leave quickly. Don't bother me here. Others teach.”

"It's impossible for Lin Qiye to come today. Didn't you say that you won't do it if Lin Qiye doesn't come? If it's not done right, I hope that no one in the entire base will be willing to plant. There are so many fields and there are so many leftovers. I’ll plant the seeds for a while and eat them when they’re harvested. Just eat more.”

Those people who were pretentious there just now obviously didn't expect that things would develop to this extent.

"Lin Qiye asked you to teach us. Is it possible that you have this attitude? If you are like this, then we will all go on strike today. I will see who you teach then."

Clara stood at the front of the crowd, glanced at everyone, and then spoke slowly and leisurely.

"I will give you a chance to choose. If there is a strike today, none of you will be able to get Lin Qiye's seeds in the future."

"And when we came here today, Lin Qiye also told us that from now on the planting work in the base will be handed over to the three of us. If you dare to anger me, I will not pass on any experience to you in the future. I see you have arrived How can we grow those things?"

Sure enough, Clara's words were indeed a full deterrent, and several people who were about to make a scene just now looked at each other in shock after hearing these words.

Those people in the crowd who were thinking of leaving were very glad that they had not made a sound just now.

"Klara, stop using chicken feathers as arrows here. Don't we still know your little thoughts? Don't you just want to tame us all, and then you can go to Lin Qiye to claim the credit? I can tell you Don’t even think about this kind of thing, don’t use us as a bargaining chip to claim credit, we can…”

"I didn't say I had to let you stay here. I gave you a chance to leave. If you continue to stay here shamelessly, what can I do?"

"I told you today that I did all these things for the betterment of the people in the base. I have no intention of taking credit for myself. If it were not for the sake of the entire base, even if Lin Qiye came here to beg me today, I would not do it. Don’t want to come.”

"This kind of shabby place, anyone can come here if they like. It's so hot that I almost peel off a layer of my skin."

"Are you really not going to plant it? If you don't plan to plant it, I'm going to go home and take my beauty sleep."

After Clara said these words, she was about to turn around and leave, but Bronya and Swaro also saw Clara's little thoughts, so they pretended to pull her.

"Clara, what are you kidding here? Everyone in our base is willing. Otherwise, how could we get up so early and come here."

"Stop joking with us now. It was just those ignorant people who wanted to mess around here. Don't be angry. We will all plant with you."

Finally hearing the answer she wanted, Clara stroked her sleeves.

"Wouldn't it be better if we said this earlier? Hurry up and follow me into the ground with the seeds. Everyone must plant the seeds today."

Lin Qiye and Cocolia, who were in the dark, were very satisfied after seeing this scene and nodded.

It seems that Lin Qiye chose to let Clara come with the two of them, which was indeed a good idea.

After all, only Clara can control these people here.

Just when everyone in the entire base was busy with farm work, suddenly there was news from the front that a fight was about to start.

Lin Qiye also didn't expect these people to move so fast. How long had it been since the last fight?

"Aren't those people recuperating? They have been engaged in endless wheel battles like this. Is it possible that there are a lot of food reserves in their base? Or is it because their population is larger than the population in our base that they are not afraid of death?"

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